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Well got back at about 2.30 in the morning last night, and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the con. Put some faces to names and played in some great games and playtests. My A/State game also went pretty well, even the player of the character who got beaten up by the rest didn't seem to mind at all :D

Anyway cheers to all the organizers and those who I played with, see you all at the next one hopefully.

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Well got back at about 2.30 in the morning last night, and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the con. Put some faces to names and played in some great games and playtests. My A/State game also went pretty well, even the player of the character who got beaten up by the rest didn't seem to mind at all :D

Anyway cheers to all the organizers and those who I played with, see you all at the next one hopefully.

Was this A/State using BRP or the native rules?

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I have had A/State for some time now but the system is not all that great.

What rules did you use generally and how did you go about converting weapons etc? Was it easy?

All I really had to do was rationalize the skill list and make a life path style character generation system that fitted the setting and use it to generate appropriate skills and so on. Weaponry pretty much translates directly EG: a Sparklock = 1 shot medium pistol, etc. the same for Armour.

I also added a Soc (social level) stat instead of EDU, which decides what background options you can move to depending on your PCs origins and original social class.

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Never got chance to play in the A/State BRP game, which is a shame. My BRP Sharpe games were well received again, which was great! Thanks to those of of you from this forum who took part. I may have some news concerning this in the coming weeks. When I do, I shall make an announcement here.

Nathan Baron

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Never got chance to play in the A/State BRP game, which is a shame. My BRP Sharpe games were well received again, which was great! Thanks to those of of you from this forum who took part. I may have some news concerning this in the coming weeks. When I do, I shall make an announcement here.

Rather shamelessly, the IOM contingent booked 50% of two BRP Sharpe sessions. We had a lot of fun and was one of the highligts for me at Continuum.

I've met Triff and Wolverine. Shame I couldn't meet Aikighost and the A-State game, but it clashed with Sharpe.

Looking forward to 2010 and hope to run some games of my own.

That should be enough lead time to design a 4 hour scenario with some pregens. I've been doing campaign play for so long, I don't know where to start.

Likes to sneak around


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