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A question about the glowline


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I'm reading about the glowline on p.184 in HeroQuest Glorantha, and I can't make sense of the rules for the Glowline.

Under the section The Lunar Cycle is say that within the Glowline, it's as if the moon is always Half Moon. Then a few lines below it say "Phase restrictions are independent of the Lunar Cycle". Doesn't that contradict the first statement?

If someone could write up some examples of all the phases and within/without Glowline maybe it will become clearer?

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No. One is about the power of the moon within the glow line, the other is about what the phases actually do. In other words you can't do more or less with a phase if the moon is at greater or lesser power. 


Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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The "Phase restrictions" thing is talking about stuff like "You can never/only use Moon Rune of Phase X to produce effects of type Y for fictional/spiritual reason Z." Those sort of things are always the case, whether inside the Glowline or out, no matter what phase the Moon is in.


Within the Glowline, the waxing and waning of lunar magical power is what is stabilized at its middle-point. You never get a boost, and you're never dampenned. No matter what phase the Moon is in, Lunar magic performs as if the Moon were half-full.

Edited by JonL
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Here is a reiteration of the info in HeroQuest Glorantha: 


Outside the Glowline

Inside the Glowline

Full Half

All glamours work normally as described in the HQG rules. 

All glamours work normally as described in the HQG rules. 

Crescent Go

All glamours are treated as stretches. If a glamour is already a stretch then it may not be cast. Augments may be used as normal.

All glamours work normally as described in the HQG rules. 

Dying Moon

Only augments may be used. 

All glamours work normally as described in the HQG rules. 

Black Moon

Only augments may be used. 

All glamours work normally as described in the HQG rules. 

Crescent Come

All glamours are treated as stretches. If a glamour is already a stretch then it may not be cast. Augments may be used as normal. 

All glamours work normally as described in the HQG rules. 

Empty Half

All glamours work normally as described in the HQG rules. 

All glamours work normally as described in the HQG rules. 

Full Moon

All stretch penalties are cancelled. Praise the Goddess! 

All glamours work normally as described in the HQG rules. 

and a clarification from page 407 in Paris GtA (on which the HQG rules are directly based):


It is worth repeating that the Phase restrictions are independent of the Lunar Cycle. A Lunar whose Moon Rune is tied to the Dying Moon still suffers penalties when the Red Moon is in the Dying Phase and benefits from when the Moon is Full.


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Search the Glorantha Resource Site: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com. Search the Glorantha mailing list archives: https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/

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