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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. On 6.12.2015, 22.07.08, Mankcam said:

    Well I'm good with all this, except I find it a bit raw referring to the next RQ as RQ4. RQ4 was MRQ, and MRQ2 was RQ5. Design Mechanism did the respectful thing of calling their independent edition RQ6. They even paid homage to RQ2 with a re-envisioning of the cover art, which was an excellent move. I think keeping that iconic artwork in some form will be good for the new game that DM put out, to help with product recognition, even if its a back cover or internal title page.

    RQ4, I actually have a copy of that game. Crunchy, but good. Never got published though, due to the RuneQuest Sex Cult scandal that followed...

    On 7.12.2015, 02.11.44, Mankcam said:

    I am happy that Design Mechanism will be freed up to follow other pusuits, such as the Mythic series and Luther Arkwright, but I just hope they dont lose any commercial identity in the rebranding.

    I think having the RuneQuest name was probably a big bonus when the system first got published, but now that people have seen the quality of their products I think DM will do just fine. Not having to publish under a license probably have its advantages too.

    • Like 4
  2. 12 hours ago, auyl said:

    It's a .jpg and is only 200 KB, but for some reason it tells me it can't go up. I don't know what's going on. It says on the bottom of my attachments part that it can't be bigger than 0.98 MB but it's not.

    That's weird. I've tried to tweak some settings. Could you try again and maybe email it to me [username]@outlook.com if it still doesn't work so I can troubleshoot it?

  3. So, we've had a few fixes added:

    Custom streams will now show unread content if that option is shown. Also, you can set an activity stream as your "default" which will create a shortcut button to that stream - open the stream and click to the right of the title of the stream to set it as default. I've done this with the unread content stream, but you can also do it with a custom stream.

    And a little setback:

    We were planning to quickly move all the content from the Glorantha.com forums to the forums here, but the migration tool for the software we're using has not been updated to the latest version. It's being worked on, but we're not sure when it will be ready. So it will be moved, but the move have been postponed.

    • Like 1
  4. Quote

    No love for crit charts? 

    Turns out that'll be a pain to convert correctly anyway. Weapon types vs armor types and all that...so...I'll look at it later.

    I'm going to work on making the previous Manual of Monsters look more like the Folio of Fiends. Same formats anyway, and I'm just gonna combine them into the Big Damn Book of Creatures. I talked about doing this in the past anyway and a lot of peeps didn't like the format of the previous Manuals I converted  (including me after doing folio)

    Some wanted a version with no pictures cluttering up the goodies. Anyone else feel that way?

    No to the questions and yeah! to the Big Damn Book of Creatures! :D

    • Like 2
  5. 17 hours ago, K Peterson said:

    Here's a couple of thoughts:

    You need to finish up the visual design of the site. The new Chaosium banner looks great, but I think you need to decide whether you want to use that banner across all forums and features, or use it only for portions like the main forum view, downloads, gallery, blogs, etc. Right now that Chaosium banner shows up on each forum besides Renaissance, OpenQuest, and AEON. (And possibly more. That's what I found from a quick search). Either go uniform; or use the branded banners in conjunction with the Chaosium banner; or use only branded for 3rd parties. Whatever you decide, have some consistency.

    Personally, I like the branded banners for each forums. They're just aesthetically appealing to me, serve as a subtle visual reminder of where I'm viewing the thread from, and just reinforce the beauty of the art from a number of these game lines. It pretties up the place. :)

    I do think that the branded banners could use some cleaning up. Those that I found include the barroom image just to the right of "BRP Central", and the game line image to the right of that. I'd say nix that so that the game lines' image abuts "BRP Central" and save the barroom image as what's used for Alastor's Skull Inn.

    I wouldn't be much of a fan of changing the name of the forum, but a vote does seem in order. One thought is that the site's domain name reflects BRP. Would that add any confusion if you're browsing to that URL but you're getting a forum named Chaos Central or Worlds of Wonder?

    After a talk with the guys from Chaosium we've decided to stick with the unified banner for now for the Chaosium family of games forums, though this may change later.

    I've let the thirds party publishers have their own banners. I agree about the bar room picture part, it fit better with the old banner we had.

    I've put up a poll for the vote. I'm for keeping the BRP Central name, but we'll see what the community wants.


    • Like 3
  6. 12 hours ago, tooley1chris said:

    Sorry to be a crab Trif,  but I noticed occasionally when I quote someone in a post, then later try to quote someone else the comment pops up with the first quote instead of the second and I can't erase / fix it. Thought it was just my browser acting funny again but I've had the same results on other browsers.

    All mobile BTW.

    Anyone else have this issue?

    I see the quoting business gets messy on mobile. Hopefully something they improve in later updates. 

  7. 1 hour ago, nDervish said:

    That assumes you open one thread, go back to the list, open the next thread, go back to the list...  I open the list once, then click down it opening each thread in a new tab and never go back to the list (until the next day).  Using the back button or otherwise reloading the same page repeatedly is something I avoid whenever possible.

    I see the problem. That makes having each post show up more problematic.

    1 hour ago, nDervish said:

    Also, on my #1 (filtering out uninteresting forums), I tried doing the "follow forums, then set the Follow Status filter to 'only content I follow'" and it didn't work.  It showed me nothing at all, even though the badge in the upper right corner of the forum page (e.g., http://basicroleplaying.org/forum/3-basic-roleplaying/) shows "Following".  As a test, I also set the other filters to include all content (even if already read) from any time (not only since my last visit) and it still shows nothing if set to "only content I follow".  Does "follow" perhaps mean something different in the filter definition than it does on the forum pages (e.g., only recognizing followed threads, not followed forums)?  Or it could just be a bug, of course...

    Smells like a bug. I'll report it to the support guys - same bug at the IPS support forums! Filtering topics seems to be the way to go at the moment then.

  8. 1 hour ago, tooley1chris said:

    It would be nice if there was a button that automatically loads your custom stream instead of having to go through the drop down menues to find it.

    It would. Unfortunately since members can make more than one thread there will be many different urls to it, so I can't make a custom link for it. You can bookmark it and just the "back" button after reading a thread.

  9. 3 hours ago, Steve said:

    Another way to do the filtering is instead of letting it show you "All Content", change that to "Topics", and then (using the gear wheel icon) you can choose which topics you want to hear about. This is another way to do it without having to do "Follow".


    Well spotted Steve! Much easier! :)

    3 hours ago, nDervish said:

    OK, then, in that case:

    1) Option to hide specific (sub)forums and/or tags.  Like others have said, Glorantha/CoC/HQ is all just noise to me.  (I see that you've mentioned in an earlier reply that you can follow forums and filter to only show followed content, but I'd be more comfortable with things filtered out rather than filtered in, so that, if a new forum gets added, it will appear immediately instead of relying on me to notice that it's been added and explicitly follow it.  You're less likely to accidentally miss something if the default is to show everything, minus whatever has been explicitly excluded, than if the default is to show nothing, except what has been explicitly included.)

    2) Option to collapse threads instead of showing every single new post separately, so that I can just go down the list and open each thread with new activity without needing to remember for each thread whether I've already opened it on this visit or not.

    3) Option to show only the title of new activity, not the actual content, so that more threads will fit on the screen at once with less scrolling required.  (EDIT: While setting up followed forums, I noticed the "condensed view" button in the top right corner of the feed.  It does this.  It's just easy to miss, since it's not listed on the feed customization page.)

    Basically, I want a feed that just shows the titles of threads with new activity (each listed only once, regardless of whether it has one new post or a hundred) with a link to go to the first new post in each thread.  Much like the old "new content" page, but with the added filtering ability provided by the new feeds feature.

    1) See what you mean. No fix for it at the moment, but will pass it forward, maybe we'll get it later. A hack can be that any new forums are announced in the Alastor's Skull Inn forum. 2) Just click the circle or star to go to first new post and any other post of the same thread will disappear when you go back to the stream (as long as you've chosen the feed to only show unread content).

    1 hour ago, NickMiddleton said:

    The irritating thing is there used to be a button that basically did what most people wanted ("show me new forum posts since my last visit") and now there are a bunch of buttons that LOOK like they do the same, but don't... and despite creating a custom, personalized "activity stream" that shows whhat I want to see (all new forum posts since my last visit) all that does it force me to make several mouse clicks when I arrive to get at where it is buried in a drop down menu...

    As a piece of interface design it's lacking, I'm afraid. Is there no way to place my custom activity stream (or at elast SOME of them) on the front page when I#m logged in? So that when I get here, I can just click on the button I want, rather than having to a) ignore the default one (which doesn't do what I want) and b)  go digging in drop down menus for the custom one I made?

    The "unread content" button does what the old "New Content" button did before, just mark "site read" if there are threads you don't want to read when you've done with those that interest you. But if you want a customized stream which excludes some of the forums you'll have to use the submenus. You could just bookmark the url and go directly there if that would save you time.

    2 hours ago, lawrence.whitaker said:

    Where’s the RuneQuest theme gone?

    All the themes for the Chaosium family of games forums was replaced by the new default banner. Many have requested individual themes for those forums too, but haven't heard back from Chaosium yet about how they want it.


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