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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Was reading through RQA 05 of course some good stuff in there about boar stew and wild boars. Thinking how gamey would tusker be I mean, could you have a nice luau with one of those guys? The House Campaign discusses skinning Red Eye for food and making armor from him...simply run into them while hunting boars... "wait, the boar has a lance and is coming right at us"... Do tuskridders come to the Boarlands to get tuskers, guessing they breed their own in the Stinking Forest but might be fun to intercept them or IIRC a 1982 game where our PC's were near Apple Lane were caught out in the open and were lanced nearly to death by some tuskridders. We didn't know anything about set spears or group missile fire, etc. and our hole group was nearly massacred. I think from then on our PC's carried a few long spear/pikes and made sure to target one rider until they and or their mount was down... we got our butts kicked. Fun memories. Add any you have had related to tuckridders?
  2. So wishing to combine the Isidilian interview with the RQA 05 sceneries with Gondo, Snake Pipe Hollow and the Grey Crane, after passing through Dragon Pass from Nochet, where about might the/a PC's start having dream or visions related to the Grey Crane? How far away might spirits be sending messages to PC's. I suppose it could happen per a GM's wish but has anyone set limits or ranges related to spirits appearing or even haunting dreams? Is it like 10km for point of POW or something?
  3. I saw that on the Sartar map. Who knows how large it is? Which Dragon's skull is it?
  4. I am working on the trip Dathan Denethsson took from the Nochet Lankhor Mhy Temple to Dwarf Mine to interview Isidilian the Wise. Its from RQA 05 Document D1-1616x03-No and noted as restricted access. Anywho, looking at the route the PC's would take from Nochet to Dwarf Mine when accompanying him. I know the article calls out the year as 1616 Fire Season but we would be running this prior to the Sartar Invasion... At first I thought they'd simply run up the river through Sartar, Duck Point, Rungate, Dragon's Eye and on to Dwarf Mine but am looking at possibly suggesting they go through Beast Valley, even Rich Post (some side mission for Lankhor Mhy) up through Dragon Pass, Wintertop, Falling Ruins and the Mine. Assuming an escort through beast Valley was had, does this make sense, avoid rounding the Marsh... curious as to the Shaker Temple not being a nice place to visit? Thoughts?
  5. I am guessing not more than 3-4m deep at center on average?
  6. So Redfeather Safe is like Mallard Town, both on stilts. It doesn't work for A Raven in the Roost in my mind. I'll look to something like MIkhail Mefodev's illustration (clip below) as an inspection as I like the look of the round dwellings, like sort of nests or nest-like if you can see that like I do, it sort of fits? Likely they are closer to the level of the water movement into the from the water is easier? I noticed by chance the village of Goodnet in RQA 02 in the scenario On the Trail of Quackodemon and will just use something similar along the Stream for the location of A Raven in the Roost or even with some minor tweaks, just use Goodnet, thanks for the assistance Dai. I keep thinking the ferry is something like that in LotR... (sketch below0 The maps show the Stream as anywhere between 500-750m wide which isn't likely... does anyone have a good reference for how wide the Stream is at Duck Ferry? Does the water level of the Stream change much seasonally?
  7. We always go with the age old saying, you sleep with goatmen you wake up with a chaos taint... maybe more than just a taint? dogs-fleas...
  8. Is the same note about feathers... town is on stilts, shrine to Humakt, severed heads of zombies and skeletons... As its on stilts the A Raven in the Roost doesn't fit as I see it. Thanks... maybe it needs to happen at Duck Ferry? I suppose it's similar to Apple Lane in size with a few buildings and likely an inn with a trading stand of some sort? Are there any maps of it out there?
  9. I think it was from a spell traded Sunbright and not actual orange skin...
  10. Looking at placing Signs and Portents RPG35 - A Raven in the Roost in Mallard Town. Not finding anything besides the note bellow in the zines or on line. is there any other source for mallard Town? Mallard Town A small market town where the Goodweaver clan traditionally trades with the durulz for flax and feathers. It was sacked and burnt in 1614 during a particularly vicious Duck Hunt. (p.36 TotRM 19)
  11. I know some people in Florida with orange skin but where in Glorantha? Does orange skin signify or register as chaotic?
  12. I played a PC like that years ago, it was actually easy for me but the GM kept having my character do things without me knowing to set the character up. I had to find ways to convince the other PC's my character wasn't a bad dude. I'd be like my character did whaaat? I was more worried about what trouble my character was in than what the entire party was doing. It actually got stressful sometimes and in the end my character was killed via monsters, not the other PC's, was resurrected and than cured of said chaos taint... can't recall but being an ogre in plain sight can be fun...
  13. Basically people who have sharp pointy teeth, no molars and don't prep meat unless they are going on a long journey for which they'd jerky it. Don't you see the resemblance? Plus when you kill for food and are worried about being caught you don't have a sit down midnight BBQ?
  14. But you detect as chaotic (kidda sorta) and didn't pass out detect lie spell nor do you have an alibi... confess or submit to examination? I love it...
  15. Said before, open them up if there is chunk-of-girl in their stomach then hospitality has reached its terminus no? If not heal them an apologize but then track them down after and kill them anyway. But their tracks lead the PC's into an ambush... Great game fun here.
  16. Maybe this is dragon that ate Bagtrap from the Stafford House Campaign or possibly it's dream? And the pass is named after him on some maps... though IIRC he appears again in Pavis at a later date so possibly DI saved him or brought him back... the Bronze Dragon... The dragon was satisfied and departed. The caravan continued onward and reached a safe place before nightfall. There Joh asked who the man was, and he said then that everyone should call that part of the trail after the person. So now it is called Bagtrapā€™s Trail. House Campaign P.56 Interesting.
  17. Modern shipyards have had them... been around for a while, figured with magic they'd be used a lot in "Old Glorantha"? Also was thinking the old Sog city itself was a terrace level below a U-shaped mesa or something like that and the dock was at another step down from the city. Who knows possibly it was like Mesa Verde set back under an eroded mesa side? I like it as a horseshoe shaped mesa with pueblos stacked up the sides... fun idea to work with. Step down into the city and step further down to the dry dock...
  18. Dorin was a wear-fox? Guessing Fox Woman shows herself near there sometimes... I did like that from RQA 04, the habitants don't like trolls like the Sun Domers... YGWV. But if they had "Fly" they would have been ok I am guessing, maybe use Night Jump spirit spell but always keep a divine Fly handy as a backup or Teleport?
  19. I found a good bit more in RQA 04 p.26. Mr. Ebit Strongleg and the spirit spell Nightjump. This spell is cool as its spirit magic. A Nightjump 5 would let you jump up onto the wall of old Pavis... not as good as flying but your not using rune points also a jump roll lets you deduct form attacks against you... From the Glorantha Digest: Night jumping is a movement feat of Vingkot Champion (TR p229) who confers other troll fighting feats so it looks as though the Night Jumper clan worships him. (Peter Metcalfe Oct 2001) Does anyone know what book title is abbreviated as "TR"? Also per the Glorantha Digest the Night Jumpers were part of the attack on the Bat at Whitewall as I understood but all 49 were killed unfortunately. "The Night Leapers were pushed off the Bat and fell to their deaths." Is Dorinstead located correctly in the blue box in the clips below as it shows in a RQA 04 map in about that location. The notes say they are mostly Kurtali and they hate the Kitori or rather are their enemies... but they ironically send a good number of their best warriors to fight the Bat to help save a Kitori town? Maybe they hate the Lunars more than the Kitori and will fight with them against the Lunars? If the Dorinsteaders had a Trollball Team it would be one of the worst rivalries... RQA 04 also says that Stagwood is the "stronghold of the Kurtali". Curious if there are any Night Jumper minotaurs as there as Beastfolk in Stagwood? Aventus Hill Leaper...
  20. If he were a shark you cut him open and try to find parts find parts of the girl he ate, I mean is missing. If there is nothing there heal him and apologize?
  21. I ran across something in Signs & Portents (yes my 238th rabbit hole this year) that had me recall my first experiences with fantasy gaming in 1981, The Isle of Dread. So much fun as it was so new to me. Dinosaurs were just like Godzilla, big and bad-ass! https://glorantha.steff.in/digests/KoDP/0084.html On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Bryan Thexton wrote: I just chickened out and traded away some baby thunderers. I'm just wondering if anyone has been brave enough to try raising them, and how it turned out? Either major powerful plow team or major powerful warbeasts. That being said dinosaurs roam Glorantha or so it would seem in several places. For scenarios there are of course the "kill the beast" which is eating the local sheep and the herders and famers, the "rescue the baby" dino that is in tar pit or something, "steal the dino egg" as its needed for research or for domestication, etc. but I like the idea of maybe questing to find info on how to train a dinosaur to be used as a mount, to plow fields, possibly tow mine carts or even barges on the Syphon? Actually there is a cool illustration of Pavis being built (forgot what book) with dinos in the background taking large stones off the Faceless Statue to some structure being built or for the walls being set by a giant in the distant background... PC's get idea, get info, get eggs, feed and care for, train... Who uses dino labor besides Dragonewts? Dwarves maybe? Is there an old dragonewt or Dwarf (Elder Races p.120) who will hire out as an advisor? Maybe the PC's rescue a dragonewt from a place like Snake Pipe Hollow and then they repay with some service or something? Possibly the Ruins of the Stream dragonewt or the EWF dude in Tink has info? Guessing the PC's get roped or duped into a series of quests and domesticated dinos now transport their trade goods for them if one is a trader. (Do they feed them small amounts of walktopus to keep them fed?) There was a random encounter on Griffin Island, p.17 Dinosaur Eggs. PC's would/will look cool riding on a triceratops.
  22. That's pretty funny Mr. Richard. A broo hiding their horns with a tinfoil hat... come to think of it would iron not block "sense chaos" as it provides magic resistance. Not one in the same but detection versus sense... again sense doesn't give direction or distance just that its in a radius.. I suppose most detection spells are blocked short of their max range by thickness of metals IIRC. Would 20 ENC of iron block detection and or sense abilities? Does electroshock therapy cure a chaos taint? (this started with the tinfoil hat comment)
  23. I recall some illustration showing smaller dragon ships in the foreground of a larger ship. Possibly they had dragon ships of various sizes? Who knows, possibly it was a floating drydock tethered to the shore somehow and literally was left "high and dry" when the floodwaters receded?
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