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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Would PC's know iron hurts trolls and elves and wouldn't enchanted iron also be able to hurt werewolves? Also would PC's know what other kindred races, tusk riders? Are elves or trolls hurt by touching iron or only if it breaks their skin?
  2. If the Bat is not properly fed, the High Priest killed or loses his concentration, or anyone not of the cult, the Bat Guard, or a direct descendent of the Moon rides it, the Bat will attempt to break control and run amok devouring friend and foe alike until it vanishes from the mundane plane on the next Godday. kill high priest...
  3. Do intelligent wyms speak Aldu Wyrmish? Even water wyms?
  4. Not at all, there are lots of tribal warriors in 1600 who'd not be fighting Lunars to protect the dwarves. Maybe Runegate doesn't fall in 1602? Even better if the undead come out of the swamp a few kilometers distant to attack the project, they are mostly slow an much more vulnerable to attack and being burnt to ash/released then they are in the swamp. It just take gold to get the dwarves to do it and maybe even the PC's get the Sun Domers to help with the guarding of the canal construction... easy-peasy. You might even get some trolls to do night watch in a rare cooperative effort against undead...
  5. Ok we'll drain the swamp by digging a canal 60km long, 6m deep and 10m wide. A typical dwarven massive stone statue moves about 360 cubic meters of earth an hour (they are slow but relentless). The canal is going to require about 3,600,000 cubic meters of earth be moved. So 4 of these excavators working days only, dwarf union rules, could do this canal in about 200 days. Add a few earth elementals to assist and some form-set earth/stone spells by rock dwarves and the swap is drained. The ducks get new jobs as Venetian gondola oarsmen and nothing is protecting the rotten wood soon to be dried and burnt marsh. 10 dwarves, a couple dozen nice stone bridges, a few new Geo's Inns and forgot the old geezer Delecti...
  6. Continuing the discussion on the coastline I am guessing the most probable location of any sea cave would be along the coast south of Sklar possibly? The south side of the Syphon seems to be quite close and may allow for a bandit lair or 2. Come to think of it the old Sea Cave might fit in there as well. I understand that the cliff face is many 100's of feet it not 1000' but it may not be a sheer cliff in all locations. Some may step back as the elevation rises in increments. Do tell? Is it printed anywhere?
  7. I said Greek fire not Firebergs where did that come from!? Massed flaming archers oil or the like not the end of Glorantha?
  8. Simple enough, never set foot in the marsh or venture in very deeply, only destroy those undead that come to the fringes, shrink the swap size and eventually they'll come out to play... burn your dead so they cannot be made into undead. Everyone learns to release undead and the corpses and or skeletons whatever need to be brough out of the swap to be burned. Small raids to the fringes may be able to deplete rank and file undead over time if done with coordination? Curious why attempts have been made to venture deeply into the marsh for any reason? Seems like a suicide move from what has been printed? Has anyone thought to use Greek fire on the marsh archers at a time? Forget drain the swamp, how about burn it?
  9. Interesting idea, will need to review dwarven repoduction... Davamakgartch - are there any ideas as to a floor plan of an EWF temple or complex?
  10. I can never recall all these really cool zine articles which I've collected over the years. Its like you need to reread all of them each year to keep them fresh. These notes make one think that a hidden faction of the Pavis Dwarves are actually working with the Krarshti?
  11. Yes. I don't think those in the Tunneled Hills are detailed besides in the Campaign Log but if they are I'd love to read more. I figured there are dwarves at the perimeter of Dorastor in the surrounding mountains but not actually in Dorastor and I didn't think of them as chaotic? Always makes me laugh!
  12. Hero powers are the answer like Release Undead, Turn Undead, Immunity to harmonize, demoralize, mesmerize or enthrall? The question is what is the cost if any to use the power in magic points?
  13. No but since its related to a scenario I thought it best not to uncover details that may spoil it for any players. Your response gives my mind some traction to the idea of Chaos Dwarves. The PC's are requested to help find and eradicate them? I never liked the idea of fighting against dwarves, trolls yes but not dwarves. But if they are somehow chaos tainted then it makes it ok for me... suddenly I recall old World of Warcraft had a series of Uldaman quests to get a key... it was fun. What spirit might be bound in the Armring that would illuminate you over time? Are there potentially sorcery matrices inscribed on it's scales? Are the eyes truestone? Is there a hidden faction of Chaos Dwarves in Pavis working to find the Eye and rebuild Wakboth!? I'll add this to the Rumor's Table as to horrific to even think about it but I am going to think on it. Fun.
  14. I didn't realize this and or missed it previously, maybe I'll use Hendsson!? Also I'll have to tie in RQ Adventures 01 somehow before the Sacred Girl scenario, the PC's will stay at the Greydog Inn, pass through Hillhaven, etc. but it will be easy enough to do, we'll simply say after the invasion of 1602 the Lunars post an "Open Season" on ducks for some trumped up reason then... and again after the rebellion in what, 1613? Thanks again!
  15. Thanks for the link. I'll think on it.
  16. So its about 1600-1602 before the Lunar Invasion and somehow the PC's are sent from Clearwine to investigate what's going on as they are passing through the area as part of a trade caravan... Gringle, now a friend has of course let those in Clearwine know the PC's are capable adventures... they see Hendsson. Jarstakos Hendsson, Orlmarth clan, 1598‑1602 - did he die as a result of the Lunar invasion and if so where? The warrior kings of Clearwine failed to avenge us. Has anyone played this out or have ideas as to what might become of it? We plan on running this and then as a way to bring about some peace to the area the PC's are tasked with finding the Sword Wrath, leading to The Red Hands of Hofstaring somehow. Any thoughts are appreciated.
  17. What are its powers, what is it good for besides a shiny pretty piece of jewelry and why did the dwarves make it?
  18. I'd theorize that he has both the Dragon Rune and Man Rune. It may be a bit off topic but wouldn't all Kralorelan nobles have a split tongue? Godunya’s guards are not dragonewts, but are mortal men whose devotion and dedication allows them to assume the form of dragons. So they have only the man rune but could have the dragon rune when they assume dragon form. Transformative Runes He had a cousin who wrote the song The Runes Are A Changin. To further the muddied waters a half elven PC in our campaign has both the man and plant rune, for discussion purposes. What fun.
  19. Same, just the rock base of the fort pushes it above the coastal plan somewhat. Thanks!
  20. Sharvenatars the Summoner [1108-1120] who summoned the True Golden Horde. He called forth the Dog Fathers and the Rising Stallions. He carried the Net of Jajagappa. He slew the Dragon Emperor and tore him apart in the Dragonkill. Because he was a descendant and true servant of Jajagappa that god came and cast his net into the maw of the dragon to preserve him from oblivion. Is Sharvenatars the only human in the True Golden Horde to survive Dragonkill or were there numerous survivors whom cast DI to escape? There was a certain count that wasn't saved but he and his chard chariot were sent back to Sun County. What is the net of Jaja and what are its powers? When and how was it made and for who, did Jaja steal it as Orlanth did many of his powers? Who is Jaja anyway!?
  21. Saronil Whiteteeth did note the strange signs posted along the cart path going to Durengard in one of his letters to Sage Leik Estavos.
  22. I will need to make the dagger from the Far East to fit better for the Kralorelan PC, YGWV. What powers could the dagger posses or was the dagger itself possessed, it kills the Duke via mind control or something from far away lands? Is it like a killing dagger some fancy-pants wizard in the rubble has, who guides the dagger with damage boost and or venom on it with extended range. Maybe Danshavlas or Malmakan should have done a Mystic Vison or something of the sorts to see what sort of magic the dagger held or was cast on it? Excerpt from the Nobility of Emperors - Duke Malmakan the Tamer of Beasts was killed while alone in his treasure chamber, by an assassin who was not there, but who wielded a gold and silver knife decorated in the style of the Golden Empire. The mystery of this was solved decades later when a scholar was combing his records and came upon the famous letter now called the “Danshavlas’ Link,” translated above. Where is the dagger now and what are its powers if any as maybe it was just sorcery and the dagger is just finely crafter of gold and silver?
  23. This makes more sense to me based on the river canyons eroded through the plateau. They are mostly sedimentary rather than igneous or metamorphic. There aren't many volcanoes along the Herotland Plateau from what I have discovered over the years? I suppose for Glorantha anything base on real earth isn't likely to be a correlation.
  24. Leskos is a shabby little Esvularing settlement that lies across Choralinthor Bay. I am thinking the same and the SketchUp Map helps the scaling. Any sketch map out there for Leskos? So the Count of the Isles and the Admiral are different? Assuming the Admiral comes after Belintar's is in power and is based in Seapolis (from Fanzine) whereas the Count was based in Leskos. Are either of these notions canonical? Also did Leskos only become a pirate lair after the Holy Country fleet was destroyed? Maybe Rollo the merchant captain is based here? I like the fort at Leskos floating above the foggy mist of the bay, as Yelm burns it off, the sheltered sand an planked wharves to the east become visible with the causeway and its cart path headed off up the river gorge to Durenguard. This is likely, again too Medieval but I like how it looks for our Leskos with some minor changes.
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