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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. So you destroy Ethilrist's body after you kill him, as an example, what else can you do to keep them dead?
  2. I had to add this bit on stirrups, forgive me I am a few years late in joining this forum. Would High Llama riders use these? They were banned in my Glorantha for being to ostentations once they became bejeweled and gilding was added. No way are they permitted. (sarcasm intended for effect)
  3. White Horse Troop - are there stats for the white horses? I assume they were of the stronger faster more intelligent variant than the standard ones? I'd suggest that the Pure Horse People's war-horses were also along similar lines? Possibly PC's venture to Muse Roost to purchase some of these horses? I know we spoke to it when I was wondering about Clydesdale's for the Agimori PC's in the Backford thread but don't mind revisiting. I am sure one of you will say the black horse ate the white horse but I am sure they were to beautiful for Ethilrist to simply let them all expire especially when they would be a great source of income for him? I could see gold and blue banners snapping in the wind, sparkling in the morning sun atop the troop's lance (we have better than wooden block type stirrups don't we?) Thoughts on this?
  4. For some persons, whatever they are told or read coming from a certain source may be considered the truth? Getting back to Ethilrist, what year did his cook make pumpkin pie? Did he or his minions take part in Grizzly Peaks, other battles in Tarsh or the Sartar Invasion? (Late 1400's-early 1500's? - thanks Jaja.) It seems part of the Black Horse Troop fought for Sartar in the 1613 Rebellion and possibly some were in Pavis (maybe just an emissary) but what other dates do we know about where and when the Black Horse Troop was active outside of the Muse Roost? I am looking more at say 1582 - 1613 rather than later. Anyone have a list of dates and locations? From GTG: A fragment of the unfinished 13th volume of A History of My Black Horse Troop, attributed to Ethilrist of Muse Roost, one of the more notorious Heroes of that Age. Where are these "fragments" besides the one where they made pumpkin pie?
  5. I almost started a new thread but discovered this one... Does Hungry Jack and Jack-o-Bear's have something in common, discussed but the seeds makes less sense than Hungry eating a grizzly? But would Hungry not make all sorts of monsters with pumpkin heads? All sorts of cool chaotic results are possible. When was Hungry Jack killed as it is in WBRM isn't it? What would have been the earliest year WBRM could take place? Where did Hungry Jack get killed? Do Jack-o-Bears come from postulant bubbles that grow from Hungry Jack after its eaten people? There was some minor scenario where there was a mated pair of Jack-o-Bears but that seems highly unlikely that they'd find each other as they are hunted? "Oh, aren't those little pumpkin headed bears really cute and cuddly, so mesmerizing!?"
  6. So we were just looking at potential numbers, enough estimate that a file or two were possibly in Apple Lane. Foragers if not looters? Its for the 1602 invasion. Just guessing and playing around with possible encounters in Apple Lane as the Lunars move through and to Boldhome. Thanks everyone!
  7. So as Mr. Helsdon posted/linked in the Refuge and Karse thread: “Sometimes, as in the case of Zedei who lived twice before the War of the Gods. Usually, however, upon reemergence the Kaelith gains more than his former power. He has the ability to change his form into almost anything else, and then to completely disassociate his soul from any physical form without going to the Underworld.” Thank you for the great link Mr. Helsdon! See the Xeotam Dialogues. As an in-world document it is not entirely reliable and its terminology is likely local to southern Ralios. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/catalogue/websites/moondesign-com/jeffs-old-blogs/xeotam-dialogues/
  8. It states they are fast - fleet of foot if you will but I'd almost rather they ride and dismount to fight, it makes them better scouts. If they were to have sent a full file to Apple Lane it makes for great roll playing that Heortlanders with friendly ties to those in Apple Lane via trade happen to be there when the Lunar onslaught comes to town... If, noncanonical of course. How do the PC's react do the Lunars attack them assuming they are in Sartar to support the kingdom or do the PC's claim neutrality and let their friends/trade partners suffer?
  9. Was there any mention of size of Lunar forces involved in the invasion? In RBWM are any numbers associated with each counter? This might allow us to gauge the maximum possible force brought to bear against Sartar?
  10. I had that in my first map sketch sort of as I read that, but it made less sense while drawing it on the map. Maybe a small portion did so!? Thanks again.
  11. That's what I was assuming, happens to be Silver Shields so they and the PC's may recognize each other's noncanonical Invisible Orlanth heraldry and the SIlver Shields standard sometime in the future. Again we are dealing with Heortlanders from Backford who are Aeolians. Either east or west of the ridges, more likely both at the same time if the Lunars felt they'd not be attacked? Possibly a much smaller group east of the ridge to reconiter and a minor force to Apple lane to protect the flank of the supply lines? I was just looking at following general direction of what the book described on the way to Boldhome. Thanks for pointing out the actual terrain as an obstacle. A better detail of the troop movements with red arrows below. Was there a source for the Volsaxi fighting between Runegate and Quackford? Any idea as to the size of the Sartarite force attacking from Alda-Chur that was mostly destroyed? I didn't add an arrow for the Sartarite attack from there. I assume the Silver Shields, if they were part of the main force in 1602 would have been at the flanks as scouts or skirmishers? Did they ride to battle and dismount for fight or were they always on foot? Also if they were protection flanks and or supply lines they likely didn't fight at Boldhome... again this puts them in my mind for MQF in Apple Lane. The PC's help hinder some pillaging, etc. by the Silver Shields. Thanks again for the input. From GtG: Silver Shield soldier: Soldiers of the Silver Shields regiment are providing security for Varnarn and the Lunar priests (only one can be seen here). The Silver Shields are hypaspists: nimble hoplites capable of fast marching and operating in difficult terrain. They carry long spears, kopis, javelins, and their famous silverplated bronze shields. They wear hardened leather breastplates and white tunics, brown trews, and red parade cloaks.
  12. I have and reread the sections in the Sourcebook. I think its simple enough to go with the KoS book's path of the Lunar Invasion starting through Dwarf Ford, etc. I'll assume some skirmish somewhere on the periphery has a company of the Silver Shields pillaging a hamlet, Apple Lane perhaps and the PC's challenging them, not as Sartarites but as Heortlanders. The Lunars claim their good s or something and the PC's deem it simple banditry and fight them off...
  13. Based on the armor in the stats they seem more like peltasts to me. I'd still love to connect the PC's to them early on say 1600 or more easily during the Sartar invasion. The appear in Pavis and again guarding Feroda. I keep hoping for a line of battle of sorts for the invasion, possibly troop movements such as in the GtG map below that positions the Silver Shields possibly as skirmishers even before 1602 that the PC's have to deal with maybe on trade routes up north or near the boarders of Tarsh. I intend to make them long term antagonists. Are there maps showing the Lunar expansion? What about battles besides Grizzly Peaks with Tarsh Exiles? Do the Silver Shields follow around Fazzur as a part of his army? Any thoughts?
  14. The idea that his head wasn't taken and the body destroyed... its what made me think he was simply resurrected. I suppose if someone was burnt to a crisp and thus the body was destroyed they couldn't be resurrected. This whole "heroic escape" is new to me but I assume no one has allowed PC's to have it? Maybe I'll start a new thread as this is off topic here...
  15. Likely since the Lunars were victorious he was healed and resurected?
  16. How do hero's such as Ethilrist not have their bodies degenerate after being brought back to life? The same would go for humans that are resurrected would they not lose stats on each occassion? He is in and out of hell a lot and so each time would he not die and need to be resurrected? Or is he actually dead-dead? And so detect as such? Maybe he could be hired to help destroy the creepy dude in the Upland Marsh? (not related but an interesting thought as there must be some really powerful magic items in the swamp...)
  17. I am not able to access the link for whatever reason... Did they simple resurrect the Emperor? I assume Harsalter as a Humakti could not be resurrected? So circling back there is a small chance that Temertain was in Karse around 1600 and the PC's may have a chance to meet him at say a festival for the Red Dragon Servant being held there!?
  18. So there may be a shrine to Lodri on the Old Woman in a troll settlement... thanks!
  19. Though I never played the game we used it extensively as source material back in the 80's. I was just hoping it or someone had Lunar deployment/line of battle for the Sartar invasion. I think the major items were movement through Dwarf Ford, Runegate, Wilmskirk and Boldhome with a side bar attack by the Sartarites from Alda-Chur into Tarsh toward the Lunar Temple there with little success? If anyone has more than this please post a link?
  20. Does anyone have a map of Vanntar (Is it just like the other Sun Domes?) also what hamlet in Vannatar does this clip represent from RQA 01? How would the temples to Elmal and Yelmailo have been different if there were? Just curious.
  21. I understood Lodril was imprisoned under the Shadow Plateau at some time but may have misunderstood that...
  22. I just noticed that in the northern Sartar map there is a beautiful smoking crater called Old Woman Mountain. Is the Old Woman Lodril's mom? Do Trolls worship Lodril here or is he also imprisoned here like in the basement of the Shadow Plateau?
  23. I noticed that this had been in the works since 1580 as directed by the Red Emperor 1557-1600 - Conflict with the Lunar Empire from the Well of Daliath. 1580 Red Emperor orders the plan for building a new Lunar Temple in Sartar funded and implemented. Has anyone messed around with thwarting the building of the temple? Maybe they disrupt materials being shipped or mined? Maybe they steal religious artifacts? Possibly they get with some group that could actualize earthquakes and destabilize the foundations? Possibly the PC's come up with a plot to tie down lots of troops to guard and defend against said raids so other Sartar and Heortland uprisings may have a better chance of flourishing? Of course the PC's would be more apt to flee far and wide after creating said ruckus but it may be fun head of to the River of Cradles for a while so things cool off a bit? Are there plans of a Lunar Reaching Moon Temple? Maybe in Imther? I recall one being done for Griffin Island which was small to scale but could be used as a basis. How would one compare to say one of the Sun Dome Temple complexes? Stealing the religious objets d'art for the temple would bring the dogs or should I say Lunar Hell Hounds out? What would the escort be on a partial shipment of temple goodies being sent and where would they come from in the Empire? I mean it would be a shame if all those precious items were eaten by a dragon? Maybe they are stolen by the PC's just before the ceremonies are going to start... and since everyone is eaten the PC's get away with it and no one is the wiser?
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