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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Are Oddi's family holdings in Imther? As the cheese there seems to surpass all others per the sidebar on p.312 of the Cult Compendium. Also there seems to be that this land quite possibly is infested with Krarshti from what is written therein.
  2. I found it interesting that Leika was requested to produce the Ring of Command (a great golden torc woven from seven strands of gold twisted together and part of the tribal regalia) but she could not do so. Kangarl had the assembly exile Leika and proclaim him tribal king. Does anyone have information on the Colymar Regalia and information on where she went during her exile? What was she Mayor of as one of Argrath's Companions?
  3. So we know Temertain had a Lunar wife, Estal Donge, who cried as his body was cremated in 1625. She cried but must have been tears of joy as she must have cheated on him weekly from what I have read? Also Bolthor (I think he was a Sartarite who went to Dorastor) was married to Queen Monnie the Shrill. Its seems after his head was split by Hahlgrim she remained, even adorned the castle/palace after Oddi became king? What year did Bolthor die? I am guessing Blackmoor had a Lunar wife but don't see any specific info. He died in 1625 as well. Are there other famous Sartarites who were married to Lunars and when did any of these couples get together?
  4. He went to hell on a Heroquest and came back? I thought he comes back to life as a power similar to a shaman from what I recall but of course where I saw that escapes me just like what caused his 4th death!?
  5. Related to Thanatar: silver tarnishes if touched by Thanatar cultists or vampires or who? How fast does it tarnish and could this be a test of being chaotic if it happens over a day or two? Say the PC's find a nice suit of silver armor (clip below from Sun County) and they love the idea that it shouldn't be worn in decent company... it always opens doors to casual conversation in taverns/inns, makes me think of Geigerian landscaps... many of which are very graphic compared to the clip posted below... How does one clean the tarnished armor and does anyone in the Empire care if its tarnished? What poor persons would no its not just dirty armor? (sorry if this should be another thread but I thought it fit here) If you couldn't clean it black armor looks sort of cool anyway right? Lunars wearing tarnished silver armor in Sartar would be assumed to be typical chaotic Lunars anyway wouldn't they? You'd need to get close to make out the stylized graphicness of the detail on the tarnished armor. Sounds like the makings of a Lunar love ballad.
  6. Did anyone read that someone placed Hell Pits or the Sea Cave east or west of Corfu? I looked everywhere but don't see it now. I like the Sea Cave south of Sklar in the bluffs and Hell Pits near the Foot Print off the Syphon somewhere but was curious as to the thoughts on the settings near Corfu...
  7. Anyone recall where this was posted? Thank you Mr. B.
  8. It'd be nice to see his stats, Ethilrist's and some other characters as they seem so much stronger mythically in our discussions than what I saw in some old D&D conversions in an old zine...
  9. I was reading in the old Cult Compendium that elves can't touch iron so we'll run with that. This is under the Yelorna section, elves can't touch iron so not sure if its cult restrictions or just elves in general, thus the copper all the time? Aimed blows at the head of a troll with double damage plus iron so then quadruple. Maybe the Humakti fighting in the Haunted Ruins had truesword cast on their weapons. Even if 2 points gets through 8 is a punch to most Uz in one location... So humans know iron is good against trolls and likely elves and that is that. Get Piku to make you a sword of iron (1.5 ENC) and an iron bound hoplite shield (3.5 ENC guessing half the weight would be iron) of unenchanted iron and you'd be at 25% magic resistance to boot...
  10. I don't know the story but why didn't Ethilrist release the hound on the White Bear when Muse Roost was attacked? Is there more on the goblins, are they like orcs on Griffin Island or are the hell spawn? Maybe they are just dwarves that work for Ethilrist and are a bit nasty. Lastly what is the Red Gryphon Inn, is it like the Vulgar Unicorn? Has anyone done any maps of Black Horse County? Could Muse Roost be like Sanctuary without the wharfs?
  11. Interesting note on the Hound - presume this would be a Doom Run? (I.e. Ethilrist will lose the Hound for some period of time until he can regain it - so this is going to come with a high price tag for his services.) Are there sources for the Hound - Doom Run?
  12. Sorry the cover clip is Legacy of Pavis III. The other bit on spells is from Pavis Gateway to Adventure p366.
  13. Especially the higher sections some 1000' up. Though from the sketch it does look like it crumbled... maybe sat down, exhausted and threw its arms out to the side to try and catch itself as the spirit/whatever left the statue and it was falling. Curious if any larger sections of the statue are still above grade visible in the rubble or did a good bit of the statue become embedded in the ground as it fell? I have the idea that its like mining into the side of a cliff. If the statue was 1000' tall and the chest was 1/6 that in thickness the quarry height to top of chest would be 166' high less any amount that settled into the ground if it were soil or mud? Would the ground have been wet when the statue collapsed? If the river was boggy as shown in the sketch the statue could easily have sunken 30-50' into the bog? Would a dwarven Daughter of Pavis been around from the time the statue collapsed and have controlled the quarrying operations? How much of the statue is still minable in say 1600? Would not a good bit be under water or was that cleared as the seasons changed and the level of the river receded? It might be that there is a new entity in Pavis say 1604 that wants to build or rebuild a complex within walking distance 2-300 meters from New Pavis and hires some dwarves to construct a defendable compound? Protecting that from marauding broos and trolls could be an interesting scenario? It might be a good way to prepare a group of adventurers for the mage coming much later to the Arm of Pavis? I have to ask, is this the Griffin Gate in the background from the Legacy of Pavis III? If so I hope they have detect assassin/ambush ability? Also is the spell something like pass-wall and is it still taught to the Pavis priests? I like the idea of the darkness suppression as well? Maybe its works against Thanatar darkness somehow as well as troll magics and shades?
  14. I suppose it could be like Golum/Smeagle being bound by elvish rope, "it burnses us!" if it touches elves or uz?
  15. I like that maybe just the magic that held the statue together simply failed, like an earth golem's spirit leaving the soil it possessed and the statue broke or crumbled as it fell and parts bounced, rolled, etc.?
  16. Who doesn't want to illuminated, another whole level of game fun and PC paranoia!
  17. Easy, have communal gathering make a matrix where everyone donates some power clan-wide or after becoming lay trickster members or place into a truestone (old game no limit). Sure you'll say it 400 - 1 point spells but if its done during a worship event why wouldn't the Trickster allow it as its for their own glory, "my dude ate the Bat!" I'd say PC's can develop more game fun ideas none of us would. You can still go along with the story arcs but slightly modified, same as "who is your Agrath" idea. Its the best role playing game out there and has been for decades...
  18. That could be a Heroquest Power. Curious what happens to the Baby Bat's Allied Spirits' Bats when the Bat is banished from Glorantha for any period of time do the babies go with it?
  19. I suppose that is the whole point, their actions cannot be explained or understood by humans. Thanks.
  20. So how did the Orlanthi get on its back? Possibly they were not attacking it but the priest rather and so the attacks couldn't be detected, they were not against it directly? I suppose most Orlanthi going onto the Bat's back had heroic powers. So bound spirits or allied spirits would be ok? What about a spirit bound into say an arrowhead that attacks what it strikes?
  21. Several of the rumors tables show dragonnewts hunting humans, is this just for sport or to eat like when trolls do so?
  22. I knew I saw it somewhere that the Silver Shields had dogs or it sounded like they had dogs or were like dogs? From Gloranthan Adventures 1: “You were so successful, that the Lunar General sent out the Silver Shields, Dogmen of Saird, who are experts in hunting down freedom fighters such as yourselves." What is meant by dogmen?
  23. I like the old rule as stated, unenchanted iron will harm them... YGMV.
  24. Any one we want. Dominate Human, Command Human, possession of the High Priest by a friendly Ancestor's spirit... so many possibilities. Remember this is a fantasy game?
  25. Why not just use mind control on the High Priest after teleporting up on the Bat, have the it eat the Lunar Army and then for good measure, possibly fly right up the Oslir River Valley, landing on Glamour, then kill the High Priest. Done. I see an issue with the Bat only having a movement of 10. It'd take a while and so those in mind control would need extensions or a long duration on any spell. Possibly a powerful warding could be set up on the Bat's back or maybe and Ermali would be onboard with some illusions?
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