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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Maybe both are not dragon-free at all but actually secretly sanctioned and even affiliated with the Red Dragon School away in Ormsgone Valley (please tell me more, not aware of this) and the Red Dragon Servant in Karse? Possibly the Scholar Wyrm, Windwhistler, Eyes-Shut and Forang Forash are all interested in seeing the EWF be rejuvenated and the Monastery and Nunnery are places where this is being pursed? Curious if Argarth has pays visits or has extensive discourse of some sort with these characters and or the schools and monasteries? Red Dragon Servant (of Krisa Oraba, of Dragon Pass) Martial Arts Band which had come to Dragon Pass from the Far East. • Manifestation. 3 • Strength. 5/10 • Powers. Meditate Skill, Sword Combat Talent (W5); Refute Attack Talent (W5), Strike Dead with Sword Talent, Avoid Attack Talent, Heal Self Talent. • Worshippers. 2,000 • Location. Large monastery in Karse, Heortland; Smaller temple in Tarsh, with dojo outside of Furthest; many worshippers presumably far overseas. • Secrets. Devotional martial arts. • Connections: Are a part of the Draconic orders. (Arcane Lore p.41) This was discussed as maybe having numbers of about 20-50 in Karse and Notchet with 10-20 in Tarsh and Furthest IIRC? Please list sources or thoughts on both the Red Dragon School in Ormsgone Valley and the Long Mountain Dragon School?
  2. A Basmoli that has a crossbow, uses sorcery, rides a horse, wears chainmail and wields a 2H sword for good measure as she is a duelist. Basically a knight raised in the Heortlands. She doesn't however like getting her nails dirty so she uses utensils while eating. And of course she has a Dwarf bear-walker companion who Individualists or Open-handed ways has him training to become a shaman of sorts. He was asked to perform his rituals outside the walls of Pavis of course...
  3. I looked for it but didn't see it quickly, I am sure it had things like dirt in it... "I've got a jar of dirt!" (sorry, had to add that...)
  4. I am still a fan of the PC's being able to learn any magic they are able to find a teacher for? If the PC's do quests for Dwarves then maybe they are taught Dwarven Sorcery or given a matrix of sorts. The whole idea of Runequest-Glorantha was that PC's were not specialized like D&D characters and everyone could learn any sort of magic. Limiting sorcery to one caste or group detracts from the freedom that was Runequest of old. Some NPC will always teach the PC's for a price... We had a campaign of old where some dissatisfied Flintnail Dwarves found themselves sponsored by PC's and were living in a subterranean lair cleaned out by PC's, one of whom was an Yelmalian Acolyte. So many good memories. Words like limit, restricted and disallowed always have a way to be circumvented, especially by say a Dwarf who is open to the outside world and all it has to offer!
  5. Silver Wheel Dancers? Copper Wheel Dancers?
  6. In order to make Spirt-Battle Magic Spell Potions where do you get the ingredients? Healing potions are easy, shimmer seems like you need to climb mountain tops, what about blade sharp? Do you need to obtain plant that will cut you like agave or yucca and have needle-sharp leaves. Quests for alchemist potion ingredients seem obvious or that are commonly traded region to region. What are the ingredients for a strength potion?
  7. Plateau of Statues? It might make an interesting scenario linking both locations? Find his head restore the river, cleanse the garden and raise Genert... As Soltakss described in his epic to restore Genert but add having Seolinthur be the cleansing giver of life after their head is found and retruned before Genert may be reborn. So you find the head, wherever what are the steps to reunite it with Seolinthur's body? Does the river need to have canal cut into the earth to reach its head in order to reattach? There was a scene in Mononke where the forest spirit is looking for its head, maybe the river can reattach itself somehow to its head so to speak?
  8. A healing potion that works instantaneous seems like magic to me whereas a potion that lets you heal twice a fast as normal healing, say after first aid is more like herbal medicine. So instant "poof its like magic" healing is likely magic and "yuck, tastes like fermented squid guts" and helps you heal over time albeit much faster than normal is herbal. The question is when you make a healing potion (simple example) for it to me instantaneous it needs to be magical through some incantation of sorcery, spirit magic, divine blessing or possibly it is made from magical plants?
  9. Anyone have thoughts on how to find the head of Seolinthur, if nothing else via Hero Questing?
  10. I didn't think so either but was strange to see it posted as such by Mr. Phipp back in 2013, unless I misunderstood nevertheless...
  11. Just adding more/similar info from another older post by Jaja: There is only one Gold Wheel Dancer in the Cradle: Pinchining. He was 'awoken' in the Underworld when Urrgh the Ugly prayed to his golden coin there, and is the first of his race to reappear since the birth of Nysalor. As the Guide notes: They were demigods, variously described as a golden circle, a flaming wheel, or a silver dancer surrounded by a fiery golden halo. From the Glorantha Sourcebook, they held the Fire position on the original Unity Council. Since they were able to change their form, I believe they are associated with the Movement/Change rune too (but haven't found a confirming text).
  12. Did Naimless die in the House Campaign? I didn't see this before (see link and quote below), I thought she was still around in 1625, didn't the House Campaign stop before then? https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/wp-content/uploads/www.glorantha.com-forums/www.glorantha.com/forums/topic/henders-ruins-myth-and-history/ December 21, 2013 at 6:07 pm#6501 J Michael Dawson Spectator Quote from Simon Phipp on December 11, 2013, 23:23 There’s a powerful undead creature there as well, as a Humakti was turned into a wraith according to one of the RQ2 travelogues. I don’t recall any mention of an undead creature. Just that Alain’s ghost was around. I always figured that the WAY Naimless died was so awful that regardless of his runic affiliation he became a ghost to seek revenge.
  13. Where are these maps from Mr. Scott? I assume the dark brown the Krjalki Bog, they other map clip is of Praxian water? I am looking at a long term campaign goal after the PC's become River Voices, of course, where they would investigate how to find and or restore the head of Seolinthur. They encounter shaman's of the Thirstless Spirits and the Cleansed One and then quest to change Seolinthur back from her (?) chaotic transmutations which in turn could assist with bringing her back to life/partial life followed by even Genert (still looking at about 30 pages of entries on that and Soltakss' ideas posted before. Regarding Genert, one of the parts that never broke away was Prax. It had better cohesion as it had the Great temple that is Eiritha, but it also had Zola Fel Zola Fel actively prevented Prax from breaking up he was at the edge of the void. I love the idea that if somehow through heroic means Seolinthur could be cleansed (do tricksters come and eat the bog?) and the head found and reunited, then similar to the Zola Fel then another portion of Genert could be brought back. I am still working on how the Copper Sands would play in this or even the Eternal Battle? Who knows, the Plateau of Statues might have the head of Seolinthur on it? Any suggestions are appreciated.
  14. Humakti sword associated with the Tournament of the Masters of Luck and Death. The four jewels indicate that there were four original participants competing for the sword, although it is currently owned by the champion of the Lismelder tribe, from the region of the Upland Marsh in Sartar. (GtG p. 120) Is there more info on this and who would be campion from 1600, would they have been killed in 1602? I assume its not the sword Wrath but am not sure, its supposed to be lost in the swamp or so I thought a rumor table stated?
  15. I suppose dwarven canned food is similarly nutritious and tasty to humans (not) but won't kill or blind them. There were several stabilize spells which without some really high intensity are somewhat useless.
  16. Richard takes them to melt them down and add to his coffers (non-canon TT05 p.15). He's gone by this time. Structural reasons, plus 8 triangles, Invisible God triangle, light bringers as saints, 8 segments in an octagon, looks better than an actual circle or Orlanthi rune in plan and is a mix between Orlanth and the Invisible God? YGMV plus the photos I could find on line of old temples that were circular were limited, like the way the octagon is triangulated in plan and may be subdivided to whatever suits you...
  17. I like this but not the part about not using magic, sorcery fits but not spirit or divine as much... pressure cookers, laboratory environments of course. Similar to Troll drinks?! Agreed, I suppose anyone could just say there are some basic spells that enhance potions, poison mushrooms, powders, etc. is it magic or herbal medicine? I suppose this were GM-PC interaction comes to play. We have Refine Medicine and Preserve Herbs from the Red Book of Magic, as you referenced. It would be a combination of skills and magic to enhance the medium in question. This is enough to go on, work with. Thank you all. (I should actually read the Red Book of Magic.)
  18. Start a new thread, I'll see what I might find as well. I am getting better at rummaging through old zines. Almost like a history research paper?!
  19. Now were cooking, or rather should say brewing? Easily integrated into dwarven and sorcery secrets, some only learned in local environs, maybe spread similar to Trickster Shrines where you need to travel far and wide to find the spells or better yet incantations? I suppose it'd be similar to local spirits and their spells as well? In order to learn how to make this love potion you'll need to travel to X and pick the forbidden fruit from Y and brew it in the thing-a-ma-jig... I recall certain fruit on a tree in a very difficult location to access that could be brewed into a battle magic potion but the tree or bush was a magical plant already... I suppose its a magical world with magic, chaos, etc. flora of all sorts so maybe spells aren't needed but an incantation like something spoken by witches brewing sound interesting, why not. Enhance herb? This PC from Prax has an enchanted hookah of Ishtar the Relaxed... which lets them go aethereal or is it ethereal? But don't forget dwarves will try to kill those who steal their secrets and sorcerers do worse?
  20. I should have said Heortland Aeolian Temples... from about 1450 through 1618 when the temples were stripped of their Orlanthi ornamentation Maybe Aeolian temples are like old Spanish bull rings with the perimeter covered as Aeolians aren't as primitive as standard Orlanthi running in the rain? No one wants the frosting on the animal shaped sacrificial cake to run down, someone left the cake out in the rain... Though its oculus is more like the Sun Dome, possibly its more open at the center with early buttresses and vaults at the perimeter letting winds move through? Arched open perimeter walls in lieu of small windows with the same at the clearstory allowing lots of air movement? I would say an octagon subdivided into 8 triangles each representing aspects or saints of the Aeolians?
  21. To the right in the sketch, down the beach, sorry I wasn't clear. I was assuming Sklar was similar to Delos, I have no idea what Sklar's map is like... It will work.
  22. Mr. West's post started me thinking... There are relatively few Bronze Age medical texts. One of the few sources is Ancient Egypt, and they don't describe the digestive system despite their work on anatomy afaik. The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine (which is iron age but a very early surviving medical treatise) describes the Digestive system as working like a fuel burning stove. This clearly can't work with Glorantha, as Fire is associated with Intellect, not Constitution which is Earth or devouring which is Darkness. Dwarves use fire and magic to change the state of elements? I am looking at how magic could or would work on alchemy (unrelated to metals for armor or weapons) and herbalism (obviously enchant or maybe enhance). Are there spells that enhance the effectiveness of these "crafts" and if so how have you integrated them into your campaigns you have run or participated in? Would potions become more powerful or last longer, more deadly? We have enchant iron, etc. why not enchant herbs of various sorts? it seems that living things, plants could also be enchanted? What spells are cast to make potions? I obviously missed it if there are spells associated so if there is a source, patron deities, etc. please let me know. Again if this sort of thread has been posted please advise and I'll add these thoughts to it. Thank you all!
  23. Likely this was discussed somewhere else but didn't see it at a glance. What do Invisible God Temples look like. Are they like Greek or Roman structures or are they more open with breeze-ways? Would there be stylized an Orlanthi window, a bit late then real world at 100AD or so and not high quality but surely the dwarves have glass and gasses, windows and even telescopes? Maybe they use a sorcery spell, wizard's eye or something... but would thee be glass in any temple?
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