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Everything posted by tooley1chris

  1. Hard cover B&W and Color proofs of QUASAR Corebook have been ordered! 😎 3-5 weeks wait for printing and delivery before I can proofread and hopefully release books for public consumption I've started work on PoD for STAR SYSTEMS in hardback as well.
  2. Ok I finally got QUASAR Core book to work with DTRPGs format bot and its off to the printers for approval! It'll be hard cover with full color or B&W options. Can't wait to order myself a color copy 😎 I'll post here when PoD is available. Hope the next 2 books go quicker.
  3. Uploading my first draft of QUASAR Core Print on Demand to DTRPG for approval. Wish me luck. Gods of Cobal I hope I got this right. Theyre so picky
  4. It's mostly BRP Core. I added starship movement ratios, weapon energizing, shield recharge ratios, all based on reactor power diverted to those components, for space combat. Added like 50 races. Also changed psionics quite a bit but other than that... I do have a campaign world I was working on awhile back but I've too many ideas for QUASAR rattling around in my pot to turn my attention. Working on an adventure module and Print on Demand for the other three books right now. Have two or three ideas for QUASAR supplements. Its only me over hereπŸ˜€
  5. Too busy with QUASAR to start a new project. Too bad contest wasnt announced last October πŸ˜€
  6. Ok so I went ahead and bought Affinity Publisher. Now to learn an entire new piece of software...No promises but I'm on the road to PoD😎
  7. Lol! With ya! Ai Art isn't perfect just yet. I actually saw AI made this pic and TRIED to make her have 4 breasts just to be MORE weird but it wouldn't do it πŸ˜€
  8. Ah but unlike this site, theirs will include the audioπŸ˜€
  9. However some of you do follow my progress and even purchase my materials. Not only that but the good people of this group have held my hand and taught me a LOT since back when I was a newb. And even now. The decades of experience with BRP and RPGs in general here is such a valuable commodity! I'd be a fool and an ingrate not to listen. πŸ‘
  10. This has all been very helpful. Thank you all. I sit corrected πŸ‘
  11. Might be going with "Emprise"...which is just another name for module. I dunno. My wife says keep it familiar πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Anyway the first Emprise, or module, is in development. It will include a kinda horror introductory scenario and deck plans (battlemaps) for at least two freighter class or larger starships as well. I'm thinking each Emprise will have some larger ship deck plans included. That's one thing I always missed in other sci-fi RPGs. Whata you good folks think? Of course this is just a prototype image and all just to get my juices flowing... The creators of Event Horizon might take issueπŸ˜€
  12. The Trilogy of books is complete! QUASAR Starship Construction & Identification is available at DTRPG. Now on to the first emprise or "adventure module" which will give deck plan battle maps for some ships as well 😎 https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/469490/quasar-starship-construction-identification
  13. Working on a new Adventure Module but...don't wanna call them Adventure Modules in QUASAR. Suggestions? Maybe "Database"? Since they will likely have new ships, deck plans for ships, new equipment, etc
  14. DTRPG changed their website format and previews changed as well, although it doesn't appear the publisher tools available are keeping up with the changes just yet. I still have the same page range for the samples which should include the entire character sheet. You're right, the page they chose is not good... I've included a pdf of the character sheet in the preview but it needs approval. I'll include it here as well. Thanks for the heads up! QUASAR CHARACTER SHEET_COLOR.pdf QUASAR CHARACTER SHEET_b&w.pdf
  15. A little inspiration 😎 https://youtu.be/_wOWQb3hAFE
  16. Very humbled by the community support for my trilogy. After years of just putting stuff on BRP Central for FREE, I was nervous anyone would even be interested in a Sci-fi setting. I know fantasy is the main stream. Thank you! πŸͺπŸ›°πŸš€ That said if anyone with PoD experience with DTRPG would like to tackle these books...maybe it would be easy for someone who knows what they're doing. I'm sure we could work something out.M
  17. I'm not "buddies" with any of those people and hate asking for favors of strangers. Not sure I want to buy new software for this project (InDesign) because the mark up on hardback books is so dang high. I'd prolly only sell them for a few bucks above cost and only sell a few. Not looking at completing another project of this magnitude in the near future. Just not sure it'll be worth the additional cost or learning curve. Am I being silly?
  18. Starship Construction & Identification is now available at DTRPG! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/469490/QUASAR-STARSHIP-CONSTRUCTION--IDENTIFICATION
  19. (EDIT 2: The file is now fixed. That was quick!) Starship Construction & Identification is now available at DTRPG! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/469490/QUASAR-STARSHIP-CONSTRUCTION--IDENTIFICATION
  20. Been looking over the Print on Demand rules for Drive Thru. This is all outside of my paygrade and above my skill to comprehend much less implement. If someone would like to help with this we can work something out and make it happen, but until then I'm afraid POD just won't be an option. I wanted a hard copy as well... πŸ™„
  21. Wrapping up! Getting ready to send QUASAR STARSHIP & CONSTRUCTION book to publisher! This one took a LOT of work *PHEW* Included 2 additional files as well. a printable starship design sheet and an excel spreadsheet to make design MUCH easier! (The actual file is much prettier than this preview 😜)
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