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Ian A. Thomson

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Everything posted by Ian A. Thomson

  1. Black Friday sale on the Vol. 03 pdf - and the combo pdf & POD. Just a few $ off, but if anyone was considering buying either, there's a very time-limited window open right now https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/448641/pavis-county-beyond-secrets-of-the-borderlands-runequest
  2. Black Friday sale on the Vol. 03 pdf - and the combo pdf & POD. Just a few $ off, but if anyone was considering buying either, there's a very time-limited window open right now https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/448641/pavis-county-beyond-secrets-of-the-borderlands-runequest
  3. Vol. 03: "Pavis County & Beyond: Secrets of the Borderlands" Now Available in POD Huge gratitude to the many collaborators and supporters for their critical help, without which this book would never have been completed! And to Nick Brooke again for creating the POD version from the original pdf. There will be a set of images again as soon as Fabian receives his copy and makes his unboxing video. (It's been delayed reaching him for some reason.) The price is slightly cheaper per page count, due to the Borderlands adaptation notes appendix not being included in the calculations. (Since some purchasers won't own Borderlands.) Also, Vol. 04 is in its final stages. It's impossible to say exactly when it will be fully done and in the Compendium, but it should be within a month at the very latest. https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/448641/pavis-county-beyond-secrets-of-the-borderlands-runequest
  4. All sounds awesome. I look forward to continuing to edit in (and adapt) the classic core Rubble material from the series as we go. This process starts in Vol. 04 with the first of the original major Rubble scenarios (Kakstan's Art Museum)
  5. Vol. 03: "Pavis County & Beyond: Secrets of the Borderlands" Now Available in POD Huge gratitude to the many collaborators and supporters for their critical help, without which this book would never have been completed! And to Nick Brooke again for creating the POD version from the original pdf. There will be a set of images again as soon as Fabian receives his copy and makes his unboxing video. (It's been delayed reaching him for some reason.) The price is slightly cheaper per page count, due to the Borderlands adaptation notes appendix not being included in the calculations. (Since some purchasers won't own Borderlands.) Also, Vol. 04 is in its final stages. It's impossible to say exactly when it will be fully done and in the Compendium, but it should be within a month at the very latest. https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/448641/pavis-county-beyond-secrets-of-the-borderlands-runequest
  6. Awesome! :) Look at that image of magnificent monsters!! Why do I want to repeat 'Botany Bay' with a pirate accent?? Aaaaar! I went on a great walk with my partner on the hills near Botany Bay earlier this year
  7. Hi Folks. Anyone got an idea what years Garrath Sharpsword and Sor-Eel were born in? I'm calculating their ages UPDATE: Am chewing through creating the scenarios for Vol. 04 at a rate of knots. Probably 70% complete. This is the last section remaining to be finished apart from a few small bits and pieces by collaborators/volunteers. Still hoping for an end of Nov release
  8. Since I was a contributor to the Greatlands Book(s) Project many moons ago, I recently requested and received those files. Haven't had a chance to look at them yet though
  9. Vol. 02: "Old Pavis: The City that Time Forgot" Now Available in POD Another big Thank You to Nick Brooke for converting the pdf to a printable hardcopy version! And as always, massive gratitude to the wonderful collaborators/assistants without whom this series would simply not be possible to continue with! https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/430121/old-pavis-the-city-that-time-forgot-runequest
  10. Vol. 02: "Old Pavis: The City that Time Forgot" Now Available in POD Another big Thank You to Nick Brooke for converting the pdf to a printable hardcopy version! And as always, massive gratitude to the wonderful collaborators/assistants without whom this series would simply not be possible to continue with! https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/430121/old-pavis-the-city-that-time-forgot-runequest
  11. I am working with several of the rumors and ideas from the original material, I really want to say more, because the more I consider it, the more it makes sense in terms of being a place where some of the core goals of Pavis were explored (but Spoilers!) It will be quite a large piece
  12. Yup. My background sense is that he is one of few people who has the luxury to go on research expeditions for lengths of time. I will revert to canon though by having him depart Pavis when the Windstop hits. He just needs to be around long enough to fill the places in a few scenarios where Arlaten was a friend and sponsor
  13. Tradetalk 12, and also a version in the next book in the Pavis & Big Rubble Companion Director's Cut series. Totally uncanon, but definitely MGF! Basically when I wrote my campaign, two of my favourite scenarios by other authors were woven fully in to the plot, and certain story elements hinge on them These were 'One High Priest Too Many' (the Lunar Coders) and 'Arlaten the Magus' (Arlaten) However, I am of course writing the new version of the campaign to be useable without requiring any out of print sources. So while I will include all my original ideas, I also have to add in alternatives that require no outside source I already have some great extra Lunar antagonists I created in the campaign, and I am finding I can easily expand on them to fill the Coders' roles. However, I was totally unsure what to do to replace a bizarre foreign sorcerer until I remembered only a few weeks ago (now the writing/editing is approaching that stage in the campaign) that I wrote a chunky article on Leonardo many years back So yep, he is being written in to Vol. 04 as the alternative character to use if GMs don't own Strangers in Prax (or as an option to be added if they do) :) The original article will stay much the same, except of course expanded with some bizarre explanation of how he has turned up for an extended stay in Old Pavis! (I'm not even sure of the timeline fits properly, but that's not a factor in the creative choice.) And his new role will be written into the scenarios themselves (alongside options for using Arlaten instead, or using them both)
  14. This is currently being rectified, but will not be in Vol. 04
  15. UPDATED PDFS NOW ON THE JONSTOWN COMPENDIUM: VOL. 01: PDF has been updated for the final time. It wasn't going to be replaced again, since it already had an update after the POD was produced. (Due to some errors being noticed literally a day or two after the POD was finalized.) However, since Dario created a new map of the Big Rubble for Vol. 02, we thought we'd put this in the Vol. 01 pdf as well! (So it has replaced the original Players' & GM's versions, one nice and empty, and one with named primary locations.) Likewise the printable handout has been replaced with a blank version of the new map. (Big thanks to Simon Phipp for letting us use his version of the Big Rubble map prior to this point.) VOL. 02: The aforementioned new map of the Big Rubble replaces the GM's Master Map in this book - the one with both named locations and a gazetteer of numbered locations too. We also added a new page at the end, with the cults of Buserian & Lokarnos. These would ideally have gone into Vol. 01 as they are a couple of standard cults for Suntown (as well as Sun County), but I only thought of doing them a week or so ago. There have also been a number of small alterations to information about places in the Big Rubble, made to match the Rubble section of Vol. 04 as it evolves. (AND, 'oh happy joy', all of this was done _before_ it went to POD layout!) :) VOL. 03: The first round of minor error and formatting corrections.
  16. UPDATED PDFS NOW ON THE JONSTOWN COMPENDIUM: VOL. 01: PDF has been updated for the final time. It wasn't going to be replaced again, since it already had an update after the POD was produced. (Due to some errors being noticed literally a day or two after the POD was finalized.) However, since Dario created a new map of the Big Rubble for Vol. 02, we thought we'd put this in the Vol. 01 pdf as well! (So it has replaced the original Players' & GM's versions, one nice and empty, and one with named primary locations.) Likewise the printable handout has been replaced with a blank version of the new map. (Big thanks to Simon Phipp for letting us use his version of the Big Rubble map prior to this point.) VOL. 02: The aforementioned new map of the Big Rubble replaces the GM's Master Map in this book - the one with both named locations and a gazetteer of numbered locations too. We also added a new page at the end, with the cults of Buserian & Lokarnos. These would ideally have gone into Vol. 01 as they are a couple of standard cults for Suntown (as well as Sun County), but I only thought of doing them a week or so ago. There have also been a number of small alterations to information about places in the Big Rubble, made to match the Rubble section of Vol. 04 as it evolves. (AND, 'oh happy joy', all of this was done _before_ it went to POD layout!) :) VOL. 03: The first round of minor error and formatting corrections.
  17. UPDATED PDFS NOW ON THE JONSTOWN COMPENDIUM: VOL. 01: PDF has been updated for the final time. It wasn't going to be replaced again, since it already had an update after the POD was produced. (Due to some errors being noticed literally a day or two after the POD was finalized.) However, since Dario created a new map of the Big Rubble for Vol. 02, we thought we'd put this in the Vol. 01 pdf as well! (So it has replaced the original Players' & GM's versions, one nice and empty, and one with named primary locations.) Likewise the printable handout has been replaced with a blank version of the new map. (Big thanks to Simon Phipp for letting us use his version of the Big Rubble map prior to this point.) VOL. 02: The aforementioned new map of the Big Rubble replaces the GM's Master Map in this book - the one with both named locations and a gazetteer of numbered locations too. We also added a new page at the end, with the cults of Buserian & Lokarnos. These would ideally have gone into Vol. 01 as they are a couple of standard cults for Suntown (as well as Sun County), but I only thought of doing them a week or so ago. There have also been a number of small alterations to information about places in the Big Rubble, made to match the Rubble section of Vol. 04 as it evolves. (AND, 'oh happy joy', all of this was done _before_ it went to POD layout!) :) VOL. 03: The first round of minor error and formatting corrections.
  18. UPDATED PDFS NOW ON THE JONSTOWN COMPENDIUM: VOL. 01: PDF has been updated for the final time. It wasn't going to be replaced again, since it already had an update after the POD was produced. (Due to some errors being noticed literally a day or two after the POD was finalized.) However, since Dario created a new map of the Big Rubble for Vol. 02, we thought we'd put this in the Vol. 01 pdf as well! (So it has replaced the original Players' & GM's versions, one nice and empty, and one with named primary locations.) Likewise the printable handout has been replaced with a blank version of the new map. (Big thanks to Simon Phipp for letting us use his version of the Big Rubble map prior to this point.) VOL. 02: The aforementioned new map of the Big Rubble replaces the GM's Master Map in this book - the one with both named locations and a gazetteer of numbered locations too. We also added a new page at the end, with the cults of Buserian & Lokarnos. These would ideally have gone into Vol. 01 as they are a couple of standard cults for Suntown (as well as Sun County), but I only thought of doing them a week or so ago. There have also been a number of small alterations to information about places in the Big Rubble, made to match the Rubble section of Vol. 04 as it evolves. (AND, 'oh happy joy', all of this was done _before_ it went to POD layout!) :) VOL. 03: The first round of minor error and formatting corrections.
  19. Thanks people. This is all fantastic. Really helping flesh out the article. Now that the three main background books are done, we're starting on the campaign arc proper in Vol. 04 and it just feels necessary to provide a more detailed 'future history' backdrop
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