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Everything posted by goldenwheeldancer

  1. Does the inclusion of Pendragon-esque Passions and the placing of Runes as a prominent aspect of the game provide some of the the 'colour' you require?
  2. Check out the Eiritha Hills. "The Paps" in particular.
  3. Agreed. This thread is about throwing around widely ranging ideas. I have no doubts that RQ will be great.
  4. Come now. Proper adventurers know that style must always come before practicality! But seriously, the problem with the first picture isn't it's lack of partially exposed mammary gland. It's just that it's thematically boring. It doesn't show a living slice of the world it portrays. I will start looking at it and wake up five hours later, snoring all over the page! I also do this when I read some fiction and the writer off loads a pile of information rather than weaving the data into the story.
  5. Back in the good old days people on BRP Central could babble on about whatever they liked without being asked (rather aggressively) to stop. Is BRP Central now policed?
  6. The power economy is brilliant. It is exciting having to make big sacrifices to progress magically. The fact that this slowed cult progression is great. Spamming spells to get Pow gain rolls seems ridiculous. In every session I ever played there are always multiple natural situations in which a Pow gain roll will be achieved. A good GM will put a stop to silly gamist activities that break immersion. The new RQ is looking awesome to me. Love that some elements from Pendragon are seeping in, and that Runes are centre stage.
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