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Super Thunder Bros.

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Everything posted by Super Thunder Bros.

  1. Hey folks this thread was a massive help! Currently putting together my Clan and the hills and plains they dwell in One other thing I wanted to ask: came across the attached tumblr post which I think describes an Orlanthi game to a tee. What games featuring the party as a chieftain’s retainers be like compared to say playing as young people?
  2. Ok giving this thread a read has certainly helped my ideas. I certainly want to pursue the Bronze Age flavour over the Mad Max stuff @Nick Brookeand @g33k I’ve had a quick look at Sandheart and though I don’t want to set things in Sun County (due to the customs there) and am not after the militia stuff, it is a really good resource. @RunebloggerHas sent me a great message with alot of details about Pavis and the River of Cradles. I was worried the area has too many D&Disms but happy to see that’s not the case. So I’m still torn between plains in southern Sartar vs Pavis county, I know I want an area I can carve out and tweak, but also info for the current edition I can pull on. My gut is telling me there’s too much going on in Pavis county, but feel free to disagree with me!
  3. Hi all thank you so much for the suggestions, going to make my way through them!
  4. Hi there all I'm a newcomer to the forum (my first post!) and to running Runequest. I'm setting up to run my first game of Runequest: Glorantha in a remixed take on the setting(I'm emphasising the Post apocalyptic Bronze Age feeling) but I'm worried I've written myself into a corner. I know what kind of game I want to run: one centred on community, herds of cattle, going out there and taming some beasts. The kind of things you can't do in D&D. I want to really capture that strange bronze age vibe; being dressed like Mycenaeans, Messopotamians and Egyptians (That strange era of horned helmets, sacrfice, spirits) and coming across overgrown Dwemer style cities from who knows when! (Touchstones like Dark Sun/Athas, Shadow of the Colossus and Planet of the Apes) To Prefix I'm playing fast and loose with the lore to make it easier on myself, slowly introducing magic and not caring too much about canon (once I'm read up and know the system better I'll run a pure Glorantha game) As a GM I get heavy choice/worldbuilding paralysis; Glorantha is full of useful lore/beasts/factions I can drop in, but as I'm not sticking to canon I get stuck on what to take. Here's what I've done so far: I have told my players they'll be a settled livestock herding tribe (maybe Orlanthi style?) on some open plains. I chose plains and savannah to go for a bit of a Mad Max feeling (I lke Prax alot) but it's not as empty as desert. I'm emphasising they're young, lay members of a community I have given my players the Lightbringer Pantheon, so far we have 3 of four selected as cults: Heler, Storm Bull and possibly Issaries. And this is where i'm stuck, somewhere between Orlanthi and Prax in terms of flavour. I would run a Praxian game, but don't really understand how I'd run a nomadic community, and REALLY wanna go all in on bronze armor and Bronze age/classical era buildings and settlements (I'm pulling on the Rome HBO series and the Conan movie) I could give up on the plains and go more Heortling/Sartarite, but mountains really don't excite me (I'm Welsh funnily enough). And although I like how much Heortling lore there is, I don't like how segmented it is between Orlanth and Ernalda, and would rather a game of players out there roping exotic beasts. (Thinking about it I also really like Esrolian Matriarchy too) So thats my rambling done! if anyone has any suggestions (I've asked before in other places but just get lore/canon thrown at me) on how I could do settled plains cultures and make my game pop, or if one of the other paths seems like an easier time. Happy with any suggestions from a worldbuilding/gameplay perspective, thanks for reading!
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