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AJ The Ronin

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Everything posted by AJ The Ronin

  1. Anyone has any idea what the other 4 other releases are about? (A Cold Fire Within, Curse of Seven, Children of Fear, Lost Legends) When they say "Campaign books" they mean like "The Two Headed Serpent" or something more akin to "Down Darker Trails"?
  2. In Yog-Sothoth they have a thread about the announcement in Necronomicon of a new version of Masks. In the thread it mentions other products but no news on Dark Ages, Space Cthulhu and #thegreatpicture Edit: #thegreatpicture and Mask 2018 are the same thing!
  3. Congratulations. I guess next year between all the new Call of Cthulhu stuff and RuneQuest you will double this year, already Impressive, string of awards.
  4. Well, the player with experience wants to continue the adventure we ran Saturday using RQ2. I'm all for it but I need a character.
  5. The QSR mentioned a Shaman in Chaosium website but I can't find it.
  6. I ran this with 4 players. 3 of them were brand new to RuneQuest, Glorantha and BRP. There were some question (multiple attacks and surprise mostly) but they enjoy the hell out of it. All are pretty curious about the final release and are interested in buying the books. The other player has played RuneQuest since 2 edition and also love it. He found the Augmentation with the Runes a big plus to the ruleset All and all a complete success.
  7. IIRC a beta version of the game was available a couple of years ago. Will it be released in its final form eventually? If not can you put the PDF for sale for those of us not lucky enough to be able to go to GenCon?
  8. Thank you. I usually ignore the promotions folder. It is there.
  9. Has anyone received the PDF yet? I may need to run this twice next Saturday but it would be cool to know how long the adventure is.
  10. My LFGS didn't order the kit but I'm running RunQuest on the 17th.
  11. Thanks for all the answers. That said this is how I plan to play it: Every character gets 1 attack and 1 parry (if using 1 weapon or 1 weapon and a shield) to keep it consistent with the examples. If using two weapons characters have 2 attack and may parry twice. All shield training and costs are considered that the character is using his off hand. Once again, thanks for reading and your time.
  12. I have read the classic rules a few times and I'm still not clear how many times a character may parry. Only once if he does not attack? If a character attack, he can not parry with the same weapon? The two weapon fighting rules seem to indicate so. The starting percentage for shields apply if used on the right or left arm?
  13. Thanks both for the quick replies. I will be checking out the thread.
  14. How would you teach a group of players with a background on Pathfinder and Savage Worlds how to play HeroQuest Glorantha? Would you start with Pre-Gens? At what pace would you introduce mechanics like augments, communities and extended contests? Any hints and advice would be appreciated.
  15. Like I said, obvious but for some reason I couldn't find it. Many thanks.
  16. Maybe is obvious and I missed it but how Investigators learn new skills once the game start? Specially those skills with really low base. Thanks.
  17. Personally Runequest 2.5 should be fine if it's as close to 2 as intended. Runequest: Glorantha is also a good name IMO and like someone mentioned above would fit with Heroquest: Glorantha. I'm sure it will be called RuneQuest 7 or CRQ by the masses.
  18. That's my understanding. RuneQuest Classic -> RuneQuest 2 RuneQuest -> RuneQuest 7/4/Glorantha BTW I thought that one of the design goals was for RuneQuest Classic material to be backward compatible with RuneQuest without much fuss. I got that wrong?
  19. I would love a full color with 7e stats of Malleus Mostroroum. I wouldn't mind if it ends up in 2 volumes.
  20. Title basically. Are there plans to have to offer the 7e rule set in Fantasy Grounds?
  21. The pledge manager is locked and the status is "Ready to Ship". It's happening! Cthulhu Fhtang!
  22. The skill bloat is worrisome, yes. My biggest mental hurdle is the rules to create military characters. I'm not sure if I should use then in 7e as is, or just handwave the military ranks.
  23. Found here: http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?3289-Runes-And-Strange-Elves-Looking-At-Runequest-Classic It is nice to see the game get coverage in a site that at its core is aimed to D&D
  24. Has anyone converted A!C to 7e? I realize that basic stats and stuff like skills difficulties are easy to do. Push rolls will rock in A!C and I would make using Luck default. But what about the different skill packages in the IG and Front books? I feel they would work great as-is but I'm no expert.
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