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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 22 short auto usually refers to a semiautomatic pistol that fires the smallest possible cartridge the 22 short which is about half the size of a 22 long. Unless you work in meat processing and are planning on shooting cattle in the head at point blank range I can’t think of a worse gun for self defense

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  2. On 12/7/2020 at 2:51 AM, NickMiddleton said:

    That system also got made "generic" and is included in Advanced Sorcery, assuming your are referring to the Runes from Bronze Grimoire? The old "Ruins of Rathdor" from Demon Magic (the Second Stormbringer Companion from way back) have never to my knowledge been republished.

    Yeah Loz's and Pete's take at Rune Magic can be found on page 77 of Elric of Melnibone 2nd Edition. A very quick comparison between it and what's in Advanced Sorcery suggest to me that they are different. For example the runes are different and in AS they have to be inscribed on something.


  3. 7 hours ago, NickMiddleton said:

    That system also got made "generic" and is included in Advanced Sorcery, assuming your are referring to the Runes from Bronze Grimoire? The old "Ruins of Rathdor" from Demon Magic (the Second Stormbringer Companion from way back) have never to my knowledge been republished.

    No, I’m referring to Pete’ and Loz's creation that was to a large amount meant to replace demon summoning if I’m remembering right. This was in the Mongoose book. Maybe it made it’s way to Advanced Sorcery.

  4. 3 hours ago, Simlasa said:

    I bought it, but have been told not to read it yet... looks like it might get into play sometime soonish.

    Sorry Simlasa! I was hoping to run it this weekend if we can get enough players. Looks fun though we might have to pulp are normal rules up a bit.

  5. On 11/24/2020 at 6:07 PM, Prinz Slasar said:

    Gonzo ("wild & crazy") in the good sense of comic-booky and exaggerated Sword&Sorcery tropes. AFAICS the setting isn't there for logical discussion but functions as a background for gritty action-adventure with some suspense/horror elements. It has more magic and more non-human species in it than I would expect genre-wise. It happens a lot over the course of the adventure, and the characters are in for a treat.

    It's very rules-light, so to speak. You can expect Mythras stat blocks and usage of the Mythras skills. If you know how to convert Mythras stats into Magic World or BRP, then you're done.

    Depending on how the GM uses the module and - what's more important - how the characters will act, you can expect a lot of combat and action. The module suggests the usage of the Rabble/Underling rules from Mythras, to reflect the pulpy feel of the whole thing. If you want to use MW or BRP, you have to think about a Mook mechanic.
    To get the most out of it, I wouldn't recommend grim&gritty D100 rules, where any sword attack can kill your PC instantly

    What a comprehensive answer! Thank you! I am thinking of using MW with heroic hit points and maybe some form of luck points.

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  6. There is quite a lot of old scifi stuff for Chaosium. Here is a list made in 2016, notable changes from then is that M-Space and the M-Space Companion are now a thing. Also Worlds Beyond is about to be reprinted and Worlds Beyond is a thing now.



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  7. 15 hours ago, Alex Greene said:

    I'll be here tomorrow to answer more questions. This has been a great day. Soph even described Fioracitta as "something superb, which deserves to be up there with the great cities of fantasy gaming."

    Thank you, everyone.

    Who is Soph? Was their an online review done that we can listen to?

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