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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 15 hours ago, Jedfordski said:

    Hello all,

    My friends and I have just started a one shot Pulp Cthulhu adventure to ease us into the system, first game for all of us.  I've created a Mystic with Telekinesis, but I'm struggling to understand how to use it as my primary attack.  I was thinking of carrying large steel ballbearings that I could fire off.  I've no idea what the damage would be though.  What others ways could I use it?

    Cheers, Jed.

    I don't have Pulp Cthulhu, how strong is the Telekinesis? Can you throw a person through a window? Maybe do something with knives?

  2. 1 hour ago, diacritica said:

    Thanks @Sir Pom-Pom and @rsanford!

    @rsanford I think landscape has some advantages when there are several lists of stuff (skills, etc) but the key ingredient is balance and avoid clutter. I'm glad you like it. I'm planning to release Tapiz 1.0 by the end of the year. I'll probably comment on its progress. It will have 100% original art (you can see some samples here https://github.com/diacritica/tapiz-web/tree/master/content/tapiz/images) and meant to be modular by design so you can easily play it on Middle-earth or you High Fantasy sandbox.

    Congrats on The Second Way, it looks very interesting!!

    The Second Way is really only for people that want an Ars Magica type world but using BRP rules. For most people I would recommend Deep Magic with revisions found on this site.

    So please tell us a little bit about your game. Does it use BRP style rules? What’s the setting like? You might also post on rpgpub.com. Lots of BRP enthusiasts and everyone is very helpful.

    • Like 2
  3. 30 minutes ago, Simlasa said:

    Whatever drawings I gave you for the alchemist book are yours to use. If you need me to sign something I will.

    Apparently Magic World has also disappeared from the online store... so maybe they're just disappearing it altogether, as some nagging bit of the past.

    Magic World in PDF is still available on DriveThruRPG at least for the moment.

  4. 1 hour ago, tooley1chris said:

    * SIGH *

    Looks like big brother has finally caught up with me. 

    I've been told my Damn Big Book of Monsters is being removed because of copyright pics included within the pages. 

    All of my projects contain other people's great art, so will likely be removed as well.

    Hope some of ya found a use for the stuff 😎

    Aww man! Our loss!

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:


    if I am not sure whether I checked it out (at work now).. but I think it's on the powerful side of magic style? I like BRP Magic of it's more.. limited (yet good enough) power!

    I quite like the idea that they need burn coal continuously to power the city spell and that the protection can be disrupted if the coal supply is broken though! 

    And, also, I deliberately didn't want to introduce in BRP the usual RuneQuest like "duration" spell shaping...

    It is definitely on the powerful side! Kinda like Ars Magica. 

  6. 50 minutes ago, Simlasa said:

    I'm glad to hear Osprey is going to bring out more stuff for Jackals. I'll assume it's all of use for BRP even if not used for Jackals itself.


    Let’s hope so. I preordered so I will know in May (if it is on schedule).

  7. 17 hours ago, Nick J. said:

    What makes it, "The new Magic World" in your opinion? I know it's based at least in part on OpenQuest, so I assume that means Total Hit Points, fixed armor damage reduction, etc., but isn't it fairly well fixed in place as a psuedo-Bronze Age setting game? What does it do to fill the niche that Magic World might occupy as a less complex, general purpose D100, fantasy game?

    Yeah I guess it's according to what your perspective is and what you think Magic World's niche is. I was thinking of the fact that it's a rules light BRP implementation that uses total hit points. It also has a detailed setting, far more detailed than than the one in MW, but you wouldn't have to use it. Plus a big campaign book is coming out in May. I should also mention I really like Sword and Sandals so its a natural fit for me.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, NickMiddleton said:

    I am hugely fond of Elric! - it is pretty much my favourite incarnation of BRP, and it is mostly focused on the era of of the Elric saga (original early 1960's novellas up to circa 1980) that I actually enjoy; I'm not a fan of the 1990's and more recent additions to the saga. But, even in its re-packaged form of Stormbringer 5th edition in the early 2000's, it wasn't hugely accurate even to that portion of the saga... ...leaving aside the philosophical conundrum of "canon" for a series by an author who's fundamental approach is antithetical to the the sort of codification and coherence the notion of "canon" rests on.

    MRQ2 is not a flavour of D100 I particularly enjoy: for all it fixes the IMO huge flaws of MRQ1, it does so by adding detail and intricacy in areas I no longer find such things satisfying. But the Elric of Melnibone game and its supplements do the best job of all the D100 versions of capturing that problematic "canon" of the Elric saga I alluded to above.

    Basically. if I was to ever run a game in the Young Kingdoms again, I'd use the Elric! rules, with heavy borrowings from Elric of Melnibone for the setting, magic and cosmology. And frankly, whatever particular flavour of D100 rules one prefers, Elric of Melnibone is the best starting point.

    Nick get's it exactly right here. I find the Elric! and Stormbringer 5 rules just right for me, but Elric of Melnibone can't be beat for setting description. You really need both.


    • Like 3
  9. 21 minutes ago, SunlessNick said:

    Pulp Cthulhu itself has rules for psychic powers and pulp science invention.  It's not the same as a witch or vampire, but you could make an Investigator in the theme of the Shadow or Doc Savage.

    Man a character with The Shadow’s capabilities would rule over the occasional cultist!

  10. On 2/23/2017 at 3:44 PM, Optimate said:

    Are the PDFs that used to be available for free on the "Downloads" section of the old Cthulhu Rising site collected somewhere?

    I have some of the material saved. Anything in particular you are looking for? Note I would upload it but I have been asked not to do so.

  11. 3 hours ago, cloporte said:

    ok, but concretely, if I want to contribute to NH, how do I do it?

    Wish I knew. I don’t even know how to view the maintainer list. I wonder sometimes if they are intentionally avoiding the spotlight? It seems incongruous to me that someone could develop this to its current degree without talking about it on BRP Central.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, greger said:

    Would there be any instances where any kind of creature or monster would work with humans (players)?

    Could a serpent-person ask humans for anything, ever? Or will such thing never occur?

    Are there any scenarios where there are any co-operation?


    In my games “monsters” are not really monsters as such just another race. They may view things much, much different than your players but are not necessarily antagonist. In a 47 session campaign one of my groups played in 2018 characters traded with a snake wise woman who was invaluable to them. They also got captured by another group of snake people that didn’t have any ill will towards them they just didn’t want word going out about their colony and only the characters knew.

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  13. 2 hours ago, Andrew Collas Presents... said:

    Thanks, but that's just the book :(

    Guess I'll keep waiting. What is the difference between OpenQuest and BRP normal?

    I just realized I didn’t really answer your question. I don’t have OpenQuest but I know it doesn’t use the resistance table, does use opposed rolls and in the newest incarnation uses doubles for special successes and fumbles instead of percentages. I think OpenQuest also greatly simplifies weapons and their skills in comparison to the BGB.

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