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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 11 hours ago, hix said:

    Thank you for your kind words.

    Will it handle big ships vs. big ships?  X-Wing scale "dogfighting"?

    Yes, from pirate corsairs to fighters to couriers. Still working on capital ship details, but the basics are in place.

    a commercially-salable product?

    Yes, I am hoping to release the game in the next few months.

    are you planning to release it under the BRP-OGL license?

    I hope so. Still waiting on Chaosium to define some things before I can determine if I have made too many changes to call my game BRP.

    Okay I spent about 20 minutes skimming this and will read it from stem to stern later. Very nice! Just curious what inspiration did you take from Revolution D100?

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/9/2020 at 7:48 PM, Vile said:

    If only there were a DTRPG PoD option (BTW, the DTRPG PDF of MW is still at full price). $10 each is a great price for the books, but it comes with $55 shipping for me.

    I know you live in the underworld Vile but what country do you deliver your mail to? I Had to ship some Stormbringer books from the UK once and the shipping costs more than than the books.

    • Sad 1
  3. I just uploaded the latest revision of The Second Way freeform magic rules. Differences between the new 2.1 version and the previous 2.0 version are some minor wording changes, the correction of a spell, a new Wizadry fumble table and a new Chaotic Features table. Special thanks to @Nick from whom I ripped off the fumble table. Also special thanks to @Loz for providing some of the inspiration for the Chaotic Features table in the book Elric of Melnibone Companion.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 hours ago, timbolton said:

    Hi all,
    Been meaning to post here for a while, not sure why I never got round to doing so. 
    I've been keeping an eye on all things Osprey RPG since the line was announced and was lucky enough to pick up Paleomythic and Romance of the Perilous Realm at Dragonmeet 2019.
    Since then I've been gathering information on all the current and upcoming games. I've just done a post of all that on Enworld forums (and one at RPGNet) - here.

    Really looking forward to this game and was really happy to see there is a follow-on campaign book, which is a first so far for the Osprey RPG line. 
    Also great to see John-Matthew here and all your feedback, amazing stuff :)

    Edit: And as a massive TOR/AiME fan/collector I applaud any book that does Darkening of Mirkwood style, because the C7 stuff is amazing, and that book was up there at the top. I am looking forward to where Fria Lagan take the franchise after C7 dropped it.

    I am UK-based so keep an eye on Amazon UK rather than the US one, unlike most posters here I think. The Amazon UK has just shifted the release date for the core book from 24 Sep 2020 to 11 Feb 2021 (link) and the campaign guide expected 23 Feb 2021 to 18 May 2021 (link). Bloomsbury UK site is currently unchanged.
    Is that right John-Matthew?

    Also, I hope it's not getting anyone in trouble, I found the following links in my search for Jackals info, since Osprey usually only release closer to the time.

    I found mention of a playtest here: https://skrifa.wordpress.com/category/game-recaps/zaharets/

    And snippets of art here: https://kellybennett.art/jackals

    Really looking forward to this game! :D

    This is great! Thank you! And Welcome!

    • Like 1
  5. On 9/6/2016 at 9:17 PM, skarl said:

    The Elric Cults book arrived today and I skimmed then read deeper. For my purposes I have streamlined the idea into a simpler patron template to work with. I like the idea of draining experience into gaining more patron knowledge and for spellcasters I will give them four spells over DCC's three, the first basically being a cantrip. This also works for those pursuing more stabby type characters to be champions in sort of a Warhammer Realms of Chaos books way.

    SKarl sorry for the necro but can you let us know what you did with this? DId you end up using the Elric of Melnibone sysytem? Can you share the details?

    • Like 1
  6. This is from Jackals Amazon listing...

    The Zaharets, the land between the Vori Wastes and the Plains of Aeco, is well-known as the Land of Risings. Dominated by the rising city-states of Ameena Noani and Sentem, facing each other along the great War Road, the Zaharets has always been home to powerful civilizations. Beastmen ruins dot the landscape, a constant reminder of the Kingdom of Sin and the fragility of the Law of Men. Even older are the great ruins of the Hulathi, the legendary sea peoples, and the Hannic mansions sealed beneath the mountains, awaiting those who would seek out the Lost Folk. Scars abound from the wars between ruined Keta in the north and Gerwa in the south. And, far to the east, the legends of Muadah still beckon occultists and Jackals who seek to plunder its corrupted ruins.

    Inspired by the myths, cultures, and history of the Ancient Near East, and by such ancient texts as the Iliad, the Epic of Gilgamesh, and the Old Testament, Kalypsis is a Sword & Sorcery roleplaying game set in a Fantasy Bronze Age. With mechanics based on the popular OpenQuest system, Kalypsis places players in the role of Jackals--adventurers, explorers, sellswords, and scavengers--and sends them out into the peril-filled land of the Zaharets to make their fortune… or perhaps fulfill a greater destiny . . .

  7. 7 hours ago, Leketh said:

    Hey everyone,

    John-Matthew here. Someone reached out to the Iconic podcast about Jackals, and mentioned they heard about the game on this thread, and I came straight over. I wanted to say how exciting it was for me to see a thread about Jackals on the BRP forums. It was surreal to find it here! 

    If you have any questions, I will answer them if I can.



    Just to let you know people at the RPG Pub have also been asking about Jackals. You can find the discussion here -> https://www.rpgpub.com/threads/jackals-bronze-age-fantasy-roleplaying.4535/


  8. 47 minutes ago, Leketh said:

    Hey everyone,

    John-Matthew here. Someone reached out to the Iconic podcast about Jackals, and mentioned they heard about the game on this thread, and I came straight over. I wanted to say how exciting it was for me to see a thread about Jackals on the BRP forums. It was surreal to find it here! 

    If you have any questions, I will answer them if I can.


    Are you kidding? We want to know everything? For starts how integrated is OpenQuest into the setting? And did you expand OpenQuest at all? I read the blurb you put up on Amazon (I have ordered the book) anything you can expand on here?

    • Like 5
  9. In @Nick J.'s Magic World game last week we lost one of our two fighter type characters. And it wasn't just any character but a hulking killing machine often referred to as an Iron Golem. Not only did Diedtrich have a powerful damage bonus and a magic sword but also a sword profiency in the 90% percentile range. My character, Dietrich's man servant and the other fighter type is at best a mediocre fighter and will probably have a short life time now that Dietrich is gone. That said I thought it would be good to write an obituary for the fair Sir Dietrich. It goes something like this...

    “Wilhelm Dietrich “Sir Dietrich” von Buddenbrock made his last wildly inappropriate and sarcastic comment on July 28th.

    Dietrich was born and immediately dubbed “our favorite child” to Wilhelm and Joan Buddenbrock (deceased) in March of 1993. Their constant love, support, caring far exceeded anything Dietrich deserved.

    He is survived by his five wives, sixteen girlfriends, forty three children and overly dedicated warhorse named Sica. He will miss Sica.

    He had three basic philosophies“work is for the unimaginative”, “never use your real name” and “failure to consume a proferred glass of ale is a terrible waste.”

    Dietrich died knowing that the Black Labrador Pub in High Hankle is the best place to get a buzz and that a visit to the Daisy Club in Lankshorn will give you a rash that just won’t go away.

    Dietrich’s demise will now allow all his children to emerge from his shadow. A variety of boys and girls with no upbringing whatsoever complete the list of those left to embellish his memory.

    Dietrich’s service included five years serving as the Commander of his Lord’s guard and seven years as a professional ale taster and womanizer. His time and position afforded hundreds of people exposure to Dietrich’s unique personality. Half a dozen or so of these might speak of him fondly if pressed.

    His regrets were few but include eating a falafel from a street merchant in Dreg, opening a door in Dun Cru covered with runes and that no evidence exists of his prowess on the jousting field or in the bedroom.

    There will be no viewing since his comrades refuses to honor his request to have him standing in the corner of the room with a glass of ale in his hand so that he would appear natural to visitors.

    Cremation will take place at the earliest convenience and his ashes will be kept in an urn until the party gets tired of having it around.

    Everyone who remembers him is asked to celebrate Dietrich’s life in their own way. Raising a glass of their favorite drink in his memory would be quite appropriate.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  10. 10 hours ago, Nick J. said:

    In my experience, it's usually just "people in funny hats" syndrome when you get right down to it, but I've got a couple of people I play with currently that try to lean into it. The grimalkin in the current campaign seems to be a favorite, but then again, these people own cats so they've got plenty of source material to fall back on. Personally, I've never been any good at playing a non-human convincingly. (Of course that never stopped me from constantly rolling up wood elf rangers in AD&D 1st ed. games in junior high and high school all those years ago -- gotta get them sweet racial bonuses and hiding abilities!).

    Oh I don't know Nick, I think you play a non-human very convincingly! It's human you seem to have some problems with 🙂

    Note please don't kill my character!

    • Haha 2
  11. 12 hours ago, g33k said:

    <sighs deeply>

    <looks at yet-unpurchased parts of the Chaosium's RQG catalog>

    <looks at Jonstown Compendium>

    <looks at Lyonesse, with Mythic Mesopotamia/Babylon/whatever, and Mythic Polynesia yet to come>


    It's all a vast conspiracy, isn't it?  TDM... Chaosium...

    Y'all HATE me having a bank account, don't you?


    Yeah TDM is getting an unfailry large portion of my monthly discretionary spend at this point. Can't wait for Mythic Greece!

    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Loïc said:

    Opinion about Astounding Adventures overall... (and please forgive my frenchy english!)

    Well, I first bought it because I'm quite found of pulp movies and novels. And more than found of BRP system... To compare, I played Daredevils a long time ago, and ran Hollow Earth Expedition a few years ago. In Astounding Adventures, I felt the epic-pulp atmosphere I enjoyed with Daredevils. And Astounding Adventures is far better, in my opinion, than Hollow Earth. HEX's adventures are too much railroaded, and if the Hollow Earth background itself is very interesting, the adventures and implications didn't convinced me. In Astounding, the 3 adventures explore 3 subgenres (jungle adventure, weird science, pulp horror), and I found very fun to make my players discover each of these (with sometimes unexpected results). The mechanics allow to use Astounding as a sandbox: I didn't use (yet...) gadgets and resources since I wanted some realistic tone in my adventures. And the BRP system is enough flowing to allow easy improvisions to avoid raildroaded sessions. And Action Points systems allow many original solutions to the players. My advise: do not hesitate to prepare extra day to day scenes, and a cool larger-than-life NPC casting.

    Last, the BRP system is perfect for easily converting old Daredevils and others adventures...

    The only bad point: I ran the 3 adventures online (roll20), and probably missed some good roleplay I should entertain tabletop...

    Oh and by the way, your English is WAY better than my French!

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Loïc said:

    Opinion about Astounding Adventures overall... (and please forgive my frenchy english!)

    Well, I first bought it because I'm quite found of pulp movies and novels. And more than found of BRP system... To compare, I played Daredevils a long time ago, and ran Hollow Earth Expedition a few years ago. In Astounding Adventures, I felt the epic-pulp atmosphere I enjoyed with Daredevils. And Astounding Adventures is far better, in my opinion, than Hollow Earth. HEX's adventures are too much railroaded, and if the Hollow Earth background itself is very interesting, the adventures and implications didn't convinced me. In Astounding, the 3 adventures explore 3 subgenres (jungle adventure, weird science, pulp horror), and I found very fun to make my players discover each of these (with sometimes unexpected results). The mechanics allow to use Astounding as a sandbox: I didn't use (yet...) gadgets and resources since I wanted some realistic tone in my adventures. And the BRP system is enough flowing to allow easy improvisions to avoid raildroaded sessions. And Action Points systems allow many original solutions to the players. My advise: do not hesitate to prepare extra day to day scenes, and a cool larger-than-life NPC casting.

    Last, the BRP system is perfect for easily converting old Daredevils and others adventures...

    The only bad point: I ran the 3 adventures online (roll20), and probably missed some good roleplay I should entertain tabletop...

    This is awesome! It's on sale for $9.99 right now and I just ordered it! Thank you!

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