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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 11 hours ago, Questbird said:

    You could check out Warlords of Alexander.


    I just spent about 30 minutes skimming through Warlords of Alexander. Wow! This is immpressive. As you indicated it has the weapons and armor charts used by the Greeks in the Hellenistic age but heck the whole thing is oriented towards playing Hellenistic Greeks. I think I would probably be better off playing this than trying to tweak Magic World. Thank you!

    • Thanks 1
  2. 24 minutes ago, Zit said:

    First have a look at the Sumer Package in the downloads section of this forum. It is a short Uruk in a nutshell for Revolution d100 and in English.

    For the full 100 pages Uruk in French (skills in English - I would write it differently nowadays, but you can find game and background material) and grab your Harrap's English-French dictionnary : https://drive.google.com/file/d/134akzYBaSZY_KS425NdPzSBbeUw35HhH/view?usp=sharing


    Thanks again! I am going to see if I can use Google Translate to translate it to English first!

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, jackleg2010 said:

    My current collection, not including my PDFs Legend, RQ2,and the Gold Book. Oh, and GORE. Do I have enough? And why do I want more? 😆


    You would still probably find the Big Gold Book useful!

    * Woops I stand corrected - you already have the BGB.

  4. 3 hours ago, Crabus said:

    I had the chance to play the Jackals Wolves Lair adventure during the convention.

    For me it was a lot of first time. First time playing Jackals (obviously), first time playing during a convention (virtual or not) and first time playing in English.

    As English is not my primary language and the setting is full of names, details, etc, it was like a firework in my mind.

    But, clearly, after this adventure, my interest for this game increased.

    What I understood :

    The game is a Bronze Age settings with Hebrew-like, Greek-like, Egyptian-like, Giants descendent cultures. It’s probably not as archetypical as that, but the format (a one shot convention game) request concision.

    So player characters are jackals, wandering adventurers, organized in pack.

    We were hired for rescue merchants captured by Wolves (bandits), but we discovered a lot more.

    The setting is quite living, with lots of things that going on. A Jackals campaign is like a Pendragon or Paladin one. Running on a long period, with multiple characters.

    About rules:

    It’s OpenQuest with some new mechanism (that I noted) :

    • A new magic system name rite. Quite straightforward. You have a list of 3 or 4 spells by spellcasters speciality.
    • A Virtue, that can be used to improve a roll result (critical failure to failure, failure to success or success to critical success)
    • Valour, that are HP before HP (named wounds). So you decrease Valour first and wounds after (when Valour is 0). Valour come back quickly.
    • Clash points. Kind of action points for combat but that can be spent in many ways.
      • In defense, you can use a clash point to make an opposed dice roll. The winner (high success) wounds the looser. If you don’t have clash point, it’s an unopposed dice roll, if the attacker success the defender is wounded. Work very like Pendragon combat with this clash point twist.
      • In attack, you can perform a special attack by spending clash points (slash attack or power attack)
    • Initiative. DFT (?) + 1d6 but the group can decide who go first. To be honest, I didn’t understand the initiative system.
    • Mettle that we used quickly, that is a fatigue system.
    • Corruption. Not really used, but you can probably guess what it is.

    There was a mechanism for some highlighted skills, but I did not understand it. Sorry.

    I was very happy to discover this game. I will look forward for it release (the core book and the campaign).

    I know a Brit convention was held over the weekend that featured Jackals. I was supposed to participate but couldn't figure out how to log in. Did they send you a Goole Meet link or code to use? Still not sure what I was supposed to do.

    In any case I am sad I missed it. I am looking forward to Jackals.

  5. 1 hour ago, Andrew Collas Presents... said:

    Thanks for the welcome. :)

    Is there a specific sub-form for the hacking/Frankensteining by chance?

    Probably the BRP sub forum (the one you already picked). You can talk about the rules in the big gold book or more generally across all the BRP lines.

  6. We might get English translations... A read through Aquelarra shows it’s clearly a gem and close enough to BRP to be in the same family. I will be promoting it and hope to write some stuff for it too (not professional grade unfortunately).

    • Like 4
  7. On 8/9/2020 at 11:13 AM, Alabak2002 said:

    Good evening:

    I've been DM'ng this game since it came out in the 90s (left RPGs behind for long time, and came back some years ago)

    This is, by far, my favorite game. Not because the quality of the system, but because the depth of the setting.

    I don't think Nocturnal will have the resources (material and inmaterial) to go on publishing Aquelarre, nor that Chaosium will put more on their plate, but I have hopes of other ways of this game going on in the US and english world. The spanish publisher (Nosolorol) has recently launched a couple Kickstarters of their own translating their own children RPGs into spanish. They have done a good work tranlating english language RPGs the other way around so... may they resurface Aquelarre in english by themeselves in the future (BTW, the game is being launched at the end of this year, if COVID allows it, in Italian)

    Leaving publishing companies aside, there are TONS of fan-made material out there. Google translator makes a better deal munching into english, but using it to translate that materials SPA->ENG you get a fairly understandable result that must just be polished a little before use.

    i.e. http://www.sinergiaderol.com/aventuras/av-aquelarre.html <--- 107 adventures here


    Alabak2002 the amount of material you linked to is truly amazing and going to take a long time to go through. Yesterday I translated all the adventure titles and downloaded each adventure (one by one). Next step is to translate each one and convert it to zip. BUT... Are there any particular adventures or campaigns that stand out to you that we should translate first?

  8. 2 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    I agree. Part of the trouble I have with the SAN rules is that everyone in a battle or who works in a hopital trauma center would pretty much go insane automatically due to the sheer number of horrific things they see every day. I think there should be some point where you get desensitized to some things and they don't bother you as much. It's what used to happen when I worked in a hospital. After a certain point you learn how to turn your emotions off so that you can still function. Our big fear wasn't that things worth bother us too much, but that we might reach a point where it didn't bother us at all, anymore. 

    Someone correct me if I get it wrong but I think both Unknown Armies and Delta Green (which is influended by Unknow Armies) has a concept where a character can get hardened to particular causes of sanity loss (such as violence).

  9. 48 minutes ago, Alabak2002 said:

    Leaving publishing companies aside, there are TONS of fan-made material out there. Google translator makes a better deal munching into english, but using it to translate that materials SPA->ENG you get a fairly understandable result that must just be polished a little before use.

    i.e. http://www.sinergiaderol.com/aventuras/av-aquelarre.html <--- 107 adventures here


    After G+ closed, I set a MeWe group where I have been posting about the spanish books, corrected character sheets, the issues with the translation and so



    FIrst off thanks for the links both the fan made stuff and the MeWe site! I tried downloading some of the fan made stuff but WIndows ask me what app to use to open them? THey are adventures correct? What do you use?

    * OKay I did some searching and the files presented are in RAR format which is not recognized by WIn 10. However you can download a RAR tool app for WIn 10. I did so and it appears to be working fine. Now I have to figure out the best way to translate the documents. Any thoughts?

    These are SO USEFUL for us English speaking Aquelarre GMs not yet ready to write their own adventures!

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    The first edition of Delta Green from the mid-90s has a very "X-Files meets Cthulhu" vibe to it, so if you track down the original books (Delta Green, Countdown, and Eyes Only, in particular), you'll get exactly that in terms of the sourcebooks, but with only one adventure AFAIK that deals directly with the grays.

    Spoilers follow:

      Hide contents

    The main book, Delta Green 1st edition, pitches one of the main antagonists as being the Fungi from Yuggoth who study the human race via some "puppets" that are effectively gray aliens. They do this because, in the past, direct contact with humans resulted in much insanity and problems... they are using the more humanoid appearance of the grays to better deal with humans. Majestic-12 collaborates with the grays, very much like in X-Files, and by and large they are unaware that these are "fake" -- they just enjoy getting cool alien technology in exchange for a few hundred American lives. Delta Green however is starting to realize what's going on, and thus are on a collision course with MJ-12.

    This main book has 3 scenarios, one of which is an extremely deadly one where you are going directly on the grays/Mi-Go's turf. Agents typically don't survive that adventure and those that do are changed forever... I'll let you read it before saying more.

    Outlook has mostly a bunch of factions you can use, including The Outlook Group, effectively the psycho-paranormal division of MJ12, and Phenomen-X, which is a reality show about aliens whose journalists and staff can be PCs, allies, or enemies. There are 3 adventures in there but IIRC none of them have any grays in there.

    Eyes Only has an entire chapter called "Machinations of the Mi-Go", which of course deals with what the Mi-Go are up to, what their technology is, etc. This includes some bits about their "gray aliens" subterfuge.


    WOW! This is SUPER helpful! I only recently got into Delta Green and only have the newer books. I recently read PX Poker Night and it is very much about what we are talking about (I wont give spoilers here). I will start investigating these!

    • Like 2
  11. On 8/7/2020 at 8:53 PM, Rift_Knight said:

    I'm familiar with Delta Green just don't like the every character has to go insane eventually. I'm like Kirk. Don't believe in a no win scenario. Maybe combine some elements of Conspiracy X with Delta Green. Have to think  about it.

    You could ignore the Delta Green sanity rules. It would result in a lighter, less grim game but it would still probably be more grim than Bureau 13 for example unless you swap at the mythos for more conventional monsters too. That's what I would do.

  12. 9 hours ago, Mugen said:

    As for myself, I tend to mix a lot of things from cousin games Mythras and Revolution D100.

    I like to have few skills (a dozen), but with specializations. That is, instead of disconnected Climb, Jump, Throw, etc. skills, I'd have a single Agility skill with optional specialties for those who want to focus on one or more aspects. That is, a professional Alpinist would certainly have a Climb Specialty, which he'll add to his Agility skill when climbing.

    I like the generic conflict rules from RD100 and M-Space (Mythras in space), which is a rather abstract system where each protagonist starts with a number of points equal to one of his characteristics, and the goal is to make your opponent lose all his points through skill versus skill oppositions.

    I also use the Pendragon and Mythras rules for skill oppositions, with a twist. If one protagonist gets a better success level, he wins. if both protagonists achieve the same level of success, the one with the highest number on his d100 wins. The twist is that usually, those kind of rules consider that if both fail, there is no winner.

    Using the Resistance Table equation in oppositions as a baseline for chances of success (that is, Chance of succes = 50%+[difference betwwen both skills]), would work fine for me, too.

    Got to admit, Revolution’s way of doing skills is genius and one of the best things about the game. I would like to run a CoC game but use Paulo’s skill rules. Just need to create a character sheet.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Rift_Knight said:

    I've recently gotten a copy of Conspiracy X 1ed RPG. Love the backround, original system seems ok but I really prefer a % based system. I was wondering if anyone had already done some work on this type of conversion/ game type.

    I haven’t done Conspiracy X games but I have done Alternity/ Dark Matter games which have the same feel. I have used base BRP for this as well as Delta Green. Both worked great. I’m also hoping to run some of the Bureau 13 games in BRP but haven’t yet done so,

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