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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 21 hours ago, Vile said:

    What do you mean?

    That was supposed to be chargen not charge. It means that in Magic World you pick the culture your from and that dictates where a portion of your skill points are placed. For example a nomad might have riding...

  2. 5 hours ago, Darkgael said:

    Hello fairly new to the Choasium Forums mainly sticking around the Call of Cthulhu end but have loved Stormbringer since the first edition when I picked it up in high school so is there any chance of a new edition ? or is there something with the IP that has changed ? or is someone else gonna bring out a version ? I would prefer a Choasium release but would like any info anyone has on the subject would be great thanx 

    Do you happen to read French? There is a French game out called Mournblade that’s just gorgeous. Don’t know about the rules though.

  3. 4 hours ago, Reaver said:

    I've just introduced some reluctant Dnd5e friends to call of cthulhu and they are loving it. Dubious at first because they had played a single game in the past and didn't really enjoy it too much but by the sounds of it, their keeper had no idea/very little experience and loved my game. 

    I ran darkness beneath the hill for them but threw in some dreams of my own for them and dropped them the yellow sign. 

    Looking for suggestions on what to run next for them. Preferably something available on drive through as we are using roll20 and it's easier to make handouts from pdfs than having to buy the books and scan stuff. Preferably something that would last a good few sessions but not a full blown campaign like tatters. 


    Thanks in advance. 

    If you want the classic setting then The Haunting is a no brainer. It's made for newbies and is plenty creepy. Plus there are loads of ideas and resources on the net for it. If you are okay with a modern setting I would suggest Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home though I would caution you to remind the players that sacrifices sometimes have to be made and if they aren't in to that I would avoid Ladybug.

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  4. On 4/8/2020 at 7:43 AM, AndreJarosch said:

    For BRP this was already done in october 2009: 
    As the Chaosium Monograph 0383 "Classic Fantasy"* by Rodney Leary

    * Updated edition for Mythras in April 2016 as The Design Mechanism 500 "Classic Fantasy"

    Yeah this is already done in a big way and it's great. And Rodney is actively supporting it!

    • Like 1
  5. On 3/29/2020 at 6:13 AM, alter said:

    You should look for Pulp Egypt and Heroes of Rura-Tonga from Peter Schweighofer. He also got some PWYW scenarios on Drive-Thru. On my blog I post about running Pulp Egypt and preppin for Heroes... 

    Here is my shameless plug:


    I haven’t run Pulp Egypt but Rura Tonga is a classic. Highly recommended!

    • Like 1
  6. 51 minutes ago, David Howard said:

    I do wish Chaosium would support Magic World better, or release an OGL for BRP so we can do it ourselves!

    Magic World was my introduction to BRP and a hidden gem. The ruleset is great but the setting should have leveraged Magic World's subsystems better and the presentation could have been massively better. I know it won't happen but I can dream of a book that leverages Magic World's rules but done with the care and dilligence RuneQuest received. Would be great!

    • Like 3
  7. If you like BRP, like I do, then you might want to consider the fan made publication New Horizon. It provides detailed rules as well as a setting for playing science fiction in a world most like that in Blade Runner or Total Recall. I haven't studied it in depth but the only thing it seems to lack are rules for creating starships (Use M-SPACE for that). Instead it just list a few ships and their stats. You can find it at https://gitlab.com/NHcthulhu/NewHorizon



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  8. Its hard to recount all the things I like about BRP but in general I think the game is more realistic (if you can use the word realistic when talking abut fantasy) than other fantasy games. When I first started gaming I played 1st and 2nd edition Dungeons & Dragons but I never cared for the abstractions (like armor class and THAC0) they used. Then I found BRP (Magic World specifically) and found a game that realistically applied damage to armor but had mechanics for hitting an opponent and parrying (or dodging) an adversary. I also liked the resistance table as a way to model characteristics versus characteristics and the modeling of skills.

  9. 4 hours ago, seneschal said:

    Understandable.  Australia is largely desert, not conducive to the growth of mushrooms.  While I enjoy them, I eat only domestic varieties.  Even experts occasionally die from eating the wrong wild-picked fungus.  It is sometimes hard to tell the good stuff from deadly toadstools.  Does your setting have the equivalent of truffles, and the nosey beasts needed to hunt them down?

    Our ancestors must have been brave, or starving, to figure out what was edible and what wasn't.

    Half my family is Russian and there wild mushrooms are considered a delicacy. Many Russians living in rural Russia know how to identify them yet I’m told (by my Russian wife) mushroom poisoning is a common thing there.

  10. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    But this is neither Church nor State.  This is TRIF's house.  And IIRC Trif ain't even a USA resident or citizen, so USA law has even LESS relevance...

    Mainly, he wants us to stay civil; but really... we have no "rights" here, he just hosts the space out of the goodness of his heart and allows us to play in this very fine sandbox he owns.


    I agree.

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