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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 1 hour ago, g33k said:

    But this is neither Church nor State.  This is TRIF's house.  And IIRC Trif ain't even a USA resident or citizen, so USA law has even LESS relevance...

    Mainly, he wants us to stay civil; but really... we have no "rights" here, he just hosts the space out of the goodness of his heart and allows us to play in this very fine sandbox he owns.


    I agree.

  2. On 12/28/2019 at 10:24 AM, Dethstrok9 said:

    I completely understand. The current state of the world is screwed up pretty bad. However, separation of church and state is a invasion of the right to "free speech" and was never part of the constitution...

    My philosophy? Let people live as they want, if it doesn't effect me, I don't care. 

    Your right but you are getting dangerously near politics. There are a lot of people (not me) that believe that separation of church and state is a righful law in the US.

  3. 13 hours ago, Fábio Silva said:

    Note: English is not my native language, please let me know about grammar, and typo so that I can edit the post, and everyone can better understand what I’m trying to say.
    Note 2: I thought a lot before creating this post. But an important person for me committed suicide today, and I decided to talk.

    I don't know how relevant this may be, as some people may have depression or live with others that have some mental disorder, but I've waited five years to write something like that.

    I won't go into the details, because this post will already be long enough and may compromise some people's privacy, but in 2014 an influential person in a Christian religion accused me of occult practice, based on social networking photos of me reading and get together with people for something related to "Cthulhu." In quick research, the person saw that "Cthulhu" is a cosmic entity worshiped by cultists who perform rituals and sacrifices to them. He forgot the part where it's just fiction and accused me of occult practice. I live in a country town and the people here are Christians. My wife and I are Christians.

    I lost my job, and some people walked away from me, but there was always someone on the prowl trying to prove that I practiced some occult. Out of a job, I devoted myself entirely to producing RPG content in Brazil and in English (for Fate Core, DCC RPG, and SS&SS) to pay the bills and bought food while trying a new job that never came. Some close friends and some publishers from Brazil know how many times I had to ask for money and advance to meet basic needs (buying food, for example). What hurt most was that I had dependents (my wife and some cats). I had depression and carried it with me until it began to affect my work with RPG production as the pressure of being watched continued.

    So to take their eyes off of my adult role-playing work, I created a children's role-playing game called Gatos Espaciais (Space Cats). I did it because I had no money left to care for my kittens (and I would NEVER abandon them) and I would use the money to care for my animals and donations to NGOs. Also, I did it because it is a child theme, and the religious persecution cloud diminishes. These are the links do the projects:

    Gatos Espaciais (first crowdfunding): https://www.catarse.me/gatosespaciais
    Gatos Espaciais (second crowdfunding): https://www.catarse.me/gatosespaciaisnovo
    Gatos Espaciais (third crowdfunding and printed edition): https://www.catarse.me/gatosjogo
    Space Cats (I tried to release the English edition): https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/space-cats-children-s-role-playing-game/
    This is my Instagram account where I post my art and talk about my life as a freelancer: https://www.instagram.com/imfabiosilva/

    Then I started having panic attacks. I changed my phone number, created a pseudonym and new email almost every time I had a crisis, thinking someone was stalking me and would accuse me again in an attempt to ruin my life. I have eight facebook accounts, four Twitter accounts, six Instagram accounts, and sixteen emails. Throughout these five years, I have had numerous phone chips with different numbers. I did it because I'm a fan of Allan Poe, Lovecraft, and Call of Cthulhu. I wanted to continue to brainstorm, play online and set up my weekly tables with the few people I knew I could trust my life with. This has strengthened my friendship with influential people in RPG in Brazil, but also abroad.

    It was five years of fighting depression, panic, and despair until I lost everything that I built for 14 years — my marriage. Things like this make you irrational. And it's at a time like this that if you don't have the right people around you, you do something irreversible. Sometimes it is not because you are suffering over the years that you make a terrible decision such as suicide. Sometimes it's because of those 10 seconds you saw or heard something that put you down.

    Today the sister of a friend committed suicide, perhaps not only because she suffered over the years, but because she didn't have what she needed to hold on for another 10 seconds before making the decision. Maybe a little action would be enough. Another five seconds and perhaps she had given up and stayed alive.

    With all this, I saw that everything needs its time. There is a time for war and a time for peace. I went through a war that lasted five years, I still fight, but today it is calm down. I lost a lot of things in this war, but I won it too. I have lost friendships and the trust of many people, including relatives, friends, and customers, and I know I won't have them back. I lost my marriage — but my ex-wife and I are great friends. But I gained new friends and new customers as well. A new life. It was enough for me to hold another 10 seconds and want to continue.

    I had a chance to go to a big RPG event here in Brazil and talked a lot about Lovecraft and Call of Cthulhu with a lot of people. I made many friends at the event. I made many friends on the internet, in social networking groups. I met the amazing people from Brazilian RPG youtube channels, blogs, and sites, and we kept in touch over the net. I met about two dozen other people, and we talked a lot about RPG. They are all amazing. The release of Call of Cthulhu 7th in Brazil has strengthened my friendship with many other ones.

    I never had anything original from Call of Cthulhu because of this whole situation. I didn't want to risk anyone seeing my books and having to sell them (or burn them) in an emergency (I had to do this three times with some of my role-playing books). I also had no money, as I have no job (Brazil is a problematic country in this manner). I always bought the PDFs and printed them in my own home.

    This slipcase on photos was produced by Chaosium exclusively for the 7th edition Kickstarter. Only those who supported the Kickstarter in 2013 received it. It’s no longer sold. Some friends helped me get a sealed copy. These are my first original printed CoC books. The first of many, I hope. Chaosium is amazing.

    Today I want to extend my writing work to CoC as well. I want to write scenarios for the Miskatonic Repository. I want to do some illustrations too (although I am a child artist hahaha). And I will do.

    I have lost many things over the years in this war. But I won too. And I still win. It was worth not giving up. If you have thought of giving up, don't do it. Give life another chance. If you know someone who wants to give up, don't let that happen.

    There is a time for peace.







    WhatsApp Image 2019-09-13 at 16.18.48(1).jpeg


    I will say a prayer for you. In the meanwhile lean into God as he can get you through anything.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Dethstrok9 said:

    Are your magic rules relevant to CoC or DG? If so, I will see what the hype is all about! 

    The Second Way is really meant to provide rules for a very powerful, freeform magic system and is really best suited for GMs wanting something like Ars Magica but using BRP rules. It would be massively overpowered for any Delta Green or Cthulhu game I can imagine.

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  5. 19 hours ago, ORtrail said:

    Its seems to be CoC meets Stalking the Night Fantastic/Bureau 13 for the most part.  Government agents who job it is to investigate strange situations. 

    That's a good way to describe it though the Delta Green world has been developed in a lot more depth than Bureau 13 (which is a great setting).


    • Thanks 1
  6. I'm new to Delta Green but I am enjoying it immensly. The thing that I like about Delta Green is that it provides reasons for people to investigate the mythos. In Call of Cthulhu you might have run a scenario where the head of one of your ghost hunters gets chopped off. Any normal person is going run away screaming at that point, but Delta Green has a reason and rational to be there. Also using the example of the ghost hunters who are you going to recruit, now that curious Johnny had his head cut off? Delta Green provides you with a never ending supply of agents and friendlies to pull from. Personally I am liking Delta Green better than Call of Cthulhu and I LOVE Call of Cthulhu!

    • Like 2
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  7. 20 minutes ago, g33k said:

    The main point of all those links to sheets was to show examples of the (IMHO vastly more functional) "humanoid" shaped HP-by-location diagram.

    Sadly, all the ones I have found are specifically for RQ.  I'm pretty sure I have seen a general BRP one... but I've no recollection of WHERE.  🙄


    And I guess, while we're on the topic... it's worth mentioning the custom dice from Q-workshop:


    They have an oversized d20 with the hit-locations instead of 1-20.  AFAIK, you need to get the whole set, they don't sell the hit-location die alone.

    @G33K pm me your email address and I will share the BRP character sheet I have with you. It's as ugly as sin but it does (sort of) have a body depicted with localized hit points..

  8. On 11/30/2019 at 12:20 PM, Qizilbashwoman said:

    not to sound mean but you could have googled this in two seconds. it's an entire series of best-selling books. Book 1: https://smile.amazon.com/Midnight-Riot-Rivers-London-Book-ebook/dp/B004C43F70/ref=sr_1_1?crid=24JZJKH67VFBC&keywords=aaronovich+ben&qid=1575138065&sprefix=aaronivich%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-1

    "if Harry Potter grew up and joined the Fuzz"

    What an advertising blurb says about a book will rarely be as useful as a third party’s opinion. If I went purely by the advertising Dresden would be the best thing since the Lord of the Rings

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Basically, Sir Isaac Newton went on to write the definitive work on magic after having completed his work on physics. His successors became the guardians of the supernatural.

    There was a huge magical conflict that used the Second World War to cover up their misdeeds, which wiped out most active mages in Britain (which apparently won).

    Peter Grant is a modern day policeman, son of an English jazz musician and an African immigrant. He discovers his aptitude for the supranatural when dealing with a mystery case and perceiving transparent witnesses. As a result, he gets assigned to the Folly, Scotland Yard's magical division headed and staffed by the last active Newtonian mage in Britain and his not quite human household aide. Peter gets involved with the family of the new Goddess of River Thames (another African woman...) and starts an apprenticeship in magic.

    There are a few common themes between this and the Dresden Files, like the neural deterioration that over-use of magic creates in the brains of its practitioners, and the ability to hex modern technology. But both Peter Grant (and his newly discovered German colleague) are policemen first and foremost, then heroic magical apprentices.

    The books are mystery cases involving supernatural entities and evil mages. Often both in the same story.

    Wow! This sounds interesting. I will see if it's available on Audible and if so pick the first one up. I have listened to all the Dresden books and while very entertaining I thought the plots were too simple and for the most part came down to Dresden digging down deep to cast one more powerful spell...


    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 hours ago, klecser said:

    My group used their wealth to gut the Chapel of Contemplation and rebuild a Sanctum Sanctorum on top of it. They now have a home base on a "place of power." That would not have been possible if they played financially-challenged characters. It made sense that if they were going to spend points in character creation on it that it was going to result in some cool benefits in game.


    Boy that sounds fun! I want to be in your group!

  11. 9 hours ago, alter said:

    Hello Agents! 

    Very good scenario from BRIDGET RENOUX and most important it is free for download from: https://www.patreon.com/posts/amanuensis-dolls-23570691

    and You can hear this scenario running by Bridget for RPPR crew here:


    I've run this scenario and it is very good. 


    Are you sure that actualplay address is right? It might be on my end but the address won’t resolve on my phone...


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  12. I haven't read it yet, but I picked it up because is was non-mythos and because it has rules for psychics and mediums. From what I am told the book leverages New England superstition with the bad guys being vampires, ghost and witches (if I remember right). Note it takes place from 1929-1939 though I have ben told it could be easily moved to earlier in the twenties. I couldn't find any in-depth reviews but there is a mini review at https://orava.org/orava/weblog/2010/08/19/minireview-coming-full-circle-call-of-cthulhu

    There is also Bumps in the Night (also from Pagan). I just found a review of it and like Coming Full Circle its non-mythos. See http://rlyehreviews.blogspot.com/2013/02/cthulhu-without-cthulhu.html


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