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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 12 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    He was very negative about the adventure, not about the diving rules, which he stated were better than the house rules he had come up. Since the OP is looking for 1920s era diving rules and gear, this seems to be the best  supplement, regardless of the adventure.

    Good point. I agree.

  2. 1 hour ago, Marfig said:

    Hello all,

    I'm trying to buy the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition (Hardcover) Slipcase Set from Ireland. The order is $130 as you know, but it is asking me and astonishing $72 for shipping. Is this a glitch? Is this insanity the same for all Chaosium products?

    Are you buying from the UK distributor? If you order on Chaosium's website perhaps it ships from the US? Maybe find out the UK distrbutor and order directly from them...

  3. On 10/19/2019 at 11:09 PM, lordabdul said:

    Yeah I know that in the past couple decades I've played CoC, I've definitely ping-ponged between "What is this handout? A simple cursive font? How lazy of Chaosium! It doesn't look authentic at all!" and "Man this handout looks awesome but I can barely read it!". It's... difficult :)

    I suspect part of Chaosium's challenge is that a lot of its core market is getting older. Speaking for myself I use to see like a hawk but for the last two years have struggled to read unless the room is bright and the font is large. Younger customers probably don't experience this.

  4. I saw a meme where Gene Wilder supposedly said of Blazing Saddles that he didn’t like it that we were now worried about offending people and that he liked it better when we offended everybody. I agree with the meme so I’m making no commitments on language.

  5. 9 hours ago, pipe2null said:

    Glad to hear its on the radar. I just finished my first CoC 7th campaign and I'm doing Mythic Iceland next so I took CoC 7th + some stuff from through the ages, old mythic iceland, and mrq2 vikings (just because thats what I have) and mashed it together added my own flair. 25 pages later I found I didnt like any of the character sheets so I made this one.

    Mythic-Iceland-CharacterSheet.pdf 511.82 kB · 6 downloads

    That looks handy! You might consider uploading to the downloads section so people not on this thread will see it!

  6. I like all these ideas but I am particulalry struck by the notion of using the first chapters to provide a basic, frill-free version (perhaps Magic World) and then use later chapters to provide options that can be applied to the basic version. For example perhaps the basic version does not use hit locations but options ould be provided to add that.

    • Like 4
  7. 4 hours ago, Travern said:

    From a game design standpoint, the Silver Age requires a different approach from Bronze and Iron Age superhero comics (which generally have more in common with Golden Age when it comes to powers).  The cosmic-scale powers, with the weird anything-goes variants, separates the Silver Age from the other subgenres, except maybe “widescreen” comics.  The classic Marvel Superheroes Heroes RPG (FASERIP) probably had the best approach to this (FATE could work with some effort, I suppose).  In any case, that’s decidedly not in BRP’s wheelhouse.

    Yeah, I probably didn't communicate that correctly but if you want Superworld to be more sucessful then one way to do that is to limit its marketing to iron and bronze age comics. That way customers know what they are getting... A gritty superhero game...  One approach might be to do something like they did for Extreme Earth (iron age comics). Perhaps that is too limited but it would certainly allow people to play super power shows of late. See -> https://rpggeek.com/rpgsetting/28550/extreme-earth-dystopian-superhero-setting


  8. 1 hour ago, SDLeary said:

    To many people, the settings in the rulebooks ARE intimidating, simply due to their depth. Chaosium has no current product that serves as a gateway into their system... only straight jumps into their worlds.

    Now I agree, the BGB in its current incarnation is not a good gateway either, but a revised edition, or a revised line of books, could remedy this. Perhaps "Basic RolePlaying" is a book that has a slightly more comprehensive in core rules than the Quickstart, with additional sections that add sections on generic Supers, Fantasy, and SciFi. These genre sections would not only have rules specific to them, but basic GM info on how to handle as a whole, and certain common situations that might crop up. This is the Worlds of Wonder model, and what it was originally intended to be. 

    Another book, the BRP Companion, would arrive at the same time, or a little later, and contain the rest of the toolkit. Additional rules that can be bolted on as desired: Category Modifiers, Passions, Personality Traits, Bonds, Sanity, additional power and magic systems, deeper combat, faiths/cults, etc.


    A clarification... Chaosoium has no current SUPPORTED product that serves as a gateway to their product. Magic World is exactly this and for the moment Chaosium still has print copies and of course the PDF files.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Pentallion said:

    Just watch Another Life on Netflix.  Their drive is reactionless.  It's what NASA is trying to make.  And it's FTL.  It's also the same kind of drive I used in Junkyard Blues, which will hopefully be released as an M-Space campaign in 2020.

    Oooh, tell us about Junkyard Blues?

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