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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. 3 minutes ago, NickMiddleton said:

    Not Chris, but I have the Magic Book... it is the RQIII Magic Book translated (not as rigorously as it should have been, alas) in to compatibility with the BRP BGB.



    Does it have a lot of useful spells? Coming from D&D I haven’t been happy with the number of spells available to Magic World Gamer’s.

  2. I “like” the way combat and magic is handled in MW but we streamline it. First we don’t require a statement of what a character is going to do up front. Second we don’t have a separate magic phase, rather magic and melee occur together based on initiative. Finally we define initiative as a character’s dex plus a d10. Otherwise it gets old when the same character always goes first.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Luca Cherstich said:

    "Epos" would be my suggestion.

    Furthermore I must confess that I feel "Before Iron"  to be a much better option than "Myrmidon".

    Myrmidon is the name of just a very few selected warriors (the the subjects of Achilles) from a very small, not very important place (Phtia).

    It would be like playing Pendragon and calling the game "Orkney clan" or "De Ganis clan" or "Sir Galahad" or "Sir Kay"..... and not "Pendragon" or "King Arthur Pendragon" which is the name of the main ruler/dinasty ruling over the default characters types.

    I would avoir words which do not define the extent of what you want to play.


    "Before Iron" on the other hand is more interesting that it may look like at a first view, since it refers to something about the whole age.

    It clearly refers to the "Metallic Ages System" mentioned by Hesiod.


    I paste this quote from Hesiod's "Works and Days" (Ἔργα καὶ Ἡμέραι) from wikipedia (I know it's not the best academic authority...but it's nonetheles interesting).

    "... then Zeus the father created the third generation of mortals, the age of bronze ... They were terrible and strong, and the ghastly action of Ares was theirs, and violence. ... The weapons of these men were bronze, of bronze their houses, and they worked as bronzesmiths. There was not yet any black iron."

    I took this from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-age_system

    Doesn't this quote describe what we want to play with this game???

    I like Before Iron better and did not know Nocturnal was changing the name Myrmidon. I love the quote from Hesiod as it’s so appropriate!

    So we have two heroic Greece books coming out. Myrmidon and Mythic Greece. I will probably pick up both?

  4. 42 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    Yeah, Isn't Magic World discontinued? In fact pretty much the whole approach of a generic source book  sort of a thing of the past now?

    I think your right however if they fleshed out the Southern Reaches setting it wouldn't be so generic!  But in any case, Magic World isn't going anywhere.

  5. On 1/7/2019 at 5:01 AM, Tertius said:

    Hello, everyone! 

    Bit of a newbie question regarding MW: I have recently had the occasion to have a look at the book (since I had bought Advanced Sorcery and saw that it references MW), and noticed that there are more sorcery spells in MW than in the core BRP book. Seeing as how I'm planning to host a fantasy campaign with sorcery as the only form of magic, and noticing the differences, this has led me to wonder if there are any other fundamental differences between MW and the BGB. 

    Having the BGB, should I also invest in MW? What would I be getting? If I have the core rules, could I just pick the ones used in MW and run my game like that? Beside the extra spells, is there any more content that might be of interest? 

    Basically, any information regarding the comparison between these two books would be of use, rules- and content-wise, since I plan on doing the setting myself. 

    Thanks for your time and patience with someone who's a bit lost! 

    Tertius are you the guy that wrote the new Magic World review on the big purple (Can be found here -> https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/17/17905.phtml) If so good job!  It's nice to see Magic World getting some attention!

  6. 15 hours ago, tooley1chris said:

    Some good materials I'd recommend are


    The Magic Book 



    Advanced Sorcery




    Do you happen to know if the magic systems described in The Magic Book is the same as that described in RuneQuest 6? I am laboring under the assumption that I don't need The Magic Book beause I have RQ6...

    BTW - Nice to see you on this site again. Been a while!


  7. I think the answer is "it depends". The BGB can provide a complete roleplaying expereince but it's a toolbox that requires you to make a lot of decisions and select the elements you want for a complete game. MW doesn't present nearly so many options. Rather it is a single set of simplified BRP rules in a small volume. For me I got MW first, studied it thoroughly and then after running it for a while bought the BGB for some of its added details and rules. However it you start with the BGB I am not sure MW offers anything new. Really MW advantages is that is has packaged a single set of useful rules that are ready to go.

    • Like 3
  8. Hey guys,

    I have been reading the Cyberpunk 2020 rules and I decided to check out Colin's BRP version. It's really good and I can see how BRP could easily replace the Cyberpunk's Interlock system. Has anyone here done anything with it? I have been talking about doing something for two years but since then I have watched Altered Carbon and the latest Bladerunner and it has got my interest up. Has anyone tried rolling their own Bladerunner or Altered Carbon.

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  9. On 12/10/2018 at 3:02 AM, VonKatzen said:

    In the introduction to Shores of Korantia the author says that he repeats as little as possible from the Legend/Age of Treason supplements. What exactly would I find in the Age of Treason books for Legend that wouldn't be in SoK or The Taskan Empire?

    Having Shores of Korantia I am also interested in Age of Treason and The Taskan Empire... But if I ever run them I will use Magic World rules rather than Mythras or Legend (Just to make it less crunchy). With that in mind how much of the Age of Treason and The Taskan Empire is setting and how much rules? I may well adapt some of the rules (like social rules) but I would be most interested in the setting material.

  10. 6 hours ago, Nick J. said:

    Alrighty. Just finished stripping out all of the JavaScript in the sheet. I also stripped out some tool-tips to avoid confusion, and deleted stuff like the radio buttons for Heroic or Standard hit points, and converted all of the read-only fields to standard forms. Everything in the sheet should is now be fillable, but there are no calculations of any kind in the document. You can still click on the portrait box and import an image however.

    Hopefully other people find this useful.


    MagicWorld CS (form-fillable-no-calc)v2.3.1 .pdf

    You’re a good man Nick! Can’t wait till we try out Dolmenwood!

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  11. Is the chase happening in a city? If so the party will have to follow streets while the horror can cut across city blocks as the crow flies. Also if they are in a city they can’t go full speed. When I did this was drew a city map with intersections points...

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