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Marcus Bone

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Everything posted by Marcus Bone

  1. Well there's only one way to find out this stuff and that is to ask. As such I've sent an email to Rick asking the licensing question. Of course, I'm not expecting too much of an answer (if at all), but maybe my rep might get me some sort of reply. Regards, Marcus
  2. I'm wondering if anyone has ever asked Chaosium if they could 'gain a licence' for MW and the Southern Reaches? I know it won't be a priority (given the 7e KS and the most recent Runequest one), but it couldn't hurt to ask... Marcus
  3. Loz and I have talked about this before as well. Not putting words in his mouth, but I he believes that the IP costs wouldn't be worth the investment. I can only but agree. However I'm sure Loz will be around at some point to clarify! Marcus
  4. More new content up on magicworldrpg.com - This time a conversion of an original Worlds of Wonder adventure (updated by Hexelis), and The Second Way - Homebrew Magic rules by Ronnie Sanford.
  5. This is exactly the issue. I'd happily be a person to invest in publishing an Eternal Champion RPG (be a translation or a whole new game), but I'm not sure I could ever make a return on the investment (to Mr Moorcock - let alone myself).
  6. Given the history of Chaosium and Mr Moorcock I'd suggest that it is very, very unlikely that Stormbringer will ever come back into the fold. However, the possibility of Mournblade being translated has potential - although I question the value of the Eternal Champion IP 50-odd years after they were first published. That's not to say I don't love the stuff (as the admin of the only SB site on the net, I probably shouldn't need to say that), but I think the property isn't the draw card it was in the 80s. Just my ten cents worth...
  7. You can get me at stormbringerrpg@gmail.com! Look forward to you contribution...
  8. Thanks to Tooley1chris* and N. A. Jones, Magic World has its first real content. I'll look to add my own material at some point, but again if anyone else would like to contribute, I'm more than happy to hear from you! Marcus * I have a lot more from Tooley1chris to go up...
  9. In the roleplaying sphere, no news equals a 'dead' system, and I know that is everyone's fear here.
  10. I'm happy to take anything and everything at this point!
  11. Just a note to say that I've got the bare bones of the site up. Nothing too interesting so far, but I'm open to submissions! Marcus
  12. Hi All, As raised in the 'Future of Magic World' thread, I have created a fan website for this great little RPG. Nothing there as yet (although I will look to put up a couple of items from over at my Stormbringer site as well as the other things I've put up here shortly) but you can find it at www.magicworldrpg.com. Once I get the house in order I'll be making a call for material. Meanwhile, if you have any ideas, comments or suggestions feel free to send them my way. Marcus P.S. As with sbrpg.com I'll linking to the forums here rather than looking to move traffic away from this great site!
  13. Given the topor that MW has entered* I think this is a great opportunity for us - the fans - to take some ownership. I was thinking about setting up a fansite for the game and look towards building our idea setting/game. Is there any interest in this? Marcus * Given the fact that MW was created *because* Chaosium didn't have a complete fantasy game, this makes some sense now RQ is back in the fold.
  14. I think this is the concerns of everyone who has posted here. We know that new team is focused on one aspect of the Chaosium IP, and that they will also continue to focus on Call of Cthulhu (it is the biggest money earner for the company) - this is why/how they got control of the company in the first place. Whether they want or can devote effort to anything else is the question we all have. I should point out, for what it's worth, I don't hold that against them. If it was me running the show, Chaosium would solely focus on CoC and BRP (in its various guises) but that's because I have no interest in the Runequest etc. Probably more of an issue to me is what happens to the licensees. In the past decade it has been this group of enthusiasts who've kept all of the lines alive... Marcus
  15. Actually you're right. I forgot the Loz sits within the Chaosium structure now!
  16. Well seeing that Ben is no longer a Chaosium employee, and I now know no-one in the company (to be honest that's been the truth for a while now) I think it is unlikely that I'll make any progress on this. Marcus
  17. These are my thoughts as well. It is a risky time for the company, with big changes and a new focus. I don't think 7e has quite hit its straps either and so opinion is out on whether or not it is a positive to the line*. I watch with interest as Jeff and his team drag a once great company back into some semblance of order. Marcus * - For what it is worth, CoC was made great by the quality of its adventures and the flexibility of its core system. This is what I think has been missing in the last few years...
  18. Well, I've sent a request to Ben to see if I could snag anything unpublished and make it available to the world via my SB site... Marcus
  19. Just a note to say that after the most recent update to Wordpress, my old theme (the one I worked so hard one :P) is no longer compatible. I've defaulted it so at least something shows, but I'll be moving ahead shortly with another revamp (although I'm seriously looking at moving hosts between now and doing any real work). Marcus
  20. Now that's an idea - I'd be keen on working on something like this. I've actually worked on a Careers type of character construction for one of my own MW settings... Marcus
  21. Like all products, in my opinion, MW needs a killer App. For me this would be a 'kick a$$' looking rulebook along with a collection of impressive adventures... To expand on that, nothing against the current edition, but production wise the earlier editions of SB/Elric! look much better. And in regards to scenarios, to my way of thinking the quality of the pre-gen adventures always defines the world/setting much more than the rulebook. That all said, I'd be happy if Chaosium just supported the game (or allowed suckers like me to license the rights)... Marcus
  22. Appreciate the kind comments Nick! As I said, I do have more planned, but at the speed I work out, I wouldn't hold my breath There were some definite design decisions made in the setting, especially the cultural style and the post apoc theme.
  23. Thanks! and I'm surprised there's only one
  24. Hi All... As discussed in a previous post of mine, I've been working on a fan setting for the Magic World system - In the Quiet Lands. It is a fantasy post-apoc setting with a Anglo-Saxon Dark Ages* feel. Some of you might know that I've long been a fan of the system behind Magic World (look at my signature if you don't), and I've tinkered and rule scenarios in this setting over a number of years. However, until now, I've not attempted to put any of it onto paper. Hope you find it interesting, and I hope to update the draft attached as I get time (I already have more info on the main communities mapped out, an adventure and some additional character gen rules - to better reflect the militant nature of the setting). Again I hope you take time to to look it over (all 4 pages!)... and Oh, of course, comments and feedback are welcomed! Marcus * - yeah, yeah, I know there is no such thing as the 'Dark Ages', we should call it by its proper name - the Early Middle Ages In The Quiet Lands.pdf
  25. Damn... there goes my chance to rant and rave In all seriousness, this is good news and I look forward to the future Magic World holds*. Marcus * - including a couple of my own settings that I've developed!
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