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Posts posted by Belgath

  1. A lot of the trates in LutherArkwright and Pulp Cthulhu are same or close to it so I will do as you suggested and use the Pulp Cthulhu names for them and port over the Pulp Profession names as well. Thanks for the suggestions. I have CoC 7 and Pulp Cthulhu I jest have the Mythras rules memorized so as GM jest easier to port over whatever I need from other systems. Then to memorize the new system. But I thenk that is what makes the BRP tipe of games so good is there flexibility. 

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  2. On 7/24/2016 at 5:54 PM, auyl said:

    If anyone is running something either historical or mythological in any game world, then the Book of Enoch will be perfect to use as an out of game and in game resource. Get my printing of it here.

    I use the Book of Enoch and Book of Giants, Epic of  Gilgamesh and some of the  Hindu wrighting of ancient air battles. In the Dead Sea scrolls the Book of Enoch was on a bronze scroll but was to brittle to unroll. 

    • Like 1
  3. Well jest picked up Masks and Orient Express. Chaosium needs better PDF file names. Will be using Mythras with LutherArkwright rules which have rules for insanity, mental illness that work vary well for CoC. LutherArkwright gets you close to what you have with Pulp Cthulhu because of the traits rules and  the LuthArkwright dependencies rules  add  another layer to the fun. 

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  4. As I am still new to CoC, what are some of the best investigation adventures that have been written for it? Not  worried  about which version jest looking for an investigation that really puts the scare in to you.

  5. Probably should have worded the question better. As I was holding no assumption or boundary of posabilys with each of the questions. To me for example the question you added under Family and Courtship and Tech, fit perfectly there. So as people look at the question, as g33k stated don't let questions holed you to humano- centric assumptions. 

  6. With M-space out. Thought  thought it would be fun to roll up some alien races from Alien section. Add whatever other info you think necessary to really give them depth.

    Some of the questions I ask myself so they don't feel flat or one-dimensional are?

    Technology lvl?
    Home planet gravity and conditions.
    Unique inventions?
    What are they look like?
    Their size compared humans?
    Society norms?
    Most common societal structures?
    Most common habits?
    Family matriarchal /patriarchal /monogamous /do they raise there children?
    Courtship /mate for life /Mate and run /mate and get eaten / mate and die?
    how is the next-generation raised?
    Nutritional requirements?
    Habitable temperature range?
    Their view on other alien races?
    Natural instincts?
    Natural talents?
    Learned behaviors?
    Religious believes?
    what do they breathe?
    sleep cycles?
    Body support structure?
    Unique organs? 
    Biological senses?
    Biological defense?
    Biological weaknesses?
    Biological cycles?
    Most offensive actions ?
    What is considered honorable and dishonorable?
    Most respectful actions?
    What crimes do they find most heinous ?
    Life cycles?
    There swearwords?
    How do they communicate?
    How aggressive or passive?
    Preferred type of government?

    And if there's more questions that would add  interesting flavor when creating a alien race list those as well. 

    • Like 1
  7. Well we jest started Rolling up the players. The player where all embryos Found on World terraforming ship found under Mount Sinai. And I've grown up their whole lives as an extended science experiment. QRI corp is vary leery of there experiment. But have no choice but to work with him as an of the technology found in the 8 km long terraforming ship Will function without there presence. Built into massive hangers on the tarraformer our three 500 m long intergalactic scout ships. With gean splicing of genetic material taken from the player characters QRI gotten a crue that can operate the ship without the PCs direct interaction, but the ship still not respond if the players Are not onboard. The PCs have no idea of this as every  Time they been brought to the ship it's been in a portable prison cell that has no windows. QRI has now been trying to unravel the technology, and ship functions for jest over 40 years with the use if there PC guinea pigs. But despite all this time the PC seem no older then young teenagers. The campaign will start just after QRI tryed for the first time a SlipStreem jump. The players awaken in a prison cell located in the cargo hold with the door ripped aside. Nothing but emergency lights appear to be on. To there horror died people litter  the place.

  8. As I am building this campaign for my kids I'm going to add some more, jobs to ship to ship combat. So  they all get to participate the combat rolls I will have Pilot, Gunner's(more then one) Sensors and engineering. At the beginning of each round The player controlling sensors, and the player over engineering will Need to deside if they're gonna use there skills offensively or defensively. So the engineer could say OK I want to provide more power to thrusters if he succeeds 10%of his skill Is added to The captains piloting skill. If he where to crit 20% of his skill would augment the captains Piloting skill. The sensors skilled player de sides to go offensive and tries to weeken of bypass enemy Shields by determining their algorithmic frequency. This would be in an opposed roll against the other ships engineer. Success weapons get to bypass 2hp of enemies Shields, on a  critical they're completely bypassed. These are just some ideas but I wanted to give everybody at the table A part in combat.

    I want to set things up so each job can offensively  oppose each of the  jobs on the other ship. Or defensively support one of the other jobs on their own ship. 


     Any more ideas would be appreciated.  My main goal is just to make sure that up to six players will be able to affect Ship to ship combat each round. 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, HeirophantX said:

    A note though... No implied criticism of Loz and company and their output.  Harn and my job have ruined me for maps.  Never enough detail!  ?

    Do you have the Mythic Britain Companion? It has some vary good maps. Where I can provide a different style, providing more detail would be hard as maps easily get inundated with information. Now if where to Target one particular type of information that would be something I could do. On a sidenote Britain has way too many rivers. I wonder how many old time calligraphers decided to jump off the boat to avoid having to draw another one. 

  10. 34 minutes ago, HeirophantX said:

    How about a map of late-Roman Britain?  I've seen lots of detailed old encyclopedia Britannica type maps on the web but nothing with the same level of detail as the scanned old pages in a modern, scalable and high resolution enough format.  That would be profoundly awesome for Mythic Britain.

    What stile would you want the map done in? 

  11. Taking some requests. If anybody has something they would like to have Drawn A Fantasy city, space ship, overland map, World overview.  No guarantees on how good or bad it would turn out but its something I enjoy doing. And it would be helpful to me. I am not there yet but I'd like to get a good enough where people would be able to use the map in publications.

  12. As there was some questions asked. All the art I have shared has been my own. Using ProFantacy, Adobe Photoshop, and a number of other art programs. They are free for any one to use. And I place no restrictions on them. Also I just wanted everybody to know that I was not sharing someone else's copyrighted work. 

    • Like 6
  13. 12 minutes ago, clarence said:

    Aha, I see. I use the Habcat coordinates for the star maps in Odd Soot, but I kept distances as is. With the information we have today about habitable systems, that turned out quite good as I compressed everything into a classic 2d map (the way Traveller always did it).

    On a side note, I still find it amazing the number of exoplanets and potentially habitable planets they keep finding. With a good candidate for life just four lightyears away (Proxima B), we really need to send some micro-probes soon...

    I set up some traveler maps but the 2-D for space just really bug me. The extra data is nice though I like to see the sun in the center more than the planet. But that being said I do have a traveler map import tool so I can edit any existing traveler sector maps if somebody would like some.

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