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Posts posted by threedeesix

  1. 2 hours ago, Archivist said:

    I like it, and my player's are happier, when each character has their "thing" (this is just a preference). In an OSR RPG, every character has a class; in Savage Worlds, characters have all sorts of Edges that give them very different abilities); in the world of darkness game, each character has a splat that gives them completely different powers. However, it seems like in D100 systems (I happen to be using Renissance D100 and Pirates and Dragons), you end up with very similar characters - just a handful of % points difference. I'm sure I must be missing something. How do you differentiate characters?

    You might want to check out either BRP Classic Fantasy or the upcoming RQ Classic Fantasy, the latter a publication coming soon from The Design Mechanism.

    Classic Fantasy takes the versatility of the various D100 systems, and adds classes such as the fighter, ranger, cleric, etc. These are not the restrictive classes common to level based game systems, but they do each have their own unique special abilities so that each player can have their own "thing".

    You can find more information about each version in their corresponding threads.

    BRP version: http://basicroleplaying.org/topic/1328-classic-fantasy-a-return-to-the-dawn-of-roleplaying/

    RQ version: http://basicroleplaying.org/topic/3342-runequest-classic-fantasy/

    Plus you can join either of my Yahoo groups for "inside" info. Links in my sig.


  2. Also don't forget that not all of the dinosaurs need to be full grown if you want to challenge your players and not kill them. After all, a young allosaur can be as deadly as you want it to be, just vary the age.

    Plus, actual velociraptors were much smaller then those depicted in JP. I would create "realistic" raptors for a nice challenge, and make up the stats for the deinonychus if you want something closer to the velociraptor as depicted on screen.


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  3. 13 hours ago, tooley1chris said:

    If you're looking for a more D&D style feel using the simpler BRP mechanics, I'd also highly recommend threedeesix  (Rods) most excellent Classic Fantasy.

    ...there's still great old school stuff in there such as spells and magic items.

    Oops, sorry. I just noticed this. There are no magic items in BRP Classic Fantasy. They were to be included in later supplements that did not come to fruition. RQ Classic Fantasy however has hundreds of classics, plus systems of creating some cool random ones.

    Again, I don't want anyone to buy the BRP version looking for magic items, and then going after Chris for a refund. The guys too busy with conversions to have to fight a lengthy court battle.  ;-)


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  4. 3 hours ago, tooley1chris said:

    If you're looking for a more D&D style feel using the simpler BRP mechanics, I'd also highly recommend threedeesix  (Rods) most excellent Classic Fantasy. I'm not into "classes" so much anymore (they're too restricrive once you're use to Magic World) but there's still great old school stuff in there such as spells and magic items. You can get the PDF here:



    Thanks for the praise Chris.

    I would like to further elaborate however for those that may get the wrong impression on Classic Fantasy's "classes".

    CF's classes are simply BRP professions with special abilities added. They are not anymore restrictive then normal professions are. They just give a starting point based on the original classes presented in AD&D. Once the game has begun, if you want your thief to learn how to use a great axe, pick one up and start swinging it. And if you want your magic-user to be able to climb walls... go climb some walls. I used the term "class" solely for nostalgic reasons.

    Just want to make sure we're all on the same page. :)


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  5. 3 hours ago, Zit said:

    Then please the classical medieval big-goat-like version of it, not the drippy fantasy 20th Century Hollywood-y white-horse-wtih-a-horn.


    Actually I disagree. Being a generic write-up of fantasy critters, I would have it be the one most people are familiar with. The "real" version would be best reserved for an appropriate setting like "Merrie England".


  6. I would like to suggest that maybe in the creature section, as you have several barsoomian creatures, you include a sidebar or text box with information on "Playing Humans on Mars". This is where you could note that red martians, yellow martians, black martians, etc. are simply created using the normal rules for character creation. However you could also include a few brief notes for playing humans transported from Earth to Mars, and how it effects things such as strength, jumping, etc. Obviously the "pulp" version, nothing based in reality.


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  7. 1 hour ago, nDervish said:

    What are the major sticking points with mixing the branches? 

    Mostly calculations.

    Each game calculates skills a little differently, and/or has different skills entirely. Some subsume one or more skills; Sneak and Hide become Stealth.

    Those that use Hit Locations usually calculate the hit points in each location differently.

    Damage bonus is usually calculated using the same characteristics, but the table will produce different results.

    None of these obstacles are insurmountable, you just have to be aware of them and adjust them to whatever system you choose.

    On a side note, I created a BRP Fallout sheet for the BGB during the playtest that may be of use to you. It can be found at...

    Happy Gaming,


    • Like 1
  8. That's right.

    Tomorrow I will have all but disappearedarrow-10x10.png.

    My friends and family may still see me off and on, but for the most part I will be unresponsive.

    I may not shower for several weeks and hopefully my wife will feed me once and a while so I can keep my strength up.

    For tomorrow I play Fallout 4.

    I will miss you all.



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  9. 7 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

    The most important thing, however is that Revolution will be the first roleplaying game with rules for chainmail bikinis! Yes, you will be able to dress your adventuring lady in a fantastic sexy outfit that has a realistically calculated ability to stop some blows. Just be prepared to roll up lots of sexy female adventurers.

    First "published" RPG with rules for chainmail bikinis.  ;-)

    Classic Fantasy started life as a spoof of D&D and I have rules written up for chainmail bikinis complete with wardrobe malfunction table. It still leaves my friends in stitches every time we use it.



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  10. I just assumed it was a use of the Enhance [Characteristic] Power.  ;-)

    To be honest, I'm a HUGE fan of all things Edgar Rice Burroughs, and have have so many books with covers featuring scantily clad females that I never even noticed anything out of the ordinary. I most definitely don't see anything wrong with the picture and would say she is of medium size in my opinion and completely covered. I see nothing objectionable, nor does my wife. I wanted to get her permission before posting about breasts. ;-)


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  11. In many dice rolling apps you can define an arbitrary dice, like d15 or d45. Set up a new dice with the maximum being the highest numbered module. Roll this new digital dice, check the number against the numbered squares and you're done. 

    While this is a cool idea, I wouldn't build a system out for a retail game. Lots of players, myself included, prefer using physical dice and won't want or allow a dice app at the table. Maybe I'm just an old fart, but that's my feelings on it.

    Here's the last version of Star Hawk (now renamed Nighthawk). Not as minimalistic, but a few more details could perhaps be added for clarity.

    I like this. However I'm not sure if it will print as sharply as your first example.


  12. Here's a slightly different take on the Star Hawk deckplan. I have aimed for a more contemporary style here, slightly less retro-RPG, inspired by futuristic blueprints. I also tried converting it for easy printing and it looks good that way too (though blue = white and cream = grey). No SketchUp yet, only Dungeonographer + Photoshop so far.

    I'm more of a fan of the first one. Maybe its the nostalgia that gets me, but to me it has just the right amount of info. This one is too minimalist for me.

  13. It will most definitely serve as a foundation.

    It is already loaded with lots of classic spells, races, monsters, magic-items, etc.

    Starting with those as a base, it should be pretty easy to make what changes are necessary for a Dark Sun conversion.

    Plus, I'm always willing to give pointers and offer help.


  14. I'll preorder it! Question though: will it include any newly designed RuneQuest Essentials rules or be dependent on the RuneQuest core? 

    Hey Trippy,

    I do not have an answer for you at this time, but with all the exciting changes going on, anything is possible.

    As soon as I know and can talk about the exact format, I'll pass it on.

    Thanks for your interest.


  15. So here's the dealarrow-10x10.png for me: 

    • I don't like CoC 7. I took part in a play test game and it just didn't work for me. The stuff it "fixed" (no snark implied by quotesarrow-10x10.png, honest!) isn't stuff I felt needed fixing.
    • I have no interest in Glorantha. I've always been a home-brew setting kind of guy, and so have most of the folks I've gamed with over the years. I respect the big G, but playing in that world is not in the cards for me. I can count on one hand the number of games I've played in or run that took place in a published setting on one hand. And that's over 33 years of playing RPGs.
    • I generally dislike hit locations, so BRP versions that default to them are low on my list. Nothing against those who dig them, but I'll take the Major Wounds and random armor values approach any day.
    • I like the Resistance Table, so BRP versions that eliminate it are low on my list. Nothing against those who hate it, but it's part of what makes BRP "BRP" for me.
    • I dislike RQ6's Action Points as a method of managing combat. Nothing against those who feel differently. I just happen to dig DEX ranks (especially with an accompanying initiative roll).

    So the current plans from Chaosium regarding what they're going to focus on short term (though I understand the business reasons and admit that they're smart) leave me cold. And the plans for BRP Essentials as we understand them make me sad. Still, I wish Chaosium nothing but the best and hold no grudges. I won't trash talk them or their products based on any of the above. I'm not interested in edition wars or internecine fighting. But I am under no obligation to support things I don't like. So I won't.

    Instead, I'll be over here with my Big Gold Book, my Elric! and my Magic World, my Worlds of Wonder box, my Superworld, my Ringworld, and all the awesome stuff I've picked up over the (now ended) BRP renaissance (including but not limited to Classic Fantasy, Aces High, Mythic Iceland, Celestial Empire, Dragon Lines, and Blood Tide). If Chaosium (or any licensees) put other something that resonates with me on the fluff side (the next iteration of Mythic Iceland, perhaps?), I'll pick it up and make it work with my preferred version of BRP. That, thankfully, is terrifically easy to do. And if someone I know offersarrow-10x10.png to run a game I'm interested in using a system that's not my favorite, I certainly won't refuse to play outright.

    See, I cut my teeth on and spent most of my first 15 years of playing RPGs with The Fantasy Trip, which was already out of print and unsupported by 1983. I comfortably survived the disappearance of Classic Traveller for all the years it was unavailable. I had no problem playing Champions and its siblings when Hero Games was on the ropes. So sticking with the BGB as it lives on as PDFarrow-10x10.png/POD will actually be pretty darn easy. But even though it won't be miserable and untenable, I'll always be a little sad that "my" BRP isn't the one that's getting the love. So don't expect me to be all sunshine and roses about everything that comes next. Just know that I won't feel compelled to rain on your parade. Deal?

    I have loads of respect for The Venomous Pao with regards to this post. While I happen to love everything he said that he is not a fan of, he did it in such a way as to not offend... anyone. This can obviously apply to all members of this forum by the way, you all rock. Its just that his post was so perfect that it resonated with me on a personal level. Myself, I only play with hit locations and static armor ratings, for example, but we are all part of the same family. We can all easily adapt any version of BRP to any other, so this is not a problem.

    Thanks Mr. Pao, for the very eloquent post.

    Oh, and he likes Classic Fantasy as well, so there's that.  ;)


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