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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Just like many tik-tok teens all over the RW are avid followers of K-Pop, lots of youngsters across the Lunar Empire are, in effect, devoted and passionate lay members of the cults of Glamour and Jar Eel.
  2. Don't forget the rowdy Esrolian chain Hangers, infamous for its scantily-clad male waiters. Come for the specials on 'Cock-fighting Clayday'. Plus Red's Globster, the cheap and popular “all you can eat” buffet (provided you’re happy eating endless portions of vaguely fishy/squiddy-like material cut into various shapes then deep-fried or boiled). Proprietor Red is looking to expand his operations beyond Casino Town. But be warned, if you buy one of his franchise "starter kits", he'll send you a tightly-sealed lead bucket with detailed instructions. Do make sure you've dug out the deep pit at the back of your establishment and lined it with quick-lime exactly as instructed before opening the bucket! (And after his disastrously ill-fated attempt to cash in on the booming tourist trade at The Block, Red also advises to not base your new restaurant within 5 furlongs of any Storm Bull temple or other places Storm Bullies congregate...)
  3. Now also available on Fantasy Grounds VTT! https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=CHA23163
  4. We don't currently have the rights to sell Prince Valiant.
  5. With the cancellation of Gen Con in Indianapolis this summer, Gen Con Online is a new virtual convention experience to take its place. On July 30 – August 2, 2020 there will be four days of streaming shows, remote gaming, exhibitors, and more — and Chaosium is taking part! Here's what we've organised so far: 68 GMs (and rising!), spanning five continents - thanks for stepping up Cult of Chaos members! Planning scheduling for over 248 tables, plus VIP sessions. Offering both Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest with Spanish-language tables. Six game systems so far (in order by table count: Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, Pendragon, 7th Sea, QuestWorlds, Wurm; possibly also Aquelarre, 13th Age Glorantha, Prince Valiant Storytelling) Running games around the clock, Thursday afternoon until Sunday midnight (EDT). Also planning: seminar on 'Horror in RPGs' with participants across the industry; VIP sessions run by Chaosium creative staff; and live play on Gen Con's Twitch channel. Plus more. Badge registration is free, but required to participate in most scheduled events. We hope you'll join us!
  6. Wow, this has been my favourite thread here at BRP Central for a long, long time - and I feel like by reading it I've added a significant percentage on to my chance of Illumination next Sacred Time. Here's one from me, it was found scribbled in the visitor's book at the Jonstown Lhankor Mhy temple: If you are reading this, then I have finally succeeded. My name is unimportant, but my dire warning is. I speak of the return of the God Learners, for their foul seed lies within us all - and we must forget it! The language we call Tradetalk is their seed. Do not mock! Think! Is it not convenient that there is one language which all can speak, that reduces the problems of communication between nations across all of the continents, known and unknown? Is it not unnatural or unusual that while Tradetalk exists our own languages exist too? It is because it is, was, and will be, the language of the foul God Learners! It contains within it their secret - a secret which must not be known lest they return and the world be destroyed and Chaos reclaim all. I have warned the peddlers of this doom, the cults of Issaries and Etyries, but they paid me no heed, and their leaders have tried to poison and kill me to stop my warnings from reaching you. Can those cults be God Learner constructs too? My last chance before the assassins reach me is this book. We must forget Tradetalk, we must embrace our own languages again! Before it is too late..
  7. Here, shall you know the terrors of the void, the nightmare bringers, and the unspeakable lurkers... THE MALLEUS MONSTRORUM - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary is out now in PDF! A cavalcade of monsters and god-like alien intelligences beyond human understanding, all vividly detailed and portrayed. With over 250 entries to inspire countless adventures. Buy the PDF now from Chaosium.com, and you get the full price of the PDF off the cost of the 2 volume hardcover slipcase set, due out in October. https://www.chaosium.com/malleus-monstrorum-cthulhu-mythos-bestiary-pdf
  8. Here's what the forthcoming Malleus Monstrorum slipcase set is going to cost: — 480 page PDF (both volumes): $39.99* — 2 Vol Hardcover Slipcase Set: $89.99** — 2 Vol special Leatherette Edition in slipcase: $199.99*** *remember, if you buy the PDF direct from Chaosium.com, you get the full price of the PDF off the physical product when it is released **includes PDF in the price if you purchase direct from Chaosium.com, or from a FLGS that participates in the Bits & Mortar program ***Chaosium website exclusive! The Malleus Monstrorum will be available from all five of our fulfilment warehouses (USA, UK, Australia, Poland, Canada). The PDF will go on sale soon, from Chaosium.com and DriveThruRPG. Here are the back covers; as you can see, we've still got to add the barcodes (and a few other final things) before its ready...
  9. Weighing in at 480 pages, the new Malleus Monstrorum will be coming out as a two volume hardcover slipcase set! Volume I Monsters of the Mythos - 216 pages Volume II Deities of the Mythos - 264 pages You'll be sure to find this two-volume collection packed with ideas, concepts, and insights to immerse your scenarios and campaigns deep in the heart of the Cthulhu Mythos. With lore and statistics updated and revised for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition, and all brought to startling life by the illustrations of expert artist Loïc Muzy. The Malleus Monstrorum will be available in PDF very soon from Chaosium.com and DriveThruRPG. The print edition will be available in October. If you buy the PDF direct from Chaosium.com, you get the full price of the PDF off the cost of the slipcase set when it is released.
  10. Yes, we are doing an update of the Guidelines. But in the meantime, feel free to start creating 13G materials for the Jonstown Compendium.
  11. With 13th Age Glorantha 60% off as DriveThruRPG's Deal of the Day today, this is a fitting moment to announce 13th Age Glorantha material is now allowed in the Jonstown Compendium, our community content site for Greg Stafford's World of Glorantha!
  12. Sadly, due to the Covid-19 restrictions on large gatherings, Eternal Con couldn't go ahead last weekend. One of the most popular events at Eternal Con has always been the "Ask Jeff" seminar. People ask their questions about Chaosium, RuneQuest, Call of Cthulhu, Pendragon, ancient history, mythology, whatever, and Chaosium's Jeff Richard does his best to answer them. Jeff went to the castle anyway, and did his AMA on Twitch. And here it is!
  13. Chaosium thanks everyone who bought a copy of the Gloranthan game Last Faction Hero while it was available as a Pay-What-You-Want title for charity on itch.io during the month of May. The Covid-19 pandemic is impacting communities everywhere, and we are all in this together. Because of your generous support, we will be donating some $1579.50 (less itch.io fees) to the World Health Organisation's Covid-19 Solidarity Fund—#WeAreAllUs
  14. The King Agamemnon scenes with Sean Connery are, for me, some of the most vividly Gloranthan/RuneQuest imagery (that is not actually Gloranthan) put on screen... [the rest of the above scene is excellent too, but alas not to be found with a quick look on YouTube. King Agamemon and the kid then go back to the city, which has a very New Pavis vibe...]
  15. ARCANE LORE, part of the Stafford Library, is DriveThruFiction's Deal of the Day: 50% off! Arcane Lore reveals a vast treasure trove about Heroquesting in Glorantha. Collected from almost 30 years of questing, Greg Stafford explores the philosophy, mechanics, and practice of Heroquesting from a multitude of viewpoints and angles. https://bit.ly/2McCiPN
  16. Last day where our Glorantha board game LAST FACTION HERO is Pay-What-You-Want at itch.io, with all proceeds going to the WHO's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. https://chaosium.itch.io/last-faction-hero
  17. Tanna - nominated for Best Foreign Film Oscar. "Tells of a sister's loyalty, a forbidden love affair and the pact between the old ways and the new" There's tribal lore, shamans, and a smoking volcano. And the hilarious scene with the Christians would be just like meeting Lunarised converts.
  18. It already is, on Nocturnal Media's page at DriveThruRPG. The core rulebook we are distributing has been offset printed, rather than POD. Other than that we understand it is the same as the Nocturnal Media version on DriveThruRPG. That would ultimately be up to Nolosrol, and Nocturnal Media.
  19. Great news: layout for the Malleus Monstrorum is almost done! Here's a few finished pages to whet your appetite for our mighty mythos bestiary...
  20. Sorry, I have no idea, but KlêiosCanvas's Twitter page specifically mentions "taking commissions". If by "fannish offers" you mean "not willing to pay the going rate" then yes, they probably would be unwelcome.
  21. A Classic Roleplaying Game Aquelarre ("Coven") has been described as the "best RPG not available in English". And now, almost 25 years since it was first released in Spain, Aquelarre is available for English-speaking gamers! Originally from Spanish publisher Nosolorol, Chaosium is distributing Aquelarre after Nocturnal Media's successful Kickstarter. The English edition is a gloriously illustrated complete roleplaying game, which comes with a selection of supplements and gaming aids for long-term play. Game and Setting Aquelarre offers everything you expect to find in a fantasy RPG: character creation, game system and magic system. It also includes detailed information about the medieval Iberian setting, the cosmology of angels and demons, and a bestiary. Player characters in Aquelarre begin life in one of five kingdoms that dominated the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages—Castilla, Aragón, Granada, Navarra, or Portugal. Based on their region, characters may be of various cultures—Arabian, Basque, Castilian, Catalan, Jewish, Muslim, and many more. Social position (from nobility to slave) and father’s occupation affect their capabilities, including profession. Of course, personal characteristics play their part, too. One such is the Rationality/Irrationality rating, which determines how attuned a character is with the Irrational world, how capable with magic, and how susceptible to it. Rituals of faith depend upon a high Rationality instead. Advantages and Disadvantages help to round characters out. The game system itself relies mainly on percentile rolls against either characteristic ratings or skills based on those (and on character experience). As might be expected from a game that has thrived for several decades now, rules for combat, weapons, and healing are all nicely detailed, with options to suit a variety of playing styles. Aquelarre also includes considerable detail about medieval life in Iberia, from daily business to social mores to fairy tales, besides the expected focus on angels and demons. The Aquelarre Line Experience one of the finest European roleplaying games ever published and treat your play group to a different, darker fantasy campaign. Available now from Chaosium.com. In print (comes with PDF as part of the purchase price): Aquelarre Core Rules - available from Chaosium's USA & UK warehouses Aquelarre Brevarium (Players Book) - available from Chaosium's USA & UK warehouses Aquelarre GM Screen - available from Chaosium's USA & UK warehouses In PDF: Aquelarre Core Rules - PDF Aqualarre Brevarium (Players Book) - PDF Asturies Medievalia - PDF Fatum Sperantia - PDF Aquelarre Character Sheet - PDF (free) Aquelarre Introduction - PDF (free)
  22. The Masks we ordered from Redbubble have arrived at Chaosium's antipodean HQ! We're all set to wear these until the Stars are Right again, and it's good to know that for every mask sold, Redbubble is donating a mask to Heart to Heart International https://rdbl.co/2VU2tjX
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