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Posts posted by Pentallion

  1. 2 minutes ago, Steve said:

    Constructs based on actual events from the God Time, right? Or are you suggested they never happened? Because acting out the myths in heroquests and worship ceremonies seems to tap into the God Time successfully enough.

    Being as the god learners could reshape the myths I am saying the myths of the 3td Age may have little resemblance to the myths of the 1st Age or be complete fabrications.  The Hyaloring myth of Rendaler could have been used to construct a Lightbringer myth and create Arachne Solara.  Time obviously DID exist in the God Time because one of Rendalofs 7 parts splits into 3 parts - old, adult and young.

    Not only is this representative of Arachne Solara as Fate it clearly indicates aging, hence before and after, hence Time.

    So Time always existed and the God Learners who became Orlanth, Yelm, etc. Constucted the current mythological landscape!!!

  2. On 9/28/2018 at 2:19 PM, M Helsdon said:

    Not all of a hide is suitable for turning into armour - only the thickest hide, usually found on the back of the animal - which would be true for a rhino as for most other herd animals. To make rhino barding for a rhino, you'd probably need to use hide from two or four other rhino. This would be a good way of depleting your herd, unless you wait for old animals to die 'naturally'. As rhinos are in steady decline, hastening it won't be sensible. Instead, rhino barding might be made from the hide of other herd beasts, but again, you'd require many hides to armour one rhino. Whilst rhinos are strong and their charge is ferocious, they aren't long distance travelers, and the extra load will reduce their mobility.

    In this world, rhinos have a home range of between 12 (wet season) and 20 (dry season) square kilometres, so most don't travel more than a few kilometres a day. Things may be different in Glorantha, but the more weight you put on your 'battle tank', the slower it goes and the more fuel it needs.

    Not to mention it might die from heat.

  3. On 10/1/2018 at 5:53 AM, Darius West said:

    Ah yes, the Gift Carriers of the Sending Gods.  This somewhat begs the question of "What was the gift?" and who were the "Sending Gods", and indeed who the gift carriers were?  Were they mortals, or some sort of creature made for the occasion?  As to how one hunts down a person with the runequest sight, especially when they are potentially greater hero questers than Arkat, well, it is a very deus ex machina fix, but how was it achieved? 

    Well, if the "Sending Gods" are themselves God Learners then the secret they are trying to hide is that they've supplanted the gods and shaped the pantheons and myths to thier own liking.  

    Again, making it necessary for Argrath to lift up sunken lands in Jrustela and question the souls of those who knew the truth.

    I mean seriously, didnt anyone ever stop to ask why Wolf Pirates raised a whole section of Jrustela just to talk to dead God Learners?

    Consider they had to have brought magics just for that purpose cuz Ygg and Orlanthi spells arent gonna cut it.

    What was SO important they went to all that trouble?

    • Like 1
  4. On 9/29/2018 at 11:03 AM, womble said:

    Maybe they decamped en masse to the GodTime/Hero Plane and became the nightmares known as Demons. Or even the very Gods themselves, shaped by the myths they were trying to shape, as much as they did any shaping themselves. 'S a bit recursive, perhaps.

    That is exactly what I think happened.  They became the gods.  They are Orlanth, Yelm, even Chalana Arroy and Mallia.

    All the myths are God Learner constructs.  

    Perhaps even the story that Time was created by Arachne Solara isnt true and time always existed but the God Learners created that myth.  

    Perhaps this is the Truth Harrek and Argrath discovered at Jrustela that set Argrath on his path to destroy the gods.

  5. 7 hours ago, Bilharzia said:

    Wouldn't using a different browser do as much? Or if need be a new user account on your pc created just for roll20? Not difficult to create and once done extremely fast to switch to.

    I will look into that latter suggestion.  Thank you.  It would make no sense to use a different browser as that would defeat the purpose of using duckduckgo because its the only browser that doesnt spy on you.  I assume you've never heard of the abuses of, say, Cambridge Analytics for example?

  6. 1 hour ago, Joerg said:

    In the diplomatic 2-player games, the additional assassin is great to hunt down and eliminate enemy exotic magicians like the Crater Makers, Earth Shakers etc.

    Being as those are large groups like 200 magicians strong IIRC, that represents a huge assassination team or some Heroic assassins.

  7. 2 minutes ago, womble said:

    This, mostly. But given that most 'ways' have a Cult in Glorantha, there are 'support structures' for people explicitly seeking this path in life. The Black Fang Brotherhood has been mentioned, and given the size (and concomittent ability to specialise) of the Lunar Empire, there's probably at least one or two schools of sneaky death-deliverance of different flavours in there.

    There is the cult of Fjordaur in the Lunar Empire.  Formerly Carmanian assassins who were turned to the Lunar Way.

    There are the infamous Blue Moon Assassins, unarguably the best and most organized assassin guild in Glorantha.

    There are the Black Fang Brotherhood.

    There is the group employed by the Exiles.  Probably recruited by the Thieve's Arm.

    • Like 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Actually, three assassin units, as the Tarsh Exiles also have a unit of these (for the three players game).

    Argrath reacts very badly to the assassination at his entry to Pavis and/or Boldhome, but he probably employs the Black Fang folk from Pavis.

    yes, as I said, each side has assassins.  Though to be clearer I probably should have said every side has assassins.

  9. Quote

    Enough of gods. Some day there will be only men

    This is obviously a child of Grandfather Mortal.  My own theory which I adhered to in my Argrath's Saga campaign was that Lanbril and Trickster are one and the same.  That Lanbril always plotted to destroy the gods.  That being mortal, he escaped the Great Compromise and so could continue in disguise as Trickster walking the earth.  That is why in King of Sartar he is the one personally responsible for tricking the gods to their doom.

    I believe those words above spoken by Golden Man must be the words of Trickster/Lanbril.

    From Pavis and Big Rubble:


    Lanbril was a son of Grandfather Mortal....Lanbril studied the ways of deceit and perfected the techniques of seeming to not be doing what he was indeed doing....he cultivated Disorder and worked to attain the Illusion that all was right until repair was impossible and he had made his escape (note Tricksters runes are Disorder and Illusion)....Some devout cultists go so far as to state that this influence inspired Eurmal to help Orlanth in stealing Death from Humakt.

    I believe that Elusu the Little Shit is actually Lanbril as Trickster.  That Lanbril has been moving from body to body since Time began and that he's been plotting the downfall of the gods and is instrumental into bringing Argrath to power.  He's literally been waiting for Argrath to come along.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, jeffjerwin said:

    You have described a monstrous perversion of asceticism.

    I fear you are right. It means, however, that the torments of Sheng Seleris in the Lunar Hell have only made him stronger. His release was the worst of all Argrath's actions.

    That which does not kill you makes you a bad*** M*****F*****

  11. 8 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    That's 210 words! Ok, I breached the 80 word limit by 7, but I suggest that yours may need some serious trimming! Of course it's up to Jason whether a long entry is worth the extra space, some may well be, but how about coming up with an alternative, shorter text? I don't want to see a good tip miss the cut due to space issues.

    Doh!  I totally didn't notice the word limit.  Thanks for pointing that out.  Edited down to requested size.

  12. Well after it swirls down the drain it winds up in the Gloranthan sewer system where - as any good maintenance dwarf can tell you - baby alligators can grow to tremendous sizes.  The dwarvres calculated that a baby giant would therefore grow to such stupendous size it could clear out the alligator infestation.

    True story.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  13. On 9/26/2018 at 11:27 PM, PhilHibbs said:

    I don't think POW is supposed to have a different max, I think that's just a mistake.

    It may NOT be a mistake.  RAW handle POW differently.  The rest of the stats go by RQ2 but POW goes by RQ3.

    All the cut and paste errors to date have been RQ2 cut and pastes.  RQ3 has a bad rap with the designers.  A throwback to one of its rules would have to be a concious choice.

    Therefore I think RAW is not a mistake in this instance.

    • Like 1
  14. Okay, so I thought this would be fun and also a great resource for gamemasters.  Let's stick to a simple format:  Name of Myth.  What you can gain from the myth.  The myth itself.  I'll start off.

    Lanbril steals from Yinkin

    What is to be gained:  The spell Catseye or to create a criminal enterprise.

    The Myth:  In the Storm Age, during the Lesser Darkness, Lanbril arranged a meeting with King Rat.  "We should form a business arrangement." Lanbril said, "We would make good partners in crime."  King Rat was not interested.  "I have no concern for your crime.  I seek only my next meal."  Lanbril nodded wisely, "If you don't end up becoming a meal yourself." the Dark One replied, "You can go places through ways that even I may not enter.  Your eyes and ears see and hear things where I cannot.  But there is one who can follow you even into your dark, secret places." 

    "The Cat."  King Rat hissed.

    "Yes," Lanbril nodded.  "Yinkin can see you and follow where ever you go."

    King Rat shivered.  "The damnable creature toys with my people.  He is cruel and heartless."

    Lanbril nodded again.  "I can rid you of this menace.  All I ask is that in the future you share with me what you see and hear in the places you go that I cannot reach."

    King Rat was only a minor God, but he was cunning.  He eyed Lanbril, sizing him up.  "You are always the clever one.  The Cat is as much a bane to you as he is to me.  It seems you would be doing yourself a favor by ridding us of him.  Why should I reward you for doing what you have a mind to do anyways even if I don't?"

    So Lanbril made King Rat a deal.  He'd give food to the Rat in exchange for knowledge should the Rat find something of interest to the Thief.  Both acknowledged that the Cat must be dealt with first.

    So it was that King Rat returned to find Lanbril with news of Yinkin's whereabouts.  "He was toying with one of my kind."  King Rat shuddered.  Lanbril set off immediately to find him.

    Lanbril found Yinkin exactly where King Rat said he would be.  The feline was slurping up a tail just as the thief arrived.  "I can see you skulking there in the shadows."  Yinkin purred, licking his lips. 

    "And I see you've already had dinner." Lanbril observed.

    Yinkin eyed Lanbril suspiciously for the thiefs penchant for trouble was already well known.  "I might still have room for dessert."  Yinkin extended a single claw and casually drew it across the ground.

    "Well I certainly could not escape you for you have the second best eyes in all of Glorantha."  Lanbril replied.

    Yinkin was startled by this."  Second best?   My eyes can see where none others can.  Even Hawk cannot see what hides in the dark places.  Who is this god that can see more keenly than I?"  Now all of Yinkins claws came out and he rose to his feet.

    Lanbril merely stood there, a smug look on his face.  "Why my eyes can see better than yours."  he answered, "I can see into a anothers soul."

    Yinkin turned up his nose at this.  "What good is it to see into one's soul?"

    "It lets me know what you are going to do before you do it.  When you look at me do you see why I am here?  Why would I come to you and possibly end up as your next meal, for  I am not immortal as you well know.  There is more going on here than your eyes can see."

    "Catnip!" growled Yinkin, preparing to pounce "It will matter little after I've made you my tasty snack!  Besides, I do not believe you.  Your are well known for your many lies."

    "Ahhh, but I can prove it to you.  I will give you my eyes so that you can see through them yourself.  If you could look into your brothers souls what would you learn?"

    Yinkin considered the offer.  Perhaps to get a glimpse of Orlanth it might be worth it.  But still the Cat knew not to trust the thief.  "What's in it for you?" the cat growled.

    "All I ask is that while you borrow my eyes you let me look through yours.  Perhaps then I might see a place where I can hide from you."

    Now it was Yinkins turn to smile smugly.  "There is no place, you may look but you will find nothing."  And so Yinkin traded eyes with Lanbril.

    Yinkin roared in rage.  "I cannot see into your soul with these eyes, I cannot see you at all!"  And it was true for Lanbril was now hiding in the shadows.   Then Yinkin knew he'd been deceived and let loose a horrible yowl.  "You came here to deceive me and take my eyes!"

    A voice whispered softly out of the shadows. "Only now, with my eyes, do you see."

    Later, King Rat tried to betray Lanbril, as the Thief knew he would, but when the god arrived with his pack of rats he saw the same terrible glowing eyes staring out of the darkness that haunted his dreams and he begged for mercy.  Lanbril then changed the terms of their deal.  Now, should the rats fail to find him something of interest, they would be his next meal.  King Rat had no choice but to agree to these terms.

    • Like 3
  15. 9 hours ago, Mechashef said:

    On Pages 52 and 417 it states that the maximum value for a characteristic (excluding magical enhancements) is the maximum amount rollable on the characteristic dice, plus the number of dice.

    For humans this equates to 21: (3D6 = 18) + (3 Dice = 3) = 21 or (2D6 + 6 = 18) + (2 Dice + the add of 6 counts as one additional die) = 21


    However in the last paragraph in the section describing the characteristic of Power on Page 52, I states:


    While this difference in terminology does not have an effect for humans, it would for other races.


    I presume the Max Rollable + Min Rollable is simply a hang over from a previous version of RQ (such as RQ3) and should be ignored?




    POW is different than the other characteristics and thus Elves can have max power of 26, but use the other system to calculate their other species maximums in STR, CON, etc.

  16. On 9/23/2018 at 4:53 AM, Jeff said:

    We give out dates when we are ready to give out dates. Not before.

    Do you have a date on when you'll be ready to give out dates?

    Better yet, can you define when "not before" is, perhaps with dates?  Such as "We will give out the date when we are ready and not before (date)?"

    • Like 1
  17. 6 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    "Party leader"? I don't think I've heard that phrase for 30 years!

    Don't you have to figure out which Gloranthan custom of treasure distribution your group uses? Kinda makes a designated party leader mandatory.

  18. I like Womble's math.  4 get through.  First gift doubles the damage so 8 get through, second gift simultaneously doubles the 4 damage to now 12 got through, etc. I hadn't thought of it like that but that's how I'm going to rule it.

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