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Posts posted by jongjom

  1. Shipping costs have got a lot more expensive over the recent years. Having built up my RQ / Glorantha collection over the years I've seen a steady rise in shipping costs. Now there are many incidences were the shipping costs are very considerable compared to the cost of the item, especially when from abroad. 

    Its worth remembering one of the factors that helped Chaosium almost go to the wall, before the change in management, was underestimating shipping costs. 

    Try selling and shipping stuff and then find out the cost in your time and money: it ain't pretty! 

  2. 16 minutes ago, d(sqrt(-1)) said:


    I ordered yesterday and thought the P&P was bit expensive - I'm wondering if the same has happened to me, shipping was £9.76. Looking here: https://www.royalmail.com/personal/sending-parcels/ I would expect it to be about half that.

    I've sent a query to customer service. Order 158579.


    I initially wondered that too. However, a parcel with £100 insurance would be £4.74. Add to that the cost of decent packaging and the place and people to store and pack it. That would add a few more quid. Still £2 more that I would have thought, but there again I don't know what the going cost is.

    But sending from the US, let alone Oz, must cost much higher. It's a 3.7lb beast, before any sturdy packaging. 

  3. 1 hour ago, MOB said:

    Coupons have now all gone out*. If you didn't receive yours, check your spam/junk folder in case it ended up there. Otherwise, drop Dustin a line at customerservice@chaosium.com.

    *If we release the coupons too early, way before the product is available, some people invariably will try to use them and get confused/vexed/even angry when they can't. Then we spend valuable time that could be better spent on other things explaining over and over to impatient people that they have to wait. Even though the coupon states you have to wait, such has already happened several times today, with just a few hours between sending out the coupons and the release. The closer to the product being ready that the coupons go out the better, we have found.

    Well Chaosium is a fine honed and tuned company now, so this is what we should expect.

    Ordered now with said coupon. Could not resist the leatherette version. But will probably buy the hardback in the FLGS.  

  4. 39 minutes ago, g33k said:

    Depending on server-configuration, a few thousand e-mails might take anywhere from a few minutes to most of a day; the coupon's ARE flowing, though!  (seems to be sent out via MailChimp, which I believe to be pretty robust and high-performance; but I've had my ISP-side mailserver repeatedly hammer a customer-side mailserver to a screeching overloaded halt;  some servers just aren't very fast...) 

    Check spamfolders, verify you're checking the "right" (same as rdered the PDF) e-addy, etc.

    If you still don't have your coupon, DO contact Chaosium!

    It arrived (in the In Tray) a few hours after posting. 

    Now just the wait until Chaosium's store opens up RQG to trade on Friday.  

  5. Page 122 

    Spell reinforcing, 1D4 POW

    Spell strengthening, 1D4 POW

    Page 122 

    Once a spirit has been bound within such a crystal, the magic points of the spirit is available for the use of the binder.

    - [Unless you mean you can now actually use the POW of bound spirits - Uber Tapping style?]

    Page 123

    Twice POW Yielding: The magic points of these crystals can be used by the owning adventurer to cast whatever spells they know. The crystals yield twice their POW per day for an adventurer’s use. The crystal regains magic points separately from the adventurer at the same speed as do humans, i.e., ¼ of their POW per 6 hours.

    - The underlined sentence is inaccurate; modify it to:

    The crystals yield up to twice their POW in magic points per day for an adventurer’s use.

    - Example: with a full 4-point POW Yielding crystal at midnight you use 3 of its magic points. It regenerates 1MP every 6 hours, which if used gives another 4 MPs. Use the last MP (and blow the crystal) within the 24 hours and you get a total 8 MP. Thus, it will not get twice its MP "per day" as you have a defunct crystal after doing this once. 

    Page 123

    of their own behind a Disruption spell and get another 4 magic points from the crystal, 

    Page 123

    If the crystal becomes de-attuned, even temporarily, the spell and spirits are lost.

  6. Page 120 Some enchanted Rune metal weapons work against magical creatures, and thus would harm physical things that are immune to normal metals (were-creatures, for example). Silver, bronze, and iron do this.

    - Bronze doesn't do this! For example, Page 87 of the Glornatha Bestiary: "Only magic, fire, iron, or pure (Rune) metals will harm the target. If an ordinary bronze sword with a Bladesharp 3 spell is used on the spell’s subject, only the Bladesharp would do damage." 

    • Like 1
  7.  Page 121 Lead has half-again the ENC of bronze.

    - The rule a such makes Lead armor not a doable thing for trolls. Full plate armor comes out as 11 ENC x 1.5 = 16-17 ENC.  Add Lead weapons and the troll will be significantly disadvantaged.

    - Suggest that Enchanted Lead has the same ENC as bronze (IIRC this was done in previous Chaosium editions? EDIT: RQ Classic Rules Page 80). 


    Page 121 Thus, a heavy mace made of enchanted lead would do  1D10+4 damage. A 2H Mace would do 2D8+2.

  8. Iron It Out 

    There is an apparent difference between the RQG rulebook page 83:

    An ingot of iron or some other pure Rune metal weighing 1D3 ENC. If enchanted, the metal could be forged into a weapon, piece of armor, or other object. The item will have half again the number of hit or armor points, and each point of ENC provides a 5% chance that the wearer/user cannot cast magic, or that magic spells cast on them will have no effect.

    and the GM Pack page 121:

    Enchanted iron armor also has half again the protection of bronze armor, rounding fractions down, so that a 6-point full helm is worth 9 points of protection at no increase in ENC. Unenchanted iron has the same physical qualities as bronze. However, it also affects magic. Untempered iron reduces the chance of both casting and being affected by a spell by 5% per point of ENC. Thus, a person wearing a complete suit of unenchanted iron (12 ENC) would have a 60% chance of being unaffected by a spell cast at them as well as a –60% penalty to any spells they cast.

    Suggest changing RQG rulebook page 83 to:

    An item of iron will have half again the number of hit or armor points[Full stop] However, each point of ENC of unenchanted iron provides a 5% chance that the wearer/user cannot cast magic, or that magic spells cast on them will have no effect.

    Delete from the GM Pack:

    Page 24 Iron Armor: Leika’s 10 ENC of iron armor means that she has a –50% chance of casting magic, but also that spells cast at her have a 50% chance of failing outright. See the Metal & Crystals appendix on page 120.

    Page 25 Magic Item: Asborn’s 10 ENC of iron armor means that he has a –50% penalty to his chance of casting a spell, but also that spells cast at him have a 50% chance of failing outright.

    Page 28 Magic Item: Eraninna’s 14 ENC of iron armor means that she has a –70% penalty to her chance of casting a spell, but also that spells cast at her have a 70% chance of failing outright.

    Page 30  Magic Item: Nameless’ 11 ENC of iron armor means that she has a –55% penalty to her chance of casting a spell, but also that spells cast at her have a 55% chance of failing outright.


    Page 29 Treasures: Iron shortsword (not enchanted), iron left vambrace (not enchanted). Possesion of these in their unattuned state reduces her chance to cast magic by –10% and has a 10% chance magic will not work on her. See page 121 for more information.


    Typo Page 121

    as “bronze,” “iron", “gold,” and so forth are analogues, not

    • Like 1
  9. 48 minutes ago, g33k said:

    I suspect Chaosium may still be doing their due diligence to fulfill the last few KS-backers; there are always a few whose confirmation details got spam-trapped, whose computers dies, who have moved, etc etc etc.  Also a few damaged-in-transit they have to replace.  And even the straightforward shipments just take time to fulfill.

    I'm sure Chaosium won't hold it up forever, for 100%-perfect delivery, but they promise KS backers get theirs 1st, right?


    I don't know how many there are but I'm one of them still waiting for the fulfilment, and have completed all the confirmation etc. 

    Hopefully all the yet-to-be completed Kickstarter patrons will receive theirs soon to enable Chaosium to sell RQ:G and the Glorantha Sourcebook together from the start. 

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