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M Helsdon

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Everything posted by M Helsdon

  1. As anticipated, I am paying for going on the march on Saturday (won't name it, but you may have heard of a million people marching in London on Saturday): mainly hips and knees, as the arthritis goes 'live'. Suspect I won't be doing any more sketches this week... With its annotation moved, the latest neatly finishes a chapter: only a line or so left blank.
  2. Latest. Pens pretty much exhausted and not much white space left so am unsure of what the next one will be... If there is a next one... This is, very roughly, sketch 101 (though have created >150 illustrations in total). Getting tricky to find poses other than 'holding a sword/axe/spear etc, so here's a Hiia Swordsman cultist wiping his sword clean. When first starting to draw these illustrations, initially thought of drawing four basic poses to use as a template, which would perhaps have made things easier, but would grown repetitive in the layout.
  3. It was a desperate battle... Three quarters of a page of text and five sketches to place in the body of 'Armies & Enemies'.... Eventually a quarter of a page of text was added (shared between two chapters) and the sketches found a home in the 'Gods of War' chapter (which necessitated a new but short paragraph) and now... One more sketch is needed - but it will illustrate an armour and helmet design not shown in the book... Sadly, the text box about the logistics of the Invincible Golden Horde didn't find a home, and now languishes in the reject file: in summary, basically even if supported by a fleet of barges on the Oslir, the IGH had to keep moving or starve, and emptied every field, barn, granary, destroyed every orchard, despoiled every village, town and city in its path, and the inhabitants of sourthern Saird either fled, joined the horde, were enslaved or died of hunger. What the dragons later did simply devastated an already ruined land.
  4. Recently performed an assessment of Victrix figures for use for Glorantha for someone. The summary is: quite a number. Can't share the analysis without their permission.
  5. This is based on information Harald kindly shared with me. The Grace Priestesses are of the Great Temple of Ernalda in the Sarli district of Nochet, and can bless the Esrolians and curse their foes. This is the principal Ernalda temple in the city and one of the largest in the world, with hundreds of priestesses. I imagine they are priestesses of Ernalda first, and then of her avatars/related goddesses. The impression I get from more recently published sources, is that Ernalda has a very significant political/economic/divine presence in Esrolia, but could be in error. There are quite a number of Logistics text boxes scattered through the book, because the quantities of food, water, salt, firewood etc. an army requires is enormous. Added to which, supply lines and foraging distances significantly affect operations, as I expect you know. My 'details' are derived from a number of real world sources, but expect that an expert could tear my assumptions to pieces.
  6. Intended to spend yesterday doing a poster for next week's march, but my paints had gone dry, so did this instead. It may seem odd to include one of the Grace Priestesses in a book about Armies, but these priestesses accompany Esrolian troops to bless them and curse their enemies. Am now looking at ways to populate another two pages to allow the last five sketches to fit into the book. Means some areas might be expanded; started a new text box today about the logistics of the Invincible Golden Horde - not, I think, as boring as it sounds. Image may be NSFW.
  7. Perhaps children were fostered out (a custom in some Iron Age societies)? Odd though, that none came back when adults.
  8. I suspect that this 'Shafesoran' probably isn't interesting enough for your criteria, but everything I can find about them in the Satrapy Army suggests the Odaylings fight (very enthusiastically) as psiloi and peltasts, but mostly as archers. His 'armour' is exotic in that it is a bearskin kilt and wolfskin shoulder piece. The term 'Shafesoran' derives from an incomplete Lunar Army essay by Greg that turned up in my search for information, where this term is used for the 'Air People' of the satrapy, as a polite conceit to not describe them as Orlanthi Storm People. No idea if this is still canonical, but it was a nice touch which I decided to adopt. There's room for one more sketch on the 'copyright' page, but my next work won't be shared here as it is a banner for a political march next week...
  9. Interim rough. Positioning and shading not finished. Odayling and alynx.
  10. I'm afraid I can't recall. Will have to look through some books. Ah ha - found it: The Coming Storm Volume 2: Mularik Ironeye - Arkati Illuminate. From Rindland, originally of the zzaburi caste and descended from Arkat with some Darkness blood. He is Illuminated and is a fierce warrior despite being a sorcerer. He has dark blue skin and ascetic features; one eye is made of iron, able to see into the Other World and view the world with RuneQuest Sight.
  11. Thank you. After a discussion between two surgical teams, surgery was determined to be too high risk, so she's been discharged with more pain relief. I'd suspected this might happen as when she had to have an amputation two years ago, the anaesthetist warned me she might not come out of the operation (and that was a life or death decision) and the surgeon later said they nearly lost her three times on the table. So this is about the best outcome possible. The NHS have now saved her life several times. Have made a few digital changes to the picture above: one of the paws was too small.
  12. Mularik Ironeye's iron eye is able to see into the Other World and view the world with RuneQuest Sight.
  13. Whilst waiting for the hospital transport to bring my mum to her home (surgery deemed to have too much risk), started work on the next sketch, of which this is an element.
  14. The Mirinite Swords are a regiment of traditional Sairdite swordsmen, and I believe they worship Humakt; Diovena probably worships Hwarin Dalthippa? The First Tarshite Light Foot, also known as the Slavewall Foot regiment, worship a variety of Tarshite tribal gods, so their commander may do so as well.
  15. Thank you for your comments. Surgery scheduled for tomorrow.
  16. Afraid have pretty much lost all drawing time today (eleven hours in A&E with my mum - that's ER - until she was admitted to a surgical ward). It is likely that the next sketch will be of a Sylilan Odalying.
  17. The Guide notes that the 'soldiers' of the Sister's Army are male and female. I am stumped for the nature of their 'uniforms' - perhaps a mixture of Mexica, Balinese? Would have to ask @Jeff for guidance.
  18. Latest. Like most of the others this is a mash-up of historical armor with a dash of fantasy. The 'hauberk' is Bronze Age Near East, whilst the helmet is a bit Hallstatt mixed with something else. Unfortunately the detail on the scabbard isn't very clear - it's several Runes and a depiction of Orlanth. Drawing the scales with central ridges may have been a mistake, but I felt they should be shown. Now the only space left is on the copyright/Author's Note page... Not certain if that's a suitable space to use... To actually use these sketches in the book I would need to do around another eight, to add two more pages. And this one pretty much finishes off the second box of 0.05mm pens, so I need to decide whether to do any more.
  19. Just looked up Inktober - for the 'competition' requires a drawing a day? Will look forward to seeing your results. Sadly, it takes me between three and five days to finish a sketch.
  20. A human becoming an initiate of the Bloody Tusk will have to do, and endure some nasty rites. One would probably involve them killing a tusker and having its lower canine teeth embedded in their own jaw (after their own canines and a few other teeth have been ripped out to make room). Such procedures are not without risk... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/5079632.stm
  21. Thank you. There are a fair number of sketches of non-Lunar, non-Dara Happan Pelorians in the book. Don't believe I have drawn any Odaylings, as I have drawn a fair number of other peltasts/psiloi. Am now in the high nineties for the number of figures drawn and there's a fairly wide spread of different varieties of Orlanthi, Yelmalions, Pelorians, and a couple of Horse People, and a few Praxians. No. The planks are visible, at least in the version shared here. If I were drawing reeds, would have used a very different texture. --------------------------------------- Have received another request to share the full document. Due to the amount of Chaosium IP included within it, I regret that I can only share with Chaosium (latest version just uploaded), licensees (with Chaosium permission) and reviewers designated by Chaosium. I can share my sketches and the odd page, but would get into trouble if the thing escaped into the wild. Started roughing out the next sketch: an Orlanthi Wind Lord wearing a scale hauberk. Small scale is devilishly detailed, so this one will take several days, if it works.
  22. Understood. Am currently roughing out the next sketch, which will be inked if there is room for it. As the back cover features a Sairdite and a Wolf Pirate, decided to draw another Orlanthi.
  23. After buying Hero Wars Deluxe - which pretty much terminated my gaming group as none of us could get a handle on it, so we finished that session playing Stormbringer straight out of the box - I lost contact with Glorantha until I heard about the Guide Kickstarter, which I initially backed out of nostalgia, so missed that entire era. The Moon Boat sketch is used very much as a spot illo to help fill a gap.
  24. I use the description in the Guide as the ILH are not canonical. Most of the books of that... period... are now highly unreliable. Whilst silver from the Red Moon is used in their construction, the special wood used comes from the Yolp Mountains. The boats are used to transport messengers, important people, and rarely groups of elite soldiers (and doubtless assassins); there are no Moon War Boats, certainly in the early stages of the Hero Wars: too expensive to risk in combat.
  25. Flier Filler. A medium sized Moon Boat. And there may be room for another sketch on the back cover... Undecided regarding regiment.
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