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M Helsdon

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Everything posted by M Helsdon

  1. Now about half way, proofreading, finding a few typos, duplications and adding a few bits. Not very happy with one chapter, but can't see how to improve it. Meanwhile... Here's a copy of the trials to merge the dragoons. Would have preferred the bottom right, but it took up too much space.
  2. Both leather and boiled leather were used in shield construction and as components; a cuir bouilli shield has been found in an Irish peat bog - which highlights a problem knowing exactly how ancient shields were made, as usually hide, leather and cuir bouilli would rot away. Fortunately there are a few rare examples of survivals in the archaeological record, and professionals like Peter Connolly who have fabricated replicas. Hide was often used as the facing material; leather as facing and backing. Some shields were made of layers of hide and leather. I'm wary of making absolute statements because in Glorantha the hide/leather of many different animals might be used (where ox was commonly used here), and hide from a rhino is going to have very different properties to that of an ox.... There are an awful number of variables in considering the capabilities of a shield, and I'd be wary of attempting to quantify these, because there will always be exceptions. It really depends on whether you are seeking an ultra-realism simulation or an adequate emulation!
  3. It very much depends upon the thickness of the metal. Bear in mind that in many ways a shield with a major wooden component is likely to be far superior to a metal shield: lighter in most cases (an exception would probably be oak) and more resilient as the woods were chosen with less tendency to split - willow would actually expand, and potentially catch the blade. This is why the best shields mix wood, leather and a metal facing. Leather isn't as good as hide, but it lasts longer and doesn't smell so bad... However, leather and hide was often used in layers. Leather was often used as a backing not primarily for strength but to help keep the shield together and provide a water resistant backing.
  4. As thin sheet of metal on a shield had little effect on its strength (that on a hoplite shield was less than a millimeter thick) but may have aided causing a glancing blow to slide away - also affected by the shape of the shield. Virtually all shields of any sophistication were of composite construction, so a wicker or wooden shield might have a leather facing (and lining), and a wooden one a thin bronze facing. A boss and rim were effective, especially when using a shield offensively (which is why some ancient shields sported bronze animal and bird heads), whilst the boss helped protect the hand. In RQ terms, the additional protection and strength is quite small, and already probably figured in with the shield's hit points. You can, of course, have your own additions, where a bronze boss adds a few hit points. However, adding this sort of detail is a slippery slope, as you might just as well consider shield shape: a conical or concave shield has advantageous over a flat shield. Perhaps not a good way to go... Fully metal shields probably existed in our Bronze Age, and though many were probably prestige display items, others show apparent signs of combat damage. In RQ terms, they wouldn't be much more effective than wood, as bronze is a fairly brittle metal - especially over the required diameter - (though less so than iron). If you start magically strengthening a shield (using sorcery) then its hit points and capabilities depend on the power and duration of the spell.
  5. Latest - pretty much complete. Perhaps a few changes to make to the shading. Eeek! This is rework file 35, so have redrawn 36 sketches... Now reengaging in proofreading - again. All my reviewers ran away meeping and mewing. Armies & Enemies of Dragon Pass: 366 pages 239,166 words 63 sketches, 2 maps, 10+ diagrams, many smaller illustrations... Reading through document - now at page 160...
  6. With several exceptions. Yag-kosha and Zelata come immediately to mind, but there are others.
  7. Work in Progress: Pen and ink; digital modifications and colouring of rider; basic shading of horse. Hopefully finish tomorrow... Need to alter horse's front left leg... [This is one of two sketches have had to modify because of RQ:G...]
  8. Latest - partial, as this one will consist of two figures. Safer to draw separately and then merge....
  9. Have read Tarsh War with interest, and found it a very good piece of work, but also that it conflicted with other sources. As is said by Greg in a note in Tarsh War, some of the suppositions weren't in line with material he was working on for a Gloranthan skirmish game. The dragoons are basically mounted infantry, not very good as heavy cavalry. I do have sources for the history of the dragoons, but, as always, canon shifts with Time, and the sources are often fairly slim. There are what seem to be major regiments for whom there is very little background material, and some obscure ones with considerably more.
  10. The initial Lunar military seems to have evolved from the Rinliddi synthesis of native, Dara Happan, and Carmanian (including the Pelandan hoplites). The Blue and Red Dragoons were founded in the Second Wane by Hwarin Dalthippa for the Daughter’s Road Campaign; the Standfast regiment was founded by Hon-eel the Artess at the beginning of the Fifth Wane. [This information derived from sources that were canonical when written, but may have been subsequently updated or dismissed.] Sadly there's no information on other dragoon regiments (though they may exist) founded at any other time.
  11. I know. Was primarily trying to get my head around the various traditions in Peloria and how they intermingle. The answer seems to be: a very great deal. Have been able to uncover pages of material about the traditions of the Carmanians, Pelandans, Dara Happans, and Lunars but relatively little on the Rinliddi (but then just everyone has invaded, ruled them) and even less about Arir and the Dansenites, or the Darjiini (though have recently realised who and what the Manimati are). Whilst have been able to detail the Orlanthi in depth, also have the feeling that they vary a very great deal more than often seems apparent. [Also missed out other Western instances such as Muse Roost and in the Holy Country.]
  12. True: there's one canonical Lunar regiment which mixes Lunar and Rinliddi traditions. It is one of the things that provided an insight into what the Rinliddi tradition is. I suspect that the Dara Happans and Carmanians, both of whom subjugated Rinliddi and surrounds, are the major influences on Lunar infantry and cavalry. Yes, that's on the map, though locations have slipped a bit. There are a couple of places where Orlanthi orange, Dara Happan yellow and Lunar red 'merge'. On this scale and using these primitive graphics it isn't easy to render these combinations. The gold rings for Sun Dome temples are, of course, out of scale. By Lunar military traditions I mean the Lunar regiments; the Lunar Army incorporates a large number of regiments, many of which are very much older than the empire and only a few of those incorporate any significant Lunar elements.
  13. Preparing for the next sketch, I also played around with a map of military traditions, and share the resulting sketch below. This is very rough and isn't in my fan book - it does not attempt to reflect political boundaries... The Rinliddi tradition is submerged by Pentan/Dara Happan/Lunar and I am uncertain just how widely disseminated the Lunar military tradition is - should probably included it around every Temple of the Reaching Moon.... The Orlanthi 'Barbarian Belt' is everywhere! However, population densities are relatively low in most places.
  14. And pretty much done (a few minor tweaks to do). The horse is intended to be a Seredae (thus the stripes on the rump) though I also used Przewalski's horse as a reference (though not for coloration). Comparison of new and old version. Unlike many, this one had to be redrawn from scratch. One more to redraw (though it is actually has a foot and cavalry figure... will probably draw them separately, and merge).
  15. A work in progress (replacing older picture of Pentan horse-archer). Stage 1: pen and ink.Stage 2: digitally colour rider and make a few changes.Stage 3: basic shading of horse. Stage 4: tomorrow hopefully finish...
  16. There are several such laminated shields in the Iliad: seven layers is a popular number, but they were also faced with bronze... The most famous was the shield of Ajax, which was probably a tower or body shield as no specific shape is given for it: his shield probably weighed in at >10kg. Interestingly, tests using a lamination of seven layers of hide show it gives excellent protection. If I recall correctly, there are two construction methods given for the various seven-layer shields: a metal worker makes the facing first and stitches the layers of hide to it, whilst a leather worker laminates the leather first, then adds the facing.
  17. Darjiin is divided between people of the marshes (who appear to fight as peltasts/skirmishers - but if attacked by the Alkothi they probably retreat into their swamps) and uplanders who wear scale corselets and helmets - but I can determine little more about them - probably fight as hoplites. I've seen the article, and other material about horse breeds, and have assumed there are still varieties.
  18. Yes, I found and used that source. Joining up the information on the Battle of Night and Day and other scattered material meant I was able to create about half a page about the Rinliddi military culture. Several regiments of the Lunar Army are recruited from those areas/traditions: most are best described as peltasts, including the ferocious Doblian Dogeaters. In part, have extrapolated from those regiments and the apparent lifestyle of the various peoples: many seem to be hunters.
  19. Purely my opinion: despite being given as hide, wicker or wood, as in terrestrial history, most shields are of composite construction, and the type given is actually the main component. For example, in our world, a hoplite shield often consisted of a thin sheet of stressed bronze backed with a thick core of wood a glued-on leather lining, and a bronze rim; sometimes reinforcing bronze plates were added to the inside. In RQ terms, is this a wood, hide or bronze shield? Probably a large wooden shield because the wood is the primary defensive component. It has a bronze surface, which you can either shine up to look really impressive, or have painted. Having a shield where the primary defensive component is bronze is a contentious topic in this world, where there are ongoing debates about whether Bronze Age bronze shields were purely decorative high status objects (they certainly were high status) or practical shields (as some display signs of battle damage and repair, some were used in combat). So the safest take would be that your wooden shield can have a thin bronze surface - it just isn't going to add to its hit points in game terms. Similarly, your hide or wicker shield might have nice looking bronze studs etc. but they aren't going to add anything to it in game terms.
  20. Nothing forthcoming, and only silly comments on FB so I deleted the request there and... after working through the Guide, TFS, GRoY, a few other sources, I have about a page in total on all the smaller military traditions in Peloria, plus an analysis of which satrapies they reside in. Some suppositions made based on terrain. Unfortunately, I need another page as it throws all the pagination off. Saddened that Rinliddi especially is obviously a significant culture, but the available information is very slim. Addendum: a bit more material found (including something @jajagappa posted about Imther). Pagination resolved, but... I think will need another sketch.... Another collection of those redone so far. This shows about a third of the 'art' I've created so far.
  21. No new art today: time divided between preparatory sketching and filling in a few sections in the 'Gods of War' chapter: realized there was material in a deleted appendix about Bisos and Karndasal which could be re-purposed. Whilst there's material on the war gods everyone will know, that isn't overly long as have attempted to fill in some details on less well known deities. Of course, I haven't seen the new 'Gods of Glorantha' book in any form (other than the Polaris chapter) so there might be additional material in there... Have also attempted to expand on the different military traditions in each satrapy, as their military aren't just 'Lunar'. Whilst there's quite a bit on information on many Pelorian military traditions (Lunar, Dara Happan, Pelandan, Carmanian, and even Orlanthi and Templars in Sylila) in my fan book, there are four about which I can find virtually nothing (the old Imperial Lunar Handbooks are often interesting, but decidedly unreliable now, and even they have next-to-nothing on the 'missing' military). Instead, have had to rely upon the few regiments that belong to undocumented traditions, and extrapolate, which still leaves two with little or no data available. When assessing the peripheral territories, I was able to do better than that (and decided to exclude the Loskalmi as the Western Reaches are outside my self-imposed remit). So, if anyone has material on Rinliddi, Manimati, Darjiini, or Darsenite military history/traditions which is or was canonical at one time (excluding the ILH) would be grateful for anything that can be shared.
  22. Latest. Dog needs a bit more work.
  23. Have heard a rumor that much as Yelmalio is an emanation of the dying Sun, and so not born in the typical manner, Yelorna is similarly an emanation of another deity, possibly born from her tears.
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