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Posts posted by Triff

  1. Just had a little shopping spree and bought MRQ2, HQ2 and OQ(2?). Startet to look through the pdfs now, and I must say that my first impression of OpenQuest is very good. Only read the first 15 pages or so by now, but it looks like Newt and the gang has done some excellent work on this one! ;t)


  2. I can't rate the work or view the review.

    If I click on the review link, it just takes me back to the Fractured Hopes page.

    I applaud the star review system. The page looks fine, but I can't interact with it, so all I can say is you're off to a good start.

    Thanks, that's valueable feedback. I think the permissions are set correct now so you can both review and rate. Give it another go! :)


  3. Was talking with Charlie on the convention, who said that there was three monographs out BRP, Ashes to Ashes, Berlin '61 and Blind King's Hill. The Blind King's Hill is not on their website yet (I checked), and it turned out he had forgot to upload it before going to the convention. It will appear at Chaosium's website pretty soon when he gets back!


  4. But since the guy who blocks surely has a 1d6 damage modifier, and should have a high enough martial art skill to do 2d6 damage with his kick, a successfull parry or better vs. a failed attack should do at least 3d6 damage to the attacker's leg, and even for those big guys you would only need about 12 points of damage to maim a leg. The guy have no armor, and maybe he even forgot to cast his protection! He probably have some natural AP though...


  5. :) Well, sometimes it's just in front of you, and yet you can't see it...

    The wiki would of course be a perfect place to store new spot rules.

    The wiki has suffered from some neglect on my part. I have week 25 off and will work on the site then. I'll update the vBulletin version, but will also try to get around to organize the wiki.

    As it happens the producers of the NuWiki plugin (that Sverrer already has in place) also produces a "digg" plugin nuHIT.com - NuRatings Features) that enables posters to rate other posts and threads... It's not free however...

    It's also no longer supported as the developer have dropped from the site and doesn't answer any messages. I'm curious if the wiki will survive the update to the new vBulletin version. :confused:


  6. The only thing I don't like is that every entry becomes property of Chaosium. If Chaosium isn't publishing them, the rights should go back to the author. Even if the adventure isn't good enough to get published, you should at least be able to make it available for download or offer it to another magazin/publisher. If someone invests the time to write a 5000-7000 word adventure, it shouldn't go to waste.

    Good thing you pointed it out. The new rules now read as follows:

    All winning entries become the property of Chaosium Inc. All entrants will be contacted by us to let them know whether or not their entry was chosen as a winner.


  7. Great pics and report Sverre.

    I'm sooooo glad you enjoyed yourself and, especially the MRQ Elric Pittel ran >:->

    If you come to Continuum... I may well run the Gwenthia game again :thumb:

    I'm thinking about going to the Continuum too. A Gwenthia game would then certainly be on my list then! Maybewe can have a beer together and talk abit too! Might have to bring my girlfriend too then though. I'll have to behave then. ;)

    Great report, Sverre!

    Sounds like lots of people had lots of fun.

    And Happy Syttende maj :party:

    Thanks jarulf! The party is on right now actually! :D

    I am glad you enjoyed my game! :cool:

    You do look good in fur! :D

    Hehe, the game was great! The GM inspiration was actually one of the really good part of the Con. The fur-picture is from your site of course, but forgot to mention that. So, for more picture from the Con: visit Flickr: Darran!'s Photostream


  8. Interesting idea, but I'm sceptical of introducing the mathematics of opposed rolls into combat, when I think the parry rules work well as it is. I do think all shields should have higher AP than weapons though. Deflecting would be hard with heavier weapons too... Hmm. :ohwell:


  9. One of my players lost 57 points of SAN last game session from watching a Great Old One. He's clearly going downhill towards the zero mark, but his insanities makes him more and more into a crazy opus dei monk (sort of cultist) battling devils for the lord, that way he stays playable.

    (and cthulhu rising IS somewhat of a monster-hunting game. Combat armor and tactical assault rifles with grenade launchers help a lot!)


  10. Also, I'm very hesitant to remove skill points for special abilities. In theory it works fine, but it seems odd that 'Elder Races' that live longer than humans would be less skilled than they are.

    The Elder Races live longer, that's true. They don't necessarily start adventuring at a later age though. You can easily say to those players who wants to play non-humans that htey have to start with younger characters to balance out their superior stats. Or you can say their childhood is longer, where they are sheltered and primarily learn skills such as plant lore, mineral lore and the like, while humans learn more adventure-related skills from a lower age.


  11. Well you might care to try what I do, then - only rolling for location when it's a major wound* (or equivalent) - which feels fine to me, and works well (with a sub-table of wounds relevant to each location).

    That is a good idea, but I my players object if they can't have different armor points on different hit locations. Which is why I'm considering a simpler location dice, to use with general hit points & major wounds rules. I'd be interested to see your take on a major wounds/hit location table. :)


  12. It looks like 8 sides go to the extremities, that is 2/3, the same as with a d6, so it's probably not that big a difference.

    The only issues I see are:

    1. You'd have to conflate the abdomen and chest hit locations to just "body"

    Yes, that's an issue, I agree. I'm not sure it's that big an issue though.

    2. The current spread of locations takes into account some factors like size of hit location and likelihood of hitting during hand-to-hand combat, with the missile hit location spread handling ranged combat. Having every hit location be the same chance (just over 16%) negates that.

    d20 melee: legs 40%, abdom+chest 20%, arms 30%, head 10%

    d6 loc dice: legs 33%, body 16,7, arms 33%, head 16,7%.

    I can't really say one spread is more likely than the other. I think the d20 spread might have a bit high percentages for the legs compared to the rest of the body, and maybe a bit little for the head. I can't say the d20 is "better" in melee though.

    For missile, yes realism would drop a bit, as most missiles are aimed for the body. However, having two d20 missile locations tables to slow things down a bit. For hightened realism using the d6, you could say that any hit with a missile weapon that was an odd number went for the body, and even numbers rolled the dice. This would lead to higher casualties though.

    I've always liked the Warhammer FRP system, where the hit roll result is flipped and the same value used for the hit location. For example, if you hit someone with a roll of 37, you have a hit location roll of 73. Makes for one fewer dice rolls.

    A d100 hit location table?


  13. Sorry to get a little off subject, but I always wondered about the use of combat rounds. I always thought that people in a real life and death battle would strike more and faster in the time period of a single round. I've had this explained to me that it's because the opponents are circling each other and looking for an opening. Or it's to only make note of the hits that actually do real damage. ANd I do understand the bookkeeping aspect of it. But every fight I've ever witnessed in real life, the opponents rush right in and throw a successive flurry of hits and hit each other very often. But all the actual fights I've ever seen were fist fights with the purpose of wearing down the opponent to submission--or beyond.

    Well, you've heard the common explanations - for brawls the fact that many of the "hits" do not give any damage comes into play. Fistfights is an odd ball in the combat system though - with most fights leading to death and not unconsciousness.

    I admit, I've never seen true melee combat outside of a martial arts tournament.

    The rules work better with weapons. I participated in two stickfighting matches in switzerland a couple of years ago, where we used very little protection, and the potential for fractures where a real danger. In those fights more time where used for circling, looking for openings and feinting than real commited attacks. RPG combat will never be realistic though, we have to settle with the balance of "realistic feel" and playability we're comfortable with. Which is why combat is the most houseruled chapter of most RPG books. Everyonoe have their own opinion of where the balance of realism and playability should be.

    I'm not trying to pick on anyone's combat round procedures, but just raising a question that's been bothering me for years.

    Have you made any houserules for it? (one very easy way would be to say that the combat round is shorter than what's stated default - like 3-4 seconds instead of 12s, but I'm not sure if that's a big improvement either.

    Trif, your combat round homerules look very workable.


    Are there any rules in the new BRP book about non-round combat rounds?

    Nope! BUT, if you have any, please do share! :)


  14. Then, add 5% per skill rank to the base score of the stat associated with the skill, and that is the beginning skill percentage. Most skills have 10 ranks.

    I didn't get that bit. Skill ranks? What are they, were do you get them and how many, how do you use them etc. :P


  15. I'm not sure whether all the announced products are going to be full-colour, monograph, or what, but personally I'm cheered that Chaosium are showing such an obvious will to support their new product.

    I hope we avoid seeing to many of their monographs, unless they start to publish them through Lulu or something. They're cheaply made, not even a color cover, and the shipping makes them unavailable to the European market.


  16. I think I made a post on Friday about what I thought of the product description, or something. It's no longer posted (I swore I hit the submit button) and I'm very thankful for that--as I wrote it under the influence of alcohol.:P

    Nothing's been moderated, so you probably failed your "Click the button" skill. :cool:


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