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Posts posted by Triff

  1. Looks very promising. The download section is really starting to fill up with some files. Gotta add some more categories and organize when I'm back home! :D

    For the western weapon tables I would like to see only one damage table (+ eventual fatality rules) if this ends up in a published supplement though. (2 seems kindoff undecisive.)

    D4 could be used for handguns (making it somewhat the "gun" dice in addition to being a damage mod. dice), if this fits better with realistic damages. D4 for rifles and shotguns however, leads to too many dices IMO. The bigger dices does a better job there and keeps it more in line with previous supplements.

    Great work though! :thumb:


  2. Biggest influence was probably my mother who works as a librarian and brought home countless books she read for me, and which I continued to read as I grew up. I particularily read a lot of viking books, but also fondly remember a norwegian sci-fi book series about a great library ship that travelled from planet to planet and traded in information. :)


  3. I think I'll work on a "eventually fatal" type of result for the Western Spot rules. I might as well, I've got a 14 page price list, 6 weapons lists, bestiary, professions, new skills, a alternate rule for toxins ('cuz its more fun to have you buddy rush you back 20 miles to town to see the Doc then it is to have someone drop dead on the spot). If I did a chapter on history, notable personalities, and geography I could go for a entire supplment.

    Well, they are looking for 64 page supplements! :P


  4. Is it just me? Am I the only person not to have a problem with POW Gain Rolls?

    I'm with you on that one. I have given POW gain rolls for successfully resisting and overcoming with spells and in spirit combat, with no difference in the chance of getting one until you have maxed out, but still my players do not have high POW. Divine Intervention keeps them down.

    Because some people already see the progress from Initiate- to Priest-levels of POW as too swift, and now we are proposing to give POW-gain rolls for resisting magic too - possibly making it worse.

    If you let the players train their skills till they meet the requirements, then it goes fast. If they have to get there through adventuring, then it takes a long time. Personally I do not like the skill requirements at all. There should rather be some heavy in-game reasons as to way the character should be given such a possition.

    I'm fairly familiar with the various pre-Hero Wars heroquesting rulessets out there, and there are some interesting ideas in them, although the "super-RuneQuest" approach can get a bit munchkiny. I think the "Mastery" system of the current HeroQuest is a very good mechanism, and could well be applicable to BRP quite easily. I also think the "Runic Affinity" thing works brilliantly for Glorantha, and could easily be BRP'ed, as could other neat HQ mechanics such as Augments and the more "improvised" magic, skill, and trait system.

    Now that you've laid in that dark room of yours, do you have any idea of how to use "Mastery" for BRP?

    maybe its not the most popular thing around here, but Mongoose's "Magic of Glorantha" has a pretty good chapter on heroquesting, though again, not a lot of rules mechanics to work with

    That's the problem. It's actually a lot of info about heroquests out there, but not much stat-wise. Maybe "Blood of Orlanth" will give us some examples?


  5. CR have some ammo with an armor penetrating value. Certain ammo might f.ex. have +4 AP penetration (ignoring 4 AP), and would then "ignore" 4 points. This could at least be partially applied to caliber meant for armor penetration.


  6. If the business relies on the net. There are many business that can get by fine without an internet presence.

    Actually, not responding to their contact email is bad for buisiness no matter what. Here they lost a very promising setting due a lack of communication. And Chaosium who have survived these last years mainly due to a very loyal fanbase should probably take the time to write a short reply to fan-emails too. That's my opinion at least.


  7. Horizontal description fits better on my screen, so count me on vBulletin standard.

    Runequestement votre,


    Vertical work well with many forums, but looked pretty bad with vBulletin, so we'll stick with the horizontal. :P


  8. MRQ, which clearly has a far closer relationship to that original RQ than RQ did to either OD&D or Tunnels and Trolls contains no such gracious acknowledgement, and indeed was (by one of the parties to the licensing arrangement that allows MRQ to exist) described as being intended to be "the same system but not the same copyright words."

    And that I agree is some quite shady marketing. Especially as it's not the same system at all. It has d100 roll below skill resolution, d20 hit location and the same stats, but other than that it doesn't feel like RuneQuest at all. I think they probably planned to credit Steve Perrin too, to "validate" their system even more, but dropped it after their fallout with Perrin.

    The only part about MRQ I wonder how they can use without copyright breach is the magic system. Sorcery spells, common divine spells and "rune" magic with the exact same names as in RQ3, and similiar descriptions. Is it considered to be "part of Glorantha", and therefor usable through their license from Greg? Chaosium too have some claims to this system I would believe, but they have dropped it all together from their new book, sort of surrendering it to Mongoose.

    (or have they sold it? what about some Cthulhu-rights? Mongoose are selling a sci-fi Cthulhu RPG too, CthulhuTech.)

    Personally I think whether it was done then or now it's a shitty way to behave.

    Well, rewriting a system in words only and releasing it as new WOULD be a shitty way to behave. If it could have saved a system that was left to die decades ago though, I would have embraced it with open arms though.

    Funny how Steve Jackson managed to acknowledge his "inspirations" in the introduction to GURPS 3rd edition by name, where as MRQ omits them entirely and the closest GORE gets is some weasel words ("...special thanks are owed to all authors of late 1970s and early 1980s game systems."). And Steve Jackson's GURPS is an original system (for all it's influenced by his previous design TFT and stuff like Champions).

    I agree that games should acknowledge their sources of inspiration, so we're on the same page there. But would you be fine with GORE if they had added a line with thanks to Matt Sprange, Sandy Peterson, Steve Perrin, [etc., etc., including all the d100 and d20 stuff it draws from]. Would that make it acceptible, or do you think no-one should use something that have been used by other before?


  9. From Pavis to Sun County with the guy still nailed?

    He must be tough!!! :innocent:

    Actually, we took him down from the cross first (mainly because of the weight). Getting him back alive was optional, as long as he was resurrectable.

    Glad you go to play RQ again. Sorry it wasn't that satisfying.

    Yeah. But newbies without that much flavour is often problematic. Maybe he gets more interesting with time, but with a "wear no armor on torso"-geas, I doubt he last that long. :ohwell:


  10. Have you seen the large, transparent d10 which contains a smaller d10? When rolled, you get the 01 - 00 result range, and you only have one die to keep track of...

    COOL! :happy:

    I want one. Where can I buy it? Somewhere online?


  11. If you go beyond fair use / fair dealing in quoting Chaosium copyright works, or post material that uses their trademarks (such as BRP) without correct permission or which could bring their trademarks (such as the BRP logo) in to disrespect, then yes they probably could I think (IANAL).

    Basic Roleplaying, Basic Role-Playing or BRP is porbably not phrases/acronyms they can trademark/copyright. The logo on the other hand will most likely be copyrighted. Posting houserules or setting information will not be a problem unless the setting information is a direct copy from a published work. They have very few restrictions on fan work as far as I can understand.

    If it misused the BRP trademark, or again went beyond fair use / fair dealing in quoting Chaosium copyright work, yes I think (IANAL). But bear in mind that it's an open question as to whether Palladium would actually win a court case, as stats and a simple note saying "compatible with Chaosium Inc's Basic Role Playing system" may well NOT constitutue a breach of Chaosium's copyright / trademark - Bottom line, consult an actual lawyer or better yet, ask Chaosium in advance...

    If you produce a commercial supllement with BRP stats in it, it alone would pose no problem. Characteristics and skills are allready used in several OGL games. You could just say it's GORE ;)

    Using the logo, specific spells or setting stuff from published material, or something else unique to Chaosium and the Basic Roleplaying system could lead you into problems though.

    I think that's actually more "didn't think it was worth the fight...", bearing in mind that the copyright breaching files are hosted on a Russian server, and they thus have almost zero chance of enforcing any order for the files to be taken down.

    This site was created in defence of the Basic Role Playing System and with the sole aim of bringing more and more players to it, and to help sustain public interest in the Basic Role Playing System. No copyright infringement is intended, and any requests from the copyright holders to remove information from the page will be complied with promptly.

    Worth the fight? If you see Gianni's statement included above, they probably didn't even think it was worth the email.

    Could people please drop this fixation with the OGL? It's a complete red herring! Its benefits are debatable, and its applicability to Chaosium and BRP's circumstacnes are dubious, and far more likely to be harmful than beneficial.

    OGL is good. We want OGL! :P

    What BRP fans and Chasoium need is a BRP license - a way that lets third parties support Chasoium's BRP without having to jump through too many restrictive hoops, but which also protects Chaosium's core investment in BRP.

    A logo license? Like MRQ has? :P

    As I've said before, Green Ronin's True20 license, or WEG's d6 would be good starting points. A two tier approach - a "Compatible with BRP" logo for PDF's and semi-pro fan material, and a more costly "Approved for use with BRP" for por-3rd patry PDF & print products. Neither would allow a full BRP game (that I'd suggest they should still do via separate specific licenses), but it would allow people to publish their own settings as BRP compatible, or a series of adventures (a la the Goodman Games Dungeon Crawl Classics for d20).

    That could work too, if they were very clear and the information about them easily available on their site. The license they have at the moment though, is quite the turnoff for all except for professional rpg publishing companies.


  12. Actually while the mythos-rip off deities are the primary "evil" in the world the actual bad guys for Berlin '61 were to be the governemnt agencies. It was all about various agencies and organizations trying to use mythos related artifacts, powers, rituals and what not to attain thier political goals.

    That sounds cool. Can't wait to get it!

    But as mentioned earlier by someone else in this thread, most of us love to see some scenarios too! ;)


  13. Hi, Camazotz here, alias Tori Bergquist. I've been gaming since 1980, when I started with the Otus D&D set and Gamma World 1st, then graduated to Traveller, RQ2 and Tunnels & Trolls (among others) around 1983-1985. I published a fanzine (The Sorcerer's Scrolls) from 1984-1989 and have been published over time in a variety of media.

    What kind of fanzine was The Sorceror's Scrolls?

    In fair disclosure when it comes to MRQ debates, I did write a couple books for Mongoose (Tales of the Black Kingdom and books 2 and 3 of Messantia) but I agree that as a publisher Mongoose has issues, but I tend not to assume it's because their evil....just learning.


    These days, I'm playing GURP 4E, an occasional CoC game, MRQ semi-weekly and AD&D 2nd edition once or twice a month with some old diehard hippy grognards that I only just convinced to move on from 1E AD&D. When BRP comes out, I fully expect to start running it weekly, of course!

    Good to hear! Welcome aboard! :)

    But hello, my name is Frank, and I'm a gamer. (Hi Frank.)

    I'll bite: Hi Frank.

    However, the first time I played Runequest (2nd Ed.), I realized what RPGs could be: skill-based, rules-light, and generalized beyond combat and trap-detection. I've been following BRP through the years, especially in its Cthuloid mutation, and with the imminent(?) release of Basic Roleplaying I hope that it will attract a wider audience.

    What Cthulhu settings have you been playing?

    So, hello BRP world, and I hope to have some interesting discussions (but not in the Chinese curse way).

    Hehe, nothing like the post-release times on the MRQ forum? :rolleyes:

    Welcome aboard!


  14. Yes. And very important is IMO the support of the whole setting with some good ready to play spy adventures.

    Its not that I am against the mythos or such. I even think that some subtile links to occultism and horror could spice the setting up.

    But what I dont find very appealing is that the big enemy are again the outer gods and not the "other political fraction". This is detracting from the focus and I fear it would be degrading Berlin to nothing more than another Delta Green variant.

    I'm also in favour of the occult part not having too much of a Lovecraftian flavour, but being something researched by the other side. Some summonings gone wrong could also be fun though.


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