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Posts posted by Triff

  1. Good news and bad news. Good news it I will have plenty of down time (and my lap top with me) to edit the adventures. However, the bad news is I will be out on a mission for 30-45 days and will not be able to work on the PDFs or postings.

    Hopefully it will be a boring one! Come back safely now! :P

    To that end I may write a third short adventure (about the size of the Christmas Adventure) and put all of the Berlin '61 adventures together in one book.

    A scenario pack? That sounds nice. :)


  2. I'm working on a review for some Sceaptune Games stuff at the moment and on a couple of PDF products. Hopefully they should be up towards the end of the week !

    That's great! :happy:

    The Sceaptune stuff seems to work pretty well for BRP too. I have the petty magick booklet, and it's pretty good.


  3. Well, you've got a matrix for results: until the other guy does his roll, you don't know what your roll means. For me, that's 'Opposed Rolls'.

    Parry influences the meaning of an attack roll just as much.

    A rolls his attack, B rolls his dodge or parry, A rolls his damage (or not, if there's no point).

    Isn't that the way it usually goes?


  4. Thanks, that's pretty standard but seems a bit limiting and trickier to administer than necessary. Mr T mentioned Questworld and the idea of gates between worlds (though going on to say he didn't like 'em). It seems to me that 'Gated Worlds' would' put no limits on author creativity, need no edit/moderating, and allow existing worlds to be plugged in (even commercial ones). I've mentioned this before in another thread but raised little interest.

    What would be wrong with the 'gates' approach?

    There's nothing wrong with the "gates" approach, but doesn't create much of a cooperative world, unless there's something to bind it all together. Then everyone would just work on their own projects, as we do now. You can easily say there are gates btw. that connect the western, roman, greek and gwenthia settings in the download section, but I think it would be harder to front that as "one setting".


  5. But your rule is based on the old 'Opposed Roll' concept, which I don't like, so I'd better not comment further - it'd only be negative.

    I'd say it's based on levels of success, but then I'm not familiar with the old opposed rules, just the new mrq & brp ones.

    It is worth a try.

    Maybe the ENC penalty is too high

    Also, the enc penalties. This will depend on the base level of encumbrance that you carried when trained. So if you are a warrior trained to fight sword and shield plus chainmail, your base enc should reflect this and your trained skill is normal for your level of enc.

    Alternatively, if you are a primitive warrior with loincloth and spear, your normal skill dodge should apply to mirror that enc.

    If you are a warrior trained to fight with sword and shield in chainmail, it would be natural that you parried instead. The primitive warrior with loincloth and spear should be a better dodger I think.

    With a heavy armor, the dodge skill gets to powerfull, as it will downgrade specials and criticals. Then it becomes much better than parries. With some punishing ENC rules, it would be good for those in light armor. The ENC rules would have to be tweaked so that you would prefer parry with heavy armor, but making dodge a viable alternative for those with light or none armor - maybe the minus should be given based on the type of armor instead of ENC itself.

    Maybe 2 free attacks is too much an advantage, I'd give a free attack with a bonus instead


    Too many free attacks for my liking. I agree that a good doge should allow you an opening, but the failure in a dodge will just allow the attack to suceed.

    2 free attacks for a critical dodge vs. a fumbled attack might be to much. Yup, I'll lower that to one. The attacker will have to roll on the fumble table in addition, so that should be enough.

    I'm going with criticals at 1/100th of skill (rounded up), specials at 1/10th of skill and fumbles at above 91%+1/10th of skill (00 always a fumble), so fumbles will happen more often than the new default (with upgrading of your foes attack if you fumble the dodge against him).


  6. If 90% of gamers don't do anything except fighting, then I think that is their problem, not a problem with the game. All those skills exist for a reason.

    Actually, that might not be a problem at all, for them. Lots of people like scenarios with a lot of combat. The "balance" issue we are discussing is really just based upon different preferences. There's enough followers in both camps that both camps should be thrown a bone.


  7. Have you tried putting the correct Delivery Address on your orders?

    It helps. :)

    I ordered it the 12th of December. I was expecting to get it when I was home for Christmas and New Years Eve. :(

    Can I borrow yours in the meantime? Oh no, that's right, you don't have any either... :rolleyes:

    :D hehehe


  8. 3. He didn't write scenarios for Game Balance, they depended on absolute levels not relative ones

    Hehe, it wasn't even a published scenario? He made a scenario meant to take out half the party with no chance of survival? I guess you played a lot more with him afterwards, or what? :D


  9. That was precisely the original motivation behind Gwenthia, albeit we wandered quite some way from that original motivation fairly rapidly...

    What was the concept behind Questworld? Gates from which you could travel form world to world or something like that?

    Indeed, and perhaps something that this community could do in it's wiki, or on a clsoed sub set of the forums?

    Not a bad idea. A problem could be agreeing on the type of setting/world to create though. :cool:


  10. Idem for 1st part.

    For 2nd part, this is exactly what I had in mind. It is easier to ignore what you don't want than to add what you want and is missing. Apart the fact that I would have liked to get something more Runequesty, my main point is that I would have prefered the opposite way, ie the most comprehensive default, with optional simplifications.

    Runequestement votre,


    I agree. That would be the preferred way to handle the supplements at least.


  11. Trif, your parents can out things in the post can't they?

    Yup, but it will use a week to get here, and cost around $20 in shipping, so I'm just going to wait till I go down south myself. The last week will probably be to hectic for me to do any serious reading anyway.


  12. I'm not interested in buying a rulebook for a game I play only a few times a year, with just one group of folks. I need that money to help pay for my new pistol tomorrow, and for ammo...


    Zane is reworking the guns-table to have damage being dependent on ammo, plus som other adjustments. Maybe you should get together with him on it. I'd love to see a "fixed" guns table in the download section (or the wiki).


  13. Is this the kind of thread that I can admit that i've got a mint copy of RQ2 knocking about in its box. A separate one for use in playing obviously, but a mint RQ2........ can't be many of them knocking about. :)


    Got a shrinkwrappet copy of RuneQuest 1 (go eBay!), or that is, it was shrinkwrapped until I got my hands on it. :P


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