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Posts posted by Triff

  1. Even worse, its things you typically have to figure out only during character creation and downtime., so even the people who have trouble doing it on the fly are somehow crippled. When did it become impossibly hard to do simple addition and division during character creation and updating?

    RQ character creation was a mess. Sorting out a characters skills took way to much time - and I have to help all but the most experienced players. It took time away from the gaming. If someone died during play, and had to make a new character, we had to take a half hour break from play. When all players had to make new characters for a setting, it took ages. It might have been "realistic", but it was still a mess. :cool:


  2. Well there is that idea about replacing base chances with a number derived from skill categories. For instance, Knowledge/Metnal skills could start off at INTx2% or INTx3%. I think I'll try that on my next campaign. Either than or tie skills to one stat and base them on the stat roll. So Agility skills could start at DEXx3% or even DEXx5%.

    Yep, and that's an idea I like!


  3. I used to use a subtle variation in Stormbinger games actually, which was that when success levels were tied, the higher SKILL won (irrespective of rolls), which worked reasonably well.

    Wow - that's a brilliant idea! I hope you don't mind if I nick it... ;)

    That was a good idea. Very simple, keeping the right "feel" and no math. This one goes in the wiki when the organization is ready. :)


  4. After having several MRQ books fall apart on me, I'd be quite happy to pay a higher price for a sturdy BRP core book. If they did a leather bound one, like that special edition CoC book.... dear me, my inner Biblomaniac is acting up again. :D

    Was it glued or bound/stiched?


  5. I've been wondering about adding a "classified adds" section, where people can sell, buy and trade used RPG books (fixed price, no auctions - people just put up their books, the price and contact information).

    Would that be a valuable addition, or not worth the trouble? I'm a bit afraid of bad feelings could be projected toward the site from deals going sour. eBay is allready a working alternative with higher security, though less focus.


  6. On the other hand, BRP does not work that well with guns - it works, but it's not even close to work as well as it does for melee weapons f.ex. As mentioned before, this probably have something to do with the lack of focus on guns in previous BRP settings. It's an area where BRP can improve a lot. Creative work in this area would be most welcome I think.

    How does Delta Green handle guns by the way?


  7. There was also a Root/Branch system for some skills, where a parent Athletics skill includes Swim, Climb, Soccer, etc: your Root skill score was capped by your characteristics (in the case of Athletics, an Agility Skill, this was STR + DEX), which meant you only had to choose to specialise (ie take Branch skills) once you'd reached that cap with the Root skill. Worked well in practice.

    How did specializing work?



    2 days ago I tried gaming Cthulhu Rising for the first time. Cthulhu Rising is a space horror roleplaying game, a sci-fi with a Lovecraftian background. In 2271, Earth is still the most heavily populated planet, but colonies have been established at several other planets. Earth is ruled by the United Earth Federation, which is heavily influenced by powerfull transnational companies. The official goverment line is that aliens do exist on other planets, but none as advanced as us.

    The Cthulhu Rising system is available for free as downloads on the Cthulhu Rising website. The system used is is a mix of Call of Cthulhu and 3rd edition RuneQuest, with hit locations and skill category modifiers. There's also a lot of BRP sci-fi supplements found at the site. Insanity rules are used, but the sanity point rewards for completing a mission seem to offset the standard CoC "all characters go insane eventualy" rule.

    There are three big campaigns on the CR website, one for civilians, one for colonial law enforcers and one for space marines! I started with the civilian one and plan to space marines next, and then colonial law enforcers, with some of the non-campaign scenarios in between. Also, with this being sci-fi, I plan to give the horrors more a feel of aliens from deep space, rather than the classical "other dimensional horrors".

    So we started up with making characters, a rather painless procedure even though I had two newbies with me. There was some complaining about not being able to play psychics and androids (I hadn't read that part of the rules) but otherwise it went smoothly.

    The group consisted of a ex-cop PI freelancer, a mercenary (the hired gun), a doctor who had just gotten fired due to malpractice (rolled lowest possible on her savings), and a pilot working for the Cenargo Corporation, and a cold bitch company suit from the same corporation (played by my sister, an experienced CoC GM who made a guest appearance in our group).

    The group, headed by Enila Irrinja, the company suit, brought together to find a scientist from Cenargo's R&D department, who was suspected of industrial espionage and gone missing on Mars. The investigation started on Earth, following up several leads and interviewing co-workers, before heading of to Mars. Here we ran into the first gunfight when approaching the scientist's appartment. No casualties among the characters, two among our opponents before the remaining escaped.

    As Enila, the company suit, had maps and clues going to a govermental military controlled dig site on mars, she "found" them in the appartment, claiming the scinetist must have left them there. She then declared that the investigation could not go any further as only the military was allowed to be present on the dig site. She made it very clear that any information the characters would get their hand following up "some other leads" if successfull would be richly rewarded. She then fired the pilot from the company, and left - leaving the corporation fully in the clear for whatever the group would do later.

    Quite excellent playing by my sister actually. The face of Remy (the pilot) when he got fired was quite priceless. "What are you trying to say? ;-(" She also reported several collegues to the higher-up bosses during the investigation that she though was talking too much. :lol:

    Next session will be going out to the dig site and confronting whatever we find there. :P

    All in all a very successful session. As a RQ3 player, CR suits me perfectly. I think we can implement some more melee combat after a while when they notice that certain creatures don't really respond that well to firearms.


  9. Sounds interesting. I'll look forward to see your final results. Though I have never played with it before, I'm kinda sceptical to traits. Will they be strongly connected to the system, or will it be possible to remove them and use the rest?


    EDIT: And yes thank you Shaira, I had a good Christmas! Hope you all had a good one too! Happy New Year! :)

  10. STILL pending shipping! ;-( Got an email they had to upgrade it too Global Priority Mail since the package was to heavy (ordered some other stuff too). I'm starting to be afraid it won't find its way to Norway until the 1st edition is out.

    Darn! :mad:


  11. So far no news of pdfs. They are rumoured to look into that market, at least for the monographs, but other than that, nothing have been heard. A pdf version would certainly be nice though.


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