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Posts posted by Triff

  1. I think part of the problem is that you are seeing spell casters as being "supernatural" and everyone else as being "mundane". Why does someone who wields a sword have to be mundane? Sure the Archmage is powerful, but the master swordsman in the group is so good he can cut a spell from the air as if flies toward him. Why not? It is a fantasy game after all.

    Conan vs. Gandalf. I know who I would put my money on! :happy:


  2. The variable armor points were quite different from what I expected. I would have thought the conversion would be something like this:

    fixed - variable

    1 - 1d2

    2 - 1d4

    3 - 1d6

    4 - 1d8

    5 - 1d10

    6 - 1d12

    7 - 2d6

    8 - 2d6+1 / 1d6+1d8

    something like that (which would actually give a higher average)

    If I would add the stormbringer values, my players would fall like flies! :shocked:


  3. And of course then it hit them. For 3d6 fire damage.

    Maybe we could make a list of our favorite chaos features we have come up with.

    Oh that's a nice one! Gotta use that next time I game. :-)

    I'll start a list at the wiki when I'm back. Sounds like a great idea! Smells like baked bread is one of my favorites. Starving adventurers lost in the wilderness. Mmmmm!!! Somebody is baking bread! :D


  4. With variable armor, I like that people in plate armor won't be totally invulnerable to a stab from a dagger. I don't like the extra dice roll, but thinks it might be worth it. How does it work with gameplay though? Is it mainly negative or positive for the players? Mor PC-death or the same? Does it bug down combat when you have to roll it for all the NPCs too?


  5. I love gloranthan chaos, with it's chaos feature table. I'm sure I will include that element to non-glroanthan games I will play later too. How many of you have exported the gloranthan chaos to non-gloranthan settings? Does it pose any problems doing so, with the mythological backing taken away?


  6. I've been very happy with RQ3 for a very long time now, but feel the time have come to move on. I bought a lot of HQ books to convert to RQ, but teh "new" Glorantha have been gregged to being recognition for me. 2nd Age sounds fun, but I will probably never get into it as I've stopped buying more Mongoose books.


  7. Variable armor points, like in Stormbringer, seems to be a realistic system, but I have not used it so far because of the allready long time combat takes. With hit locations gone (one roll less), I'm considering adding variable AP.

    Those of you who have played with this system allready, what are the weaknesses and strengths? How does it affect gameplay?


  8. Hit locations are optional, and the hit point system is more similar to Stormbringer, with locations being rolled on major hits.

    However, is the default system the exactely same as the Stormbringer system, or is there a new table involved with the major hits?


  9. By the way, you write that you were contracted for 30 pieces. Have you made more than that, or was 30 the number it ended on? The illustrations you have made, are they for the entire book, or only certain sections of it?

    Do you know if they plan to re-use many old pictures, or have other artists too doing new interior art? (re-use is most likely I guess?)


  10. Good to hear David!

    Though with Chaosium's infamous working speed I'm not holding my breath. Or I am actually, but I'm fearing a 2008 release. ;-(

    By the way, is the interior art black & white, or colour? I'm guessing black & white due to the relatively low price, but I just have to ask as Cthulhu is sporting a fine green colour. :P

    With your interior art, and hopefully a new cover illustration, my designer friend might even stop dissing the art of the RPG books I use (he always use to comment on D&D art being better than RQ art)! :D


  11. Hmmm... What I possibly could do is have have three columns, with navigation as the top left one, but put a "What is BasicRoleplaying?" or something like that module below it, then have all the "stats" module on the right side. Should probably be good SEO too, while accomodating those who crave for left-handed navigation modules and symmetry. What do you think? :confused:

    And it seems like our "login or register" image is gone too! I've got work to do wen I'm back it seems.


  12. I could see if I can add the top strip of the navbar, with the links found there, just below the header on the main page. Would that do the trick, or do people really want a right-hand column of modules? :cool:

    Rurik, you are slowing down. Where is the poll? :P

    I cannot change anything now, but will be back in a week. Can have a new look at it then.


  13. How long is the longest a mount have survived in your campaigns?

    In our group, they die rather fast, making the players reluctant to buy one unless absolutely neccessary (now we have a boat instead, works much better!).

    RQ3 prices for a riding horse is pretty high (3000p).

    And warhorses, how do you use those? Battle-wise.


  14. Doing that actually increases the average damage for a Crush. I.E: 2D6 average 7' date=' vs. 6 for a maxed out d6.[/quote']

    Still, blunt weapons get less dangerous in human hands that way (compared to max weapon damage + ignore armor, or wait, are we talking special or critical damage here?)


  15. These are the current ways to ENTER THE WIKI:

    1) *Click the "Wiki" link in the top navbar.

    2) Click the "Basic Roleplaying Wiki" link in the NuWiki dopdown menu, located in the lower navbar.

    3) Click on the lowermost forum "Basic Roleplaying Wiki" under the "Other" heading on the forum main page.

    4) *Click on the "Wiki" link in the site navigation module on the index & link page.

    5) Chose the "Basic Roleplaying Wiki" in the forum jump menu at the bottom.

    *added today.


  16. By the way, I tried the Critical/Special/Fumble Table in my game on Monday and it was very well received. Everyone used it and it sped up combat, more than I expected it to.

    What table? :confused:


  17. 100 posts, hmmm, I'm only on 50, so I need another 50 posts .....

    Can you spot the flaw, yet?

    The edit restriction should be lowered to 50 post? ;)

    Within the time the wiki is opened, all the regular posters will be over that (it goes fast). People spamming the forum is very easy to spot & ban though, compared to the wiki.

    I also doubt someone would bother to post that much in the forum just to spam our wiki.


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