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7Tigers last won the day on November 10 2020

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1 Follower


  • RPG Biography
    RQ2 & 3, HQ, Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk 2.0
  • Current games
    RQ3, HQ, Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk 2.0
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    "Violence is always an option!"

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  1. Sorry: PDF is also available from Philibertnet: https://www.philibertnet.com/en/studio-deadcrows/117723-runequest-les-enfants-de-la-flamme-version-pdf-2100000912759.html
  2. Les Enfants de la Flamme. PDF only available here: https://www.gameontabletop.com/mp.html?search=enfants&order=desc&sort=date&tag_id=0&mp=0&language_id=0
  3. Check Jeff Richard: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/notes-on-redaylda-dendara-ernalda/
  4. I'm afraid I failed to find info about that particular point. Any hint about the related book / post about required lay members / initiates presence please?
  5. Hum... How can people "win" against someone able to come back from the Underworld? And someone with a lot of underlings & allies: it is not as if H will be ever be alone & waiting to be killed...?
  6. Big Damn Book of Monsters page 355 if BRP stats are needed... Edit: typo
  7. Don't forget with Jeff's updates from WF#15.
  8. A alternative plan would be to try to redo the transcripts with free Whisper AI. Example to do that using Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/deepgram-devs/try-whisper-in-google-collab/blob/main/try_whisper_in_three_easy_steps.ipynb Notes: use "-large" option for better results
  9. Just download the ones from Youtube. Funny automatic sentences sometime when using gloranthan names, but a good base nevertheless 🙂 ! https://downsub.com/
  10. Page 72 indeed! Thanks! I was searching for a formal myth title...
  11. Hum, as it really does not ring a bell on my side, any indication where this Vinga Makes Her Place myth can be found please?
  12. Ouch! Smart decision indeed to not fight them! In south west of France, we also have many of them, and there are locally called Baïnes. Very dangerous, with several drowned people each year...
  13. Note that, even for owners of the printed version, the pdf version remains useful for High Resolution maps and the various indexes and game aids.
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