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Everything posted by Haimji

  1. From Cult of Chaos : "Before Time Prior to the Lesser Darkness, Thed was an important goddess. She was the wife of Ragnaglar, who later was called the Mad God, and their children were the broos, who then were untainted by chaos." And about Satyrs, i can read in King of Satar :" They have the torso of men and the legs of a goat. " So i m wondering : what if Satyrs were actually Thed's Children not tainted by chaos?
  2. Duno, duke as nobility titles remind me too much modern or middle age, Lunar Empire, even is not like Roman Empire, is closier to Roman Empire than England Middle-age. So, i can imagine Lunar Emperor give a land to Raus, and rights to rise a little army to protect the land. Land is on a broder, so Raus will protect Empire border with mercenary payed by himself instead of paying taxes. So Duke can be a military title for Lunar citizen with right to rise a private Army. Empire is far than a democracy so i guess only a few citizens can rise a private army. And Duke is on a border, no real fear of a Coup. ANd Duke must report to a Count Sor-Eel, so Duke is under watching. Duke Raus lose all his former titles, jajagappa said that too : " The political authorities who stripped him of his previous status ". So Duke is a new status for me. Rone can be his former land and so he name his new town form that. That's only my opinion, perhaps i m wrong !
  3. I'm not I'm not sure. In old roman Empire, Duke was a military rank for someone who rule part fo army in a broderland province. It was a nobility rank after, when Roman Empire fell. So, even if Lunars are not Romans, i believe than Raus is Duke because he has military autority in a borderland, but Count Sor-Eel in Pavis have got civilian autority. Count is above of Duke for that.
  4. I didn't think about that, but the dual wielder can dodge no? thank you for sharing your experience. its tend to confirm what Rosen said.
  5. I'm totally agree with you about bow but, for 2 weapons fighting, i just want to say that a lot of reals fighers used 2 weapons in history. Actually, fighting with a sword and a shield, is using 2 weapons. My only question is : "could you attack twice on the same round or not?" If yes, how can you put that in rules? Do you prefer RQ2 solution? (add RA second attack to the first RA) the RQ3 solution? (add +3 to the first attack to know when the second one come) If no, why a character fight with 2 weapons? Any advantage?
  6. I agree, AD&D rules are perfect for MMO games on computer, not roleplaying games. The Chaosium system is perfect to play a individual character, as in CoC for example, where AD&D rules don't works.
  7. I just rode RQ2 rules book, i found nowhere Shield start at 5% parry. Its 15% in RQ3. Be careful with 2 weapons : your skill with mace in wrong hand will start at 5% not the same than right hand and dex needed must be increase by 50%! Remember you can use shield as extra armor and a shield never break !
  8. I didn't know, even with a mace? (1 hand)
  9. Hi Many rebellious sartarites are from Kheldon, Colymars & Culbrea. One of the most famous exiles is Prince Argrath, but Garrath Sharpesword and Argrath whitebull are famous too.
  10. ho i understand now, hum BRP rules and RuneQuest rules are not the sames, i prefer to let someone who played BRP to answer to you I foudn that on the forum :
  11. First time i heard about aura attacks, but english is not my language, perhaps you mean spirit attack? can you be more specific about which pages did you find that?
  12. Hi, what version it is? RQ2? RQ3?
  13. Hi Which version do you play? RQ2? RQ3? Because, in RQ2/RQ3 you can't parry and use the same weapon to attack in the same round. So you really need a shield or you dodge.
  14. The officials RQ2(RQ3) rules about SR 0 to 12 (or 10) seems better to me cause of magic : you can calculate easyly when a sort will occur if you add Magic Points to Dex SR and its works even if it takes severals rounds. I am a little lost in these expert discussion (and one of my friends just died on saturday so i m not in a mood for roleplaying games), i have to read it carefully. Thanks you all of you
  15. RQ2 (and RQ3) rules are for humans fighting humans not dragons fighting dragons. Siz 66 and Dex 59 are not for humans character, even with magic. For more epic system, you need HeroQuest rules. RQ2 helps to make a Zorak Zoran hard to fight
  16. thank you for your contribution stypoa, i prefer officials rules but, i m open to learn what others do on their table, it may serve if my players want to something "light".
  17. it made me laught too thanks you for all this explanations !
  18. Ho ok, can you give me pages,please? in french édition i really need to find the english edition, french one seems to have translate errors...
  19. i put one in orange, because i thought it was only with grande lance or pick. Can you confirm? The one in green, i founded them in rules, you are right. And, yes error typing, i wanted to write "10", so i checked in rules, RQ3 french edit, in one page they said "1 round = 12 sec" and another page they said "1 round = 10 sec", writing/translate error?
  20. True. You can add horses are actually birds without wings When you play in Glorantha, forget science and learn mythology. In place of history, perhaps we can go to greek myths. But let's return to the main discussion : SR in RQ2/RQ3. On my opinion, its not very important to know if SR = 1 sec or 0.5 sec. Rules didn't say SR = 1 sec but RQ2, 1 rnd = 12 sec, and 12 SR, RQ3, 1 rnd = 1 sec and 10 SR, soo its easy to make SR=1 sec. Actually, SR are usfull to know who strike first and who strike second, i guess we all agree about that. Thanks to you guys, i understand pretty much better the rules. Its not about "who is right", but "my players and i, as GM, can we have a simple rule to manage a fight". All players are differents and don't want to same.
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