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Posts posted by drohem

  1. Right on! I love the Andaman and Nethermen. It's great to see them back in action. I'm excited about this project too since I always liked Bard Games and SMS products.

    I'll try to dig out my books later tonight after the baby goes to bed. However, I'm not feeling too well today and might go to bed early.

  2. hehe...oh snap! I am corrected.

    "I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue."

    I was thinking of Jefferson when I wrote that about becoming President for some reason.

    Yes, Hamilton never was an American president, he died from the mortal wound in the duel. Although, he was one of the most influential founding fathers.

  3. According to RQIII, you can carry 2 layers armor if:

    1 - the innermost is soft armor

    2 - the innermost has fewer AP than the outermost.

    The consequence is that you add the AP and the inner ENC is doubled.

    Runequestement votre,


    I guess your RQ3 is different than mine. According to RQ Deluxe Edition (softcover) p. 70, you add AP and ENC of soft armor (leather or heavy cloth). The ENC of the soft armor is not doubled.

  4. Ehem...

    What is the Hamilton-Burr duel?

    Runequestement votre,


    It is American history. Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr were rivals and fought a duel with pistols in 1804. Burr was mortally wounded and died the next day from his wound. Burr was the Vice President at the time and Hamilton was the Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton later became one of American's greatest presidents.

    Burr-Hamilton duel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  5. The Arcanum is part of the Atlantean Trilogy. The Arcanum was the rulebook or system book. It was published by Bard Games in the mid-1980's. The Lexion: Atlas of the Lost World of Atlantis was the campaign setting book. The Bestiary was the book of monsters.

    The Arcanum was a class-and-level system similiar to Dungeons and Dragons. However, it incorporated a skill system and some other innovative ideas that deviated from the standard D&D class-based system.

    Arcanum (role-playing game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Atlantis role playing games - Wayne's World of Books - Info & Sources

  6. The only disadvantage for layering soft leather or heavy cloth under hard armor is you add the ENC of both armor suits/pieces. However, you also added the Armor Points together.

    Now, if you tried to layer hard armor with hard armor, then you ran into trouble. You added the Armor Points of both armor suits/pieces, but you tripled the ENC of the lesser hard armor.

  7. Most of my characters went for the standard layering combinations: soft leather with bezainted, cuibouilli, or ringmail.

    Most of my dwarven characters could wear ringmail or scale over soft leather. Maybe a select piece here and there of something heavier like a helmet or weapon arm.

    Of course, we had a house rule regarding dwarves: you would add 3 to their Size in regards to determining Hit Points and Fatigue scores and use their normal Size for Strike Ranks.

    Maces were a staple of starting adventurers as well. I usually always had a backup weapon or two. I think every character I had carried a dagger just in case things got desperate.

  8. My grandfather was my biggest influence that led me to role-playing games. He instilled a love of reading. He introduced me to fantasy and science-fiction literature. He taught me chess, how to shoot a gun, and how to fire a bow. He took me to movies like Conan and Excalibur (without my mother knowing ;)).

    Another big factor was my disillusionment of the high school click scene. I chose not to align myself with a specific click as was the norm, and, consequently, found myself on the self-imposed fringe. I made friends with a quadriplegic and a boy who just moved to our town from out of state. My out of town friend introduced us to 2nd Gamma World at lunch in the library. He then introduced us to 1st AD&D.

    I was hooked on role-playing immediately. It became my crack cocaine.

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