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  • RPG Biography
    I've been into tabletop RPG's since college, mostly D&D, with some other systems and story games along the way. Typically I am the GM for my group. I've also done some freelance game writing for End Transmission Games, and Menagerie Press.

    Update: I’m on the Jonstown Compendium! Check out Desire for Knowledge! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/product/420951
  • Current games
    I don't get to play as often as I would like, but most recently I have been running one-shots in RQG for new players.

    In 2019-2020 I ran a longer campaign for Runequest: Glorantha. I wrote a fairly detailed campaign log which can be found here - https://basicroleplaying.org/blogs/entry/126-introducing-the-bardori-saga/.
  • Location
    Western Massachusetts
  • Blurb
    I am interested in gaming, fiction, history and mythology.

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  1. Jeff has mentioned that there are “bug heads” living in Beast Valley, but we haven’t gotten many details yet. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/elder-races-in-dragon-pass/
  2. +1 to this as well, I wrote “Desire for Knowledge” using exercises from the course. I didn’t get it finished in one month, but it still motivated me to do the hardest parts in one big swoop.
  3. I forgot what Edes and Eresteenes were and I had to look them up (Revealed Mythologies if anyone else is interested). I wonder if another way to classify these various demonic creatures is by their lineage. It might be that Andins are actually descended from King Bandan, just as trolls are descended from Kyger Litor. That would make them more similar to the other Elder Races, who all seem very fixated on their ancestry. If someone asks a sage, "What is the difference between an Andin and an Eresteene?" The response might simply be that one traces descent back to Bandan, and the other back to the antigod Arlu. The Edes are interesting, because at first they sound like harmless little goblins. But then they are described as "toys" and "throw-offs of earthly delights." I honestly don't know what that means, but it suggests that they might have an artificial origin. They also don't have an patron antigod listed, unless I missed it somewhere.
  4. I have always thought of Andins as creatures descended from Underworld demons, that have "gone native." So they are more or less mortal, and lack the spiritual qualities of true demons (as described in the RQ Bestiary). I imagine them as being made up of multiple "species," like the Arandinni who seem inspired by the various east Asian ogres. But there could be others resembling goblins, hags, or shapeshifters. There would also be close associations between Andins and actual spirits (including true demons), and the average East Islander probably wouldn't distinguish them at all. It seems like you and your fellow JC writers are taking a similar approach with the Andins, at least from what I've seen in your last release.
  5. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying Nochet: City of Queens, and I’m considering setting my next game there. I’m wondering if the upcoming Earth Goddesses book will have any info or rules for some of the goddesses referenced within? I’m particularly interested in three of the “Six Sisters,” Delaina, Delaeo, and Orana. Does anyone with an early copy know?
  6. I just wanted to day that I loved the demo! Six Ages is what got me into Glorantha in the first place, back when it first came out. Lately I've been feeling a little burnt out on the setting for various reasons, but playing the demo reignited that feeling of discovery that I had when I first dove in! Thank you for working so hard on this beautiful game, I can't wait to play the full version!
  7. The bestiary describes demons of a spiritual nature, who originate from the Underworld. There also seem to be creatures like trolls who came from the Underworld, but are basically “mortal,” and don’t have any inherently magical qualities. My own explanation for this is that the presence of certain runes like Man or Beast inherent in some creatures forces them to obey the laws of mortality. When I think of the Andins of the East Isles, I see them as a mix of spiritual creatures, and those who are basically mortal, like the Arandinni. I don’t think Andins=trolls, but I’d bet that there are some foreign trolls among them. And to the islanders, trolls would certainly look like just another Andin.
  8. Okay, since no one’s biting, I’ll just share my “one possible exception.” Metcalph deserves some credit for mentioning them in his first post: the Andins! I noticed when looking through the East Isles chapter of the Guide that the Andins number over 240k across the whole archipelago! That’s a huge population of demons to worry about! There’s also another 100k on the Arandinni Islands, although it’s not clear if these are subservient humans, or the Arandinni themselves. Either way, big numbers. I admit there are a lot of unknowns about the Andin horde. Many of them might be too weak, or refuse to serve Dech Oru. But even if you have say… 50k battle-ready Arandinni under the king, that’s pretty scary! They are physically powerful, have deadly magic and martial arts, and have a few Heroes among them.
  9. Trying to think of a good Flanch pun… I guess I’ve been… out-Flanched?
  10. I guess one way to think about this would be, “what kinds of resources can your military call on consistently?” I’m mainly thinking about manpower, magical power, organization, and the individual strength of your units. Sure some plucky rebels can come along and summon a dragon, but can they do it whenever they want? I think the Elder Races rate highly in “magically powerful” and “individually strong.” The Mostali are very organized to be sure. I think it’s the manpower issue in most cases that keeps them down. I thought of including the Malasp as an honorable mention, but I don’t think the Guide gives us population figures for them.
  11. I agree with your assessments. I thought of including the Arbennan, but I see them as kind of green and unpracticed. I think the Errinoru elves should probably also get a shoutout, but I don’t think they have ever fought a foreign army before. Nope! That’s a good guess though, I forgot about all the True Dragons lying around. Kind of stretches the definition of a “military” but that’s ok.
  12. Jeff recently posted this on Facebook, and someone asked if any armies in Pamaltela could stand up to these big scary Genertelan examples. I've also been wondering if there are any human armies on the wider Lozenge, or among the Elder Races that merit the same fear and respect. I finally found time to re-read relevant bits of the Guide, and I have decided that NO, Jeff's examples are indeed the mightiest of the mighty, with maybe one exception. I want to see if anyone can guess which "army" I'm thinking of! Also, I'm curious to hear which military powers we think are worth honorable mentions, even if they don't make the A-list. Mine are- The Kingdom of Ignorance (but only if you count all the trolls and trollkin) Dorastor (that's a lot of broos, although it's unclear how many Ralzakark can actually command) The Pujaleg Empire (relatively small, but punches well above it's weight!)
  13. Aren’t “modern Orlanthi” able to visit the time of the Vingkotlings in Heroquests? I would think that still makes them feel more relevant, even with all the time that has passed.
  14. Alls I know is that they’re my favorite tribe to play in Khan of Khans.
  15. I’m a new-ish fan of the game compared to many folks on here, and I find the Bestiary to be adequate. But I get where you’re coming from. There are a few ways to diversify or expand the available beasts. For Chaos creatures, you can always add chaotic features from the list. Spirits and demons are also meant to be sort of DIY (and remember some can take physical form). Finally, making a monster an initiate of different gods can change up an encounter in interesting ways. For example, fighting Zorak Zoran trolls with zombies can feel very different from fighting Gorakiki trolls riding giant grasshoppers.
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