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Posts posted by Newt

  1. No promises, I'm looking at developing OQ Roll 20 support.

    In the meantime I'm just about to finish official support for Role VTT (playrole.com) and there's a beta system for Foundry VTT that someone else is developing using the OQ SRD.

    • Thanks 2
  2. Thanks for doing this.

    I've now downloaded from the repository and created a nicely formatted series of Word documents that are being used to create a NEWT Fantasy BRP SRD that I'll tinker and hack to my heart's content. 

    It also made me learn how to use github, which is something I should have done over a decade ago in my last IT role, except our boss wasn't into sharing code with rest of the team  🤣 

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  3. Last call for Fantastic Odysessys. By 8 pm GMT it will all be over. What a fun Kickstarter it's been, funding a bumper first issue of D100 gaming goodness 🙂

    I am looking forward to it ending because then I can gently put on my Editorial hat and get it done for this summer, just in time for Continuum 2024, where I released Hearts in Glorantha, my first D101 Games release, fourteen years ago! 🙂


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  4. Until the end of the month, Fantastic Odysseys, an A4 magazine supporting OpenQuest and related D100 games, is on Kickstarter's ZineQuest.

    If you back now, within the first two days of launch, you will receive the mini-zine The Terror of Fishstop Island

    Here's the cover by Dan Barker.




  5. OpenQuest 3rd Edition is getting along nicely three years after its initial release. With a range of supplements (such as OpenQuest Companion and OpenQuest Dungeons) gradually emerging as support. This website has a decent amount of traffic, as does the SRD in both online and downloadable form, and the OpenQuest channel on the D101 Discord Server is nicely busy.

    But there’s something to my mind that the game is missing—a regular magazine. a bit like Hearts in Glorantha used to be like.

    Here's Dan Barker's cover.


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  6. I was a backer of the original game on Kickstarter, which had its own system. It was ok, very a first edition in quality and I expected a second edition to follow quickly.  But the creator seemed to get sidelined by his desire to generate a series of novels/novellas in the setting. The justification seemed to be that he needed to generate interest in the game by having the stories out there. Ok, I thought, but I'm a gamer, and I'll wait until you return to the game.  

    The OpenQuest version is a bit weird in that its never been publically announced or promoted by the creator (!) Not on his Facebook page, not even to the Kickstarter backers. It just quietly slipped out on Amazon about six months to a year after the original game had been released. Despite it being OQ-based, I've given it a pass over the years. Seeing as I found the original game disappointing and in many respects poorly produced, I'm not prepared to take a chance on it. @Tirapheg's comments have confirmed my suspicions 😞

    • Like 2
  7. Ok here we are.




    This spell causes two adjacent ten-centimetre by ten-centimetre surfaces (roughly the size of a person’s palm) to blend into one. The basic bond has a STR of 1. Each additional point of magnitude will either increase the STR of the bond by +1 or double the area affected. [This line refers to an old ruling that no longer exists].

    This spell can affect organic and inorganic substances. If the caster is attempting to bond a living being with this spell, the spell gains the Resist (Resilience) trait.

    New Version



    This spell causes two adjacent ten-centimetre by ten-centimetre surfaces (roughly the size of a person’s palm) to blend into one.

    Any character trying to break this bond must take a successful skill test at hard difficulty. If the caster spends additional points on the magnitude, it modifies the athletics skill test by a further -5% per magnitude point.

     If the spell is being used to repair an inorganic item (such as a broken sword), take away the magnitude times five from a hundred to give the item the chance to break again in a stressed situation (such as combat).

     This spell can affect organic and inorganic substances. If the caster is attempting to bond

    a living being with this spell, the spell gains the Resist (Resilience) trait and the target gets a Resilience skill test


    So, Glue (Personal Magic) and Holdfast (Sorcery) are effectively the same spells.  If Sorcery didn’t have the requirement that a magician who practices sorcery must forget any personal magic (see page 134), I’d say delete Holdfast and use Glue.  But because Sorcery is meant to be more powerful than Personal Magic, I’ve rewritten Holdfast to be so and make sense in the current rules.

    The first paragraph is a quick summary and gives a basic description of how the spell works.

    The second paragraph is new and covers both the basic effect of the spell and what happens if you boost the magnitude of the spell. The basic effect now makes it more powerful than Glue, and spending extra magic points on magnitude makes it even more powerful. Note you can also boost the spell’s duration and range, which is where Sorcery, which, despite taking longer to learn, really shines compared to Personal and Divine.

    The third paragraph is also new, too, and explains how you can repair items and how they break if used. This is something that Glue has, but Holdfast in its current form doesn’t.

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  8. To all our customers, supporters and fans, have a lovely, restful and joyous Christmas.

    I’m slacking off now until after New Year’s Day to play games and chill out with my family, but I’m grateful for all the support people have given D101 Games over what has been a tough year for everyone.

    As a thank you, the pdfs of Crypts and Things, Monkey and OpenQuest are marked down to £5 until Boxing Day on drivethrurpg.com 

    After which there will be a series of five flash sales on Drivethrurpg.com, where the following pdfs will be £1 for a day!

    Tuesday 26th December. Mandate of Heaven

    Wednesday 27th December. Catching the Wyrm

    Thursday 28th December. Reboot the Future

    Friday 29th December. Tales from the Sorcerer Under the Mountain

    Saturday 30th December. SimpleQuest

    I’ll be back on New Year’s Day with the State of D101 Games address, with some exciting announcements. 

    I’ll also be opening a New Year’s Sale to make space in D101 HQ for new books coming in the New Year.

    Here’s our Christmas Card, once again, wishing you all the best!




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  9. Beyond Dread Portals is an exciting roleplaying game of world-hopping fantasy by Paul Mitchener (author of Liminal). The easy-to-learn rules are built from a core loosely based on the world's first fantasy roleplaying game, tailored to fit the setting.

    It’s in its final five days of funding.

    Backers have already funded extra content. Adventures, NPCs, and background information. Here are the highlights of what the campaign has achieved.

    • All backers will receive an extra introductory adventure, Fort on the Edgelands. A mini sandbox that takes a classic adventure from the 1980s and reimagines it through Beyond Dread Portals baroque fantasy take on D20. In the final five days, more stretch goals are up for grabs!
    • Also, during the campaign, the Signed and sent version of the book has been upgraded from a POD copy to a properly printed version with sewn pages, better-quality paper and a ribbon.
    • We have achieved several community goals through backer numbers, such as the Traveller's Guide to Polydrones, a mini-supplement combining new monsters, game lore, and adventure ideas.
    • VTT support has been added via Role VTT (playrole.com).

    But quick, it's coming to the end of Kickstarter in five days.


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  10. This is how I see OpenQuest in relation to Mythras (or more precisely Mongoose RuneQuest II when I originally wrote OQ). OQ is a quick pick up and play like B/X DnD (or BECMI if I'm being precise because I'm a child of the 80s and was raised on Moldvay Red Box Basic) to Mythras' more involved approach, which is analogous to AD&D 1st edition. 

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  11. 16 hours ago, g33k said:

    - One or more 3rd-party players (with existing rep/cred within the gaming community) take up BRP's ORC offer, and bring interesting/exciting games to market.

    Not at the stage where I want to go public yet*, but I've got a couple of things in the pipeline via D101 Games 😉


    *might be very soon, soon or first half of 2024, depending on how quickly I clear my current workload. 

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  12. OpenQuest Dungeons is now available via the D101 Games webstore.

    This supplement for OpenQuest, which is broadly compatible with other D100 roleplaying games, has advice, resources and three adventures to ease players more familiar with D20 fantasy games into the joys of OpenQuest.

    PDF is available now, with the printed version on pre-order to ship when I get printed copies back from the printer in a couple of weeks.





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