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Posts posted by Conrad

  1. I did not speak from a "morally superior" point of view, but from a business point of view. Sometimes, from _that_ point of view, it is a good idea to describe crap as "matter that could smell more pleasantly"..

    Then I guess your comments could smell more pleasant.:)

    Please read my post carefully - like dougla.s should have done with "Chronicles" .

    You're the one that needs to learn to proofread mate.:P Besides your comments read as a roundabout way of disparaging the efforts of Evil Schemer. Way to go; thats really positive. :7

    : I never accused Evil Schemer of being a fanboy, I just said that his words, in that context, sound as "fanboy talk"..

    In this context what you're writing "could smell more pleasant". You sound like you're being an arsehole to someone that has done something constructive and positive. Evil Schemer has taken the time and effort to write a positive review of CotFE and all you can write about it is that it sounds like "fanboy talk". And you have the temerity to lecture others on polemics! =O

    There is a difference - a big one - between talking about someone's words and talking about him or her. A point that the aforementioned dougla.s sounds like not understanding well, to be honest.

    You're the one bandying about the insult "fanboy", and you think that using the term "sounds as.." distances you from the insult to Evil Schemer. Please apologize to Evil Schemer.

    I know that CotFE isn't your work Rosen, but what is it with some RPG supplement writers? When someone takes the time to praise what they see as a good supplement some of you can't wait to sneer at them, applying the epithet "fanboy", as though you're embarassed to get such praise. You'd think that supplement writers would want some praise for their efforts. Or do you think that everyone that likes RPG supplements is intellectually inferior?

  2. Because there are so many names that are not indexed or explained anywhere. I could make 'em up but I'd love to know what Sarah'd meant when she wrote 'em!

    I understand your viewpoint completely Gianni; the time dragons (Shalai) seem most intriguing and I can't wait to find out what they're like. It is a pity that more of this setting wasn't published in that first supplement.:_(

  3. Starting a polemic on Amazon.com will not do much good.

    Until I looked the word up, I thought that "polemic" was a type of Polish sausage!=O Politeness does not equal truth, and the person that read the supplement does show that the ranting reviewer (Dougla.s) hasn't done his homework. Which says to any person with half a cerebrum that Dougla.s' review is to be taken with a dose of sodium chloride.

    And the time it took for you to take the moral high ground, Rosen, and to insinuate that Evil Schemer is a "fanboy" for his decent succint review would be better spent proofreading your products before publication. :P

    What won't do much good is publishing a quarter of a setting and then having the author go on to other projects without leaving the rest of the background to be edited and published, but thats Chaosium for you! The scenario Children of the Worm should, at least, have been part of the original supplement IMO.

  4. That review is just crap. Sounds like the reviewer doesn't own BRP but wanted to use it with Elric.

    It is too bad that it has been a year since it was published and no follow up material. Hard to gain traction as a setting with nothing coming down the pipe.

    Dougla.s' review comes in for some stick by someone that has read the supplement. Its quite funny reading these replies:

    "There are constant references to psychic powers, but where are they in the book?"

    The reviewer asks this question failing to understand that CoFE is a supplement to be used with the Big Gold BRP Book, which has the psychic powers rules in it. It clearly states this on the back cover, and I quote- "This is a supplement for the BASIC ROLEPLAYING SYSTEM. You must have at least one copy of those rules to enjoy this book."

    "...his absolute lack of respect for people.."

    The author of this tome is a woman actually. Her name, Sarah Newton, is on the front cover. The reviewer should calm down and actually READ all of the book before going off on such a rant." >:>

  5. Yeah I have the Stormbringer book somewhere, but I've never read the actual books so I'm not all that familiar with the setting it self

    Read the books then. They're not as bad as you think. You might actually learn what the words "dark fantasy" mean!:P

    The idea of a drug addled lording who destroys everyone and everything he cares for with his sword and demon pacts really doesn't sound all that heroic

    Elric is not drug addled. Elric's sword kills everyone he ever cares for, not Elric. Melniboneans, Elric's race, have pacts with elementals, beast lords and chaos gods.

  6. Monsters of the Endless Dark is a supplement for the d20 system that details a whole underground ecology of monsters. The artwork varies from tolerable to bad, but the descriptions and ideas are well worth incorporating into a game.

  7. Yeah I have the Stormbringer book somewhere, but I've never read the actual books so I'm not all that familiar with the setting it self

    The idea of a drug addled lording who destroys everyone and everything he cares for with his sword and demon pacts really doesn't sound all that heroic

    Im currently in the process of outlining my own campaign setting for a Fantasy Hero game that will likely never see the light of day, perhaps I will adapt it over to BRP

    Well, that's dark fantasy for you; though the later books like The Dreamthief's Daughter are not in the same antiheroic vein. But the later edition Stormbringer RPG rules are my favourite dark fantasy rules.

    And you don't even run BRP yet....:P

  8. It gives you the option to run the setting at the time of the Mernii, the rise of the Bright empire, or the reign of the empress Terhali. Plus the Dharzi war; and the much later rise of the Young Kingdoms into the reign of both Yyrkoon and Elric. Which is a first for Elric based RPGs. Plus, it gives the option to play many more races such as a Karasim, Pukwadji or Na' ane, as well as the usual YK races. You can even be a wanderer of the time streams. How cool is that?

  9. Many things, depending upon context, amongst them: "of or relating to society or its organisation" … of course you can just google it or go here and have a look-see.

    Oh society, sociablenesssssss, you mean that thing whereby I'm able to restock my larder with human brains, by inviting victims...I mean players over to be excerebellized...I mean to play a game of BRP. >:>

  10. I knew I missed it on FB, but I was too embarrassed to post a belated message. :o

    Here, among gamers, I know no shame - hope it was a good one, Jason! And I hope not too many more pass before we see something else from your pen ... ;)

    Better late than never.

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