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Posts posted by Conrad

  1. " but mostly just to hang around, socialize and relax. Have a beer at the bar! Or maybe a Powsie? Cheers!"

    Not having played Gloranthan RQ for a long long time I wondered what a Powsie was, and found out that it was a type of drink that could floor a troll, probably a bit like the absinthe and whisky mix that floored me last new years eve! ;t)

  2. So, according to the above statement this historical setting will cover the entire period of the Punic Wars...all three of them! That means players will need more then 1 character to play the entire setting? Since the Punic Wars lasted over 100 years players will need mulitple characters to play this supplement??? That stinks:(:(:(

    If you don't like it, you don't have to buy it.>:> But you could buy it and use the supplement (and your brain) for a specific period of the Punic wars, and maybe later, if you're still running Rome which I doubt with your attitude, run the later eras of the Punic wars.>:>

  3. I'm a RQ GM, of course I'm a control freak who issues threats to stop comments I don't like.


    I'm glad that you're having a joke Soltakss, and not weirdly ranting like Anders Behring Breivik did (see below); because then I wouldn't be laughing.

    "If praying will act as an additional mental boost/soothing it is the pragmatical thing to do. I guess I will find out... If there is a God I will be allowed to enter heaven as all other martyrs for the Church in the past.

    I am pursuing religion for this very reason and everyone else should as well, providing it will give you a mental boost. There is no shame in praying minutes before your death. I highly recommend that you, prior to the operation, visit a Church and perform the Eucharist (Holy Communion/The Lord's Supper ). As we know, this ritual represents the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his disciples before his arrest and eventual crucifixion. You should also solve any issues you might have with God and ask for forgiveness for past sins. Finally, ask him to prepare for the arrival of a martyr for the Church. A hardened atheist may think this is silly, but believe me when I say; you will be extremely glad you did as soon as you realise you may actually die after the initiation of your operation.

    Sure, many deny God now. But when they're looking death in the face, when they're sick or in an accident or staring down the barrel of a gun, they'll change their mind. They'll beg for God then. There are no atheists in foxholes."

  4. Okay guys, I think this thread is getting a bit sour. I guess it shows that most people here are mature in years, and as such they have formed fairly strong world views.

    The original premise was that 'Roleplaying = Devil Worship', which we all agreed is ridiculous.

    Then it's got a little off-topic by bashing people's personal fundamental beliefs, which was bound to stir up a few poeple, and rightly so, given that it is ridiculing something quite important to them.

    This topic has the potential to polarise alot of people's viewpoints, and possibly weaken this forum as a whole.

    So perhaps it's time to let this thread die, and get back to tweaking fantasy worlds and all the other great creativity that comes out of this forum.

    Some things are deserving of ridicule. No one is making anyone read this thread. If someone is offended maybe they shouldn't be reading it? I hope that if this thread comes to an end it will be due to lack of steam (or should that be flame?) and not because sensitive folk badger the moderator to silence legitimate criticism of their beliefs, or those of extremist religious fanatics.

  5. Conrad, i would appreciate if just dial it down a bit; soltakks is a personality i respect (due to multiple and long standing contributions to one of my favorite hobbies) and i don't see the point in arguing with that much... emphasis, when he clearly states it bothers him (i, myself wouldn't mind your message at all, like a good brawl, i enjoy no-holds barred threads!)

    Icebrand. Soltakss just threatened to try to get this thread moderated out of existence, just because he felt uncomfortable. Whatever respect you have for Soltakss, don't let it blind you to the fact that he turns into a control freak and issues threats to to stop comments when he doesn't like them.

    But, if you want to discuss Christian theology then knock yourself out.

    Thanks for giving us all permission to discuss subjects that you find uncomfortable. Thats mighty charitable of you sir.:7 Now who made you moderator? And why do we need your permission to discuss anything?

    . It is Liberal types who started the whole 'Offensive' language taboo to begin with. Funny how they only seem to apply it when convenient to them. Frankly your outcry of 'Christian Censorship' makes me see -you- as the drama queen in this situation. Hyperbole in the extreme..

    "It is Liberal types.." Why can I smell frying meat and pipe smoke when I read that ranting sentence?;) Soltakss announces that because he is uncomfortable with legitimate criticism of some Christians he is going to try to get this thread closed. He's a Christian and he is threatening censorship. That is hardly hyperbole or even extreme hyperbole. And you sir are being oh so dramatic. Flouncing and huffing is very unbecoming of you, Johnny boy.;)

    And you show your own contempt as you use 'anti-evolutionists' or 'Biblical literalist' as examples of people that are 'batty' or completely 'extreme' or crazy etc. .

    Please feel free to ignore any positive comments about other Christians I've known, your selective reading only strengthens my argument. :7 Yes I have shown contempt for that minority of extremist Christians that would drag our civilization back hundreds of years with their ignorance. Those people deserve contempt. Try googling "Kara Neumann" and see how nice her death was, and why she died. If you support such ignorant lunacy you're a religious maniac.

    Do you support Kent Hovind and Ken Ham? Do you believe that the world is only 6000 years old?:P

    You have not been alone in this. As if no reasonable person could ever hold a viewpoint that you disagree with... Perish the thought..

    You try to paint me as a control freak and yet I'm not the one calling for the closing of this thread. I think you're just trollin' for a reaction. ;-D And you might want to read a dictionary, as you obviously don't understand the word "reason". Next you'll be saying that the only decent book ever for an education is the Bible.

    And I would say that the odds are that your 'ambiguities' and 'inconsistencies' in the Bible that you refer to are most likely either your own limited knowledge thereof, or misinterpretations seeking that end even if unintentional.

    Now I know you're trolling, and haven't properly read my posts. Robert M. Price does some good Biblical criticism. You should try to read some and learn the deeper stufff, historical and social, behind the Bibles weirdness.

    Most of the time a plain reading of the text, in context, leaves one with a quite plain meaning in my experience.

    Since you've shown that you haven't understood my posts, your experience is very suspect. Plus several Biblical scholars disagree with your limited and troll like "experience". :P

  6. Personally, I am finding this thread to be more and more unpleasant.

    Then don't read it Soltakss. Its as simple as that.

    claiming that all Christians behave in one way or another is unproductive and distasteful...

    You might try reading the thread before commenting. Some of us are going to great lengths to show that our comments aren't meant to include ALL Christians.

    I would like it if Triff closed down this thread as it will achieve nothing but could well offend other people. I am a moderate Christian and a gamer and is has already offended me.

    Christian censorship rears its ugly head yet again. Those people whose frail faith makes them sensitive whine like babies when a frank and mature discussion of the actual failings of their religious dogma is had. Just like the minority of insecure Christians would like to ban D&D or other roleplaying games, you'd like to censor our free discussion because it hurts your iddle widdle weak faith. Ahhhh diddums. Grow up!

  7. I agree with rust that this thread has been unproductive. The title wasn't "A few misinformed people from 30 years ago and RPGs." It was "Christianity and RPGs." If the statements made about Christians had been made about any other group, forum members would have been outraged and the moderator would have shut the thread down. Unfortunately, the thread has demonstrated that rational, polite discussion has little effect on bigotry -- in this case, not bigotry by Christians but bigotry by their detractors.

    Dial down the melodrama a bit seneschal. Whenever someone forces you to confront the ambiguities in Christian belief you take it as a personal attack. This is a sure sign of faith becoming dogmatic armour. You are the bigot if you cannot admit that your holy book has glaring inconsistencies. Not ALL Christians are as extreme as the anti D&D crowd (and they still exist after all these years) or the antievolutionists, or the batty Biblical literalist minority. I've known many types of Christian from the frankly mad to the spiritually uplifting so I don't hate them all; in fact I've loved some of them. So get off your high horse and deal with things in a less drama queenish fashion.

    You might want the whole thread stopped by moderators but that really is about your uncomfortable feelings, not reality. Christian censorship? Nein danke!

  8. The problem with SOME facets of Christianity( Roman Catholic church in particular) is that they'd love to be back in the position that they could burn anyone who objected to their outmoded ideas, like they did to Giordano Bruno, or their power. There are Christians that would drag the USA into a pit of total ignorance when it comes to science (I'm talking about the Intelligent Design mob, and antievolutionists). And some who would adhere so closely to the barbaric laws in the Bible that children would be killed for objecting to their parents ( but didn't Jesus say to give up on your family and come join him?). They may be in the minority but they are an active and bullying minority. And their narrow minded viewpoints are spreading around the globe. So it is good to be able to discuss the various kinds of Christianity and how its varying beliefs affect its relationship to an innocuous hobby like roleplaying. Because you can bet that should any of these extremist minorities ( or the RCC ) ever gain a lot of power RPGs would be a target for their ire, as would a lot of other innocuous hobbies.

    Now, to get back to roleplaying, it might be interesting to have a sci fi analogy to the D&D cleric from a religion that has real miracles caused by psionics. Psionic training would be part of the religion as would healing by the monks/nuns of this future belief system. I can see parts of Christian and Muslim faiths that could be used to add flavour to such a setting, "Qwisatz Haderach" anyone?

  9. If this PC is facing more than a couple prison keep guards at a time, will he get chopped up in no time?

    I'm sure there are some "mook" rules for fighting lots of NPC guards/lackeys without getting bogged down or massacred. They're in the Dragon Lines supplement and might be in the downloads section on this site. Can someone help with that?

  10. The statement is not only insulting on its face, but patently untrue.

    Your taking umbrage at icebrand's statement shows that you misunderstand it. SOME vociferous Christians ( but not every single Christian in existence ) apparently aren't familiar with the barbarism and misogyny in the Bible. Or else they wouldn't be trying to lord ( pun intended) it over those they consider morally inferior.

    The God of the Old Testament is a perverted genocidal monster. Jesus must be Nyarlathotep if he represents that angry jealous deity. So Christians must be either ignorant of what is in their holy book, or they actively reject the primitive nastiness of the Old Testament and the other brutally misogynistic events portrayed in the Bible.

    If they weren't either ignorant of the bad parts of their holy book or actively chose to ignore them then they'd have to face up to their God as an angry jealous monster control freak, and not the "lovey dovey fluffy loves you all" God that Jesus was supposed to promote, though that is based on selective reading.

    The Bible is a hodge podge of many different attitudes on morality, so if someone is an authoritarian they can pick some passage to back up their control freakery; or if they're laid back they can point out the caring parts.

  11. <<After extensive research, the Christian Life Ministries concludes: "DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™ instead of a game is a teaching on demonology, witchcraft, voodoo, murder, rape, blasphemy, suicide, assassination, insanity, sex perversion, homosexuality, prostitution, Satan worship, gambling, Jungian psychology, barbarism, cannibalism, sadism, desecration, demon summoning. Necromantics, divination and many more teachings, brought to you in living color direct from the pit of hell!!!">>

    I wondered why D&D was so much fun! "I'll just grab my+1 whore and commit a morally dubious flanking manoeuvre on that porn dragon!"

    >>". . . after years of study of the history of occultism, after having researched a book on the subject, and after having consulted with scholars in the field of historical research, I can say with confidence: these games are the most effective, most magnificently packaged, most profitably marketed, most thoroughly researched introduction to the occult in man's recorded history."<<

    Dungeon roleplaying just became devilishly cool again.;t)>:>

    I wonder if there was ever an overtly Christian RPG published to combat this evil tide of D&D games? Saviours & Sabbaths anyone? Nuns & Nuncios? :-/

  12. Here it is in english, with some comments for the space nerds amongst you. >:>

    The star Turan: Type: F9 V ( this type of star puts out more UV than Sol ).

    Age: 3.85 billion years

    Mass: 1,15

    Temperature: 6,100 K

    Luminosity: 2,09

    Radius: 0,006

    The planet Samar:

    Yearly length: 676,46 days

    Day length: 19,34 hours

    Inclination : 7 degrees

    Diameter: 15,028 km

    Extent: 47,188 km

    Surface: 709 million km

    Gravity: 0.94 G

    Atmosphere: Nitrogen carbon dioxide atmosphere

    Hydrography: 0% (Aquifer and polar ice caps)

    Climate: Average temperature 12° C

    Land forms: Rock deserts, sand deserts, mountains.

    Volcanism: Moderate.

    Tectonics: Very little.

    Raw materials: Crystals, light alloys (aluminium, titanium)

    Biosphere: No native lifeforms. Bioterraforming in progress ( the geneered organisms are resistant to UV and tolerant to salt ).

    The other planets:

    Alpha orbit 0.32 Rock world, diameter 6,210 km no atmosphere, no water, no moon.

    Beta orbit 0.55

    Ödwelt, diameter 9,490 km no atmosphere, no water, 2 moons.

    Gamma orbit 0.93 Greenhouse world, diameter 14,340 km dense toxic atmosphere, water 1 moon Samar, orbit 1.58 Desert planet, diameter 15,028 km exotic atmosphere, polar ice caps and Aquifer. Colony since 2376, Terraforming program, no moon.

    Epsilon orbit 2.69 Cold rock world, diameter 5,830 km no atmosphere, polar ice caps, 1 moon.

    Zeta orbit 4.57 Cold rock world, diameter 4,750 km no atmosphere, no water, 3 moons.

    Eta orbit 7.78 Small gas giant, diameter 48,500 km 4 large moons, 13 small moons.

    Theta orbit 13.23 Ice world, diameter 2,070 km no atmosphere. No moon

    Wormhole orbit 36.59

    Starsystem Recalada: duration of transit is 3 days.

  13. If you are going to get into the details of your creation Rust, then what type of star does it circle and how many AU is it from that star? What is the axial tilt? Does it have a magnetic field? Moons? How many gigayears old is your planet? What other worlds are there in the system?

  14. There is also a time factor, too. Earth way like that when it was forming, but probably couldn't be that way now.

    I agree. Its life that has changed the atmosphere on this world. Without it we'd probably have an atmosphere that is very like Mars or Venus. Being nearer to the sun than Mars, and having lots of CO2 in the atmosphere would eventually bake the Earth in that case.

  15. Yeah, it does. What you are failing to see is that water is heavier that hydrogen or oxygen.

    If you look at Earth,m we have no hydrogen to speak up. Yes, we have a lot of water, but any free hydorgen would escape the Earth gravitational pull.

    Look up Minimum Molecular Weight Retained to see what I am getting at.

    It is why all the big planets are hydrogen gas giants.

    No, I'm not failing to see that water is heavier than both hydrogen and oxygen. That is just basic science. You're also telling me lots of things I already know, like minimum molecular weights. I'm also saying that with more elements retained in an atmosphere there is more chance of oxygen reacting with those elements and therefore it will not be in a breathable form(e.g. CO2, CO, FeO etc).

    What I'm saying, and you're failing to acknowledge is that Rust's atmosphere can form on a largeish terrestrial world. That a gas giant world will have more hydrogen and lighter elements retained is basic knowlege. We aren't talking gas giant worlds here, Rust's world is clearly terrestrial.

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