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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 7 hours ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    This raises some questions: does "Lodril" have an independent existence in Orlanthi lands as a separate deity from Veskarthan, or are they two terms merely treated as synonyms for the same deity?

    I know Prax is not a typical Orlanthi land, but I seem to remember that the 'typical' Lodril worshipers in Prax are the Agimori.

  2. 1 hour ago, Atgxtg said:

    But...there is SUPERWORLD. Steve Perrin did a fairly good job making BRP work for Superheroes in the SUPERWORLD boxed set back in the 80s. It addresses many of the hurdles of using BRP for Superheroes. But...even it doesn't handle Supers as well as CHAMPIONS, the game is was sort of modeled after. Becuase BRP is so inherently lethal, a hero that runs into someone with an attack that they don't have any defense against can easily wind up dead.

    Dead on spot.This is exactly why after several very enjoyable Superworld games, I switched to Champions. Hero system is far less enjoyable than BRP for gritty games, but scales far better for Supers.

  3. 2 hours ago, Jeff said:

    The assembled people then do their militia service or labor for the benefit of the tribe. What is important is this is the one time of the year all the free members of the tribe can assemble AS the tribe - it is a sort of political ceremony, that reinforces their communal identities as members of the tribe.

    So, it's a kind of 'Landsgemeinde'?

  4. 1 hour ago, David Scott said:

    I will clarify it on WOD later. I would allow the maker to use their rune value as they have the spell as well. Everyone else (without the spell) their POWx5. 

    Be careful: This is only true for Rune spells. You can know a Spirit spell, enchant a matrix with said spell, and then forget it to allow for learning a new one.

  5. 2 hours ago, Godlearner said:

    Yes, but you do not HAVE to use it and if you do, you will get to below that sooner than later.

    No, you only lose 1 permanently. The others (the 1D10) are recovered normally. This is how you get from 13 to 18 INT with 8 POW.

  6. 2 hours ago, Godlearner said:

    Actually no. There is no requirement for the Rune Pool as listed in RQG p280. A Rune Lord needs to have been an Initiate for 5 years, have a CHA 18, and five skills at 90% (two of those skills should weapon skills) 

    There is no requirement on the Rune Pool, but you need 11 RP to use safely the DI Runelord way (without risking losing POW).

  7. It is not forbidden, so it is permitted. Max human value for human INT is 21, so you can raise with DI up to 21. Going from 13 to 21 needs 8 DI, so if you are a Runelord and have more than 10RP, you need 8 POW to replace the 8 RP lost.

  8. 1 hour ago, Akhôrahil said:

    I would much rather start out with 17/13 than 13/17 INT/POW.

    Especially true because it is difficult to go from 13 to 17 POW, but nearly impossible to go from 13 to 17 INT without being a runelord (and spending at least 4 POW to replace the Rune Points you loose with the DI).

  9. 4 minutes ago, Mameluco said:

    But I like that spirit magic is limited by your CHA.

    I like spirit magic limited by CHA, but I don't like INT not counting for magic (except Free INT). I am considering either to count both CHA and INT in the Magic category modifier, or add a Sorcery category modifier that replace CHA by INT. I will need to test it but I will probably take the first in order to have the same rules for all characters.

  10. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I'm surprised that the place it's printed is relevant. I'd have thought it's where the company selling it (or the fulfillment company, if Chaosium have outsourced that to an EU company) is located for tax purposes.

    As far as I remember, within EU, the location that counts is the one where the merchandise is that counts for VAT, but I may be wrong.

  11. 1 hour ago, Psullie said:

    Box sets are fun, but here in the UK they often get Vat rated as Board Games which adds 20%, books (even rule books) are Vat exempt.

    France has (almost) the same problem: VAT on games is 20% as on books, it is 5.5% on books. And as soon it is in a box, it is not a book. If it is printed and boxed in EU, it will be the VAT of the originating country, so I don't what will be the rate.

  12. I always write the skill scores not including the category modifiers, and add them on the fly. This makes experience rolls immediate and avoided to rewrite all the skills when a characteristic changed (in RQ3). In addition, when there was temporary changes in the characteristics (mostly because of spells), you just had to write the temporary value of the modifier. With RQG, this is less usefull because the way spirit magic spells affecting characteristics now include the modifiers changes, but I kept the habit.

  13. 9 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Joerg and I continually critique the Skill modifiers in our chats being ol’ RQ3 Grogs (even I, who came from RQ 2 dislike the following). We concur that we dislike that it is a table rather than a very easy formula (I can still recite all of the “formulae" of RQ3 and I dislike math still more) and that the breakpoints are abrupt instead of gradual.

    Completely agree here.

  14. 31 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    Its great, but it makes creating NPC a pain.

    Just forget it for NPC. NPCs are whatever the GM needs (or simply wants) them to be.


    On 3/7/2021 at 9:47 AM, resurrected duck said:

    What do you think of the new character creation mechanism in RQG?

    The problem is that it makes difficult creating characters from another time period or from another geographical origin. Except this point, I like it.

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