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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 1 hour ago, Shiningbrow said:

    I was thinking more along the lines of - taking votive images with you wherever you go, and dropping said Sanctify and votive image in enemy temples (probably after a quick Dismiss Magic).


    Oh, you're devious. Good idea.

  2. 7 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Speaking of parrying, how about a Dullblade autocast on successful parry? (Although, the obvious question here is - who actually uses Dullblade?)

    Ouch. Never thought to this. I defer to your Machiavelian mind.

  3. 1 hour ago, Atgxtg said:

    It's not that good. Padding is rather effective against blunt weapons. but is flexible.

    IIRC, padding was nod divided in RQ3.

    1 hour ago, Atgxtg said:

    What's funny is that RQ3 was heavily influenced by Strombringer. Things such as skills being in 1% increments, and category modifiers being on a point per point bases rather than in stat ranges (ie.e 13-16: +5%, 17-20: +10%) originated in Strombringer.


    1 hour ago, Atgxtg said:

    THe BGB might be closer to a Strombringer/Call of Cthulhu hybrid as I think CoC was the first Chaosium RPG to drop category modifiers, although the original BRP booklet also dropped them.

    Also correct.

  4. 16 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    remember me  who wants to resurrect  a dead god by heroquesting ?


    7 minutes ago, None said:

    I think I've spent several posts seriously considering it, asking about it and planning for it in a different thread. Thinkning about how said god would be and what his runes would be and I've spent over a day thinkning about it in real life now.

    But seriously, how couldn't I? Vadrus is an excellent antagonist for Dara Happa, and his return creates so many interesting possibilities. 😄


    Edit: Or did you mean someone else? I think there are at least a few characters in Glorantha that tried it too. *cough* Lunars *chough*

    Argrath and Broyan are good contenders.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    I'm saying that I don't think you can put a condition in the Control Spirit spell that would include the command to cast the Fireblade spell..

    The spirit will be commanded (by...??? That in itself raises questions!), but it will still need to be commanded to do something - adding extra SRs.

    Oh, so I misunderstood your point. Yes, you are right, but I think you can play on the conditions (target, trigger) to say 'the spell (which automatically works, because the spirit is bound) commands the spirit to do <programmed> task, in that case, 'cast fireblade'. I agree this is not written as such, but Scotty's comment gave me the idea.

    38 minutes ago, Shiningbrow said:

    OTOH, just having the spirit bound (into the sword?), which doesn't require a Control spell to command it to cast the spell (as per above), would be a better way to go.

    Yes, of course, but the point was to have an automatic casting of an active (in that case, Fireblade) spell. I think I will stay with Bladesharp.

  6. 7 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    You can still have your "Flame on" trigger, just not set up like that.

    In RQ3, yes, but according to Scotty's answer (due to his position, I assume it is official), a trigger on an active spell won't work. This is why I went along his 'suggestion' of using a spirit casting the spell, directed by a triggered control matrix.

  7. 6 hours ago, SDLeary said:

    If you look at the core of the BGB, it is largely based on Stormbringer, with a lot of the RQ3-isms presented in side-bars as add-ons. For example, if you look at p.20, you will notice that Major Wounds is the default, and there is a MOV characteristic instead of a human-centric movement of 3m; Skill Bonuses, Fatigue, and Hit Points per location are all listed as Options. 

    Using the appropriate optional rules, its certainly possible recreate something functionally identical to RQ3, or Cthulhu for that matter, but the core is from a less accessorized version of the rules.


    You beat me on the line with this answer.

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Barak Shathur said:

    Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was assuming that we are talking about the Big Gold Book, which is essentially RQ3 in its core mechanics, plus some niceties from other BRP-games.

    I'm sorry, but BGB is not derived from RQ3, but much more from Stormbringer. There are some things that came from RQ, but the default rules (Major wounds instead of localized damage, variable armor, skill category modifiers, move for example) are SB ones, not RQ3's.

    • Like 2
  9. 40 minutes ago, Barak Shathur said:

    RQ3 (which forms the basis of BRP) has a pretty good solution: flexible armour protects at half value against blunt weapons. And then you have impale, which accounts for point attacks. 

    If not that, I would take a page from Harn with separate armour values for edge, blunt and point. 

    In fact, BRP derives from RQ2, and RQ3 derives from RQ2/BRP. But the rest of your point is perfectly correct.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Crel said:

    Ooh, that's an interesting idea...

    Yes, the munchkin in me sees a dagger with a fireblade matrix, a bound spirit, a control spirit matrix with a trigger (someone wields the weapon while shouting 'flame on' and a few linked MP to power the control spell. You even don't have to provide the MP for the spell, as it replenish by itself. No more problems maintaining the spell and a 3D6 damaging dagger. Quick to the egregious munchkinery thread. The only point is that you now have to wait for the SR and there is a roll to cast the spell, but it is worth it.

    • Like 1
  11. 13 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    My initial gut feeling is to rule that only sentient creatures (mortals, spirits, etc) can cast active spells.

    Nice. Easy ruling that allows to avoid said problem.

    10 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    On the other hand, I don't think I would play Fireblade as being active. Back in the playtest draft stage I was really surprised to see that it was active in what was then RQ4 but became RQG, but when I checked back in previous versions, there it was all the way back.

    Most "active" spells it should be pretty obvious that you need an intelligence. Control, Darkwall & Lightwall (for moving it), Summon, that's it for the spirit spells.

    Accelerate Growth, Beastmaster, Clairvoyance, Enthrall, Group Defense, Illusiory Motion, Mind Read, those are the rune spells, and those are all pretty obvious too. Fireblade is the odd one out, really. I guess the "active" nature is part of the balance (akk-ptoo) of such a powerful spell.

    Completely agree.

  12. 1 hour ago, Crel said:

    A similar item I like is Ring of Speedart. 1 POW for the spell, 1 POW to link it to a POW Storing crystal (or burn another POW creating a Magic Point Enchantment), and 1 POW for the attack condition "when the enchantment touches an arrow." Wear the ring, make sure it touches your arrows as you fire, and free speedart for your first few arrows. Helps fire multiple times per round if your initial DEX SR is low enough, since you're not taking the time to cast the spell. Also good with Multimissile and Firearrow, but Speedart's cheaper, making it something you don't need to plan a long time to create.

    Very fine use.

    1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    I don't think I'd allow an enchantment to auto-cast an active spell. Sure there's no rule that specifically says that, but it doesn't seem right to me.

    You could say that the sword cast it, so if the sword clangs against another sword, it has to make a concentration roll to keep the spell up. As it has no INT, it has a 0% chance. But that is silly, reading the rules in a lawyerly fashion, which is not the intention of the designers.

    Completely agree. The rules don't say anything on the subject. Hence my 'In RQG, I'm not sure'. In fact, RQ3's rule were also silent on the active spells subject. It was purely our decision on it, to stay coherent on the spells cast by object. By the way, the 'No INT roll' is not a problem, because they have no POW, but are able to cast spells as long as they have a MP reserve linked (RQG p250, RQ3 Magic book p56), but I agree with you on the ambiguity and the designer's intention (who most probably didn't had a thought on it).

  13. 10 hours ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    If you enchant a sword with fireblade and an attack condition to cast it on the sword when drawn and link MP storage to it, do you need to worry about fireblade being active anymore?

    In RQ3, no, because the sword cast the spell, not you. In RQG, I'm not sure.

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, icebrand said:

    Yes, so much this. Like, some people do them to free int/cha or to pass around the spell. I'm shocked they spend 5+ pow (some even spent 10+?) For a spirit matrix... Imho no spirit spell is worth POW; my players always used spirits or just picked their spells more carefully If they didn't have access to.

    You go to 10+ when using conditions, linked spells and magic point storage. That allows for effect you can't have without doing it. In the case I have described, for 15 POW, you have a sword that casts instantly and without roll Bladesharp 4, Strength 3 and Coordination 3 when you decide it, and the magic points are already stored for 2 uses. You just have to refill when needed. When casting the spells, you need 10 SR if the matrix are linked, 3 rounds if you know the spells ore the matrix are not linked.

    • Like 1
  15. 22 hours ago, icebrand said:

    Has any of your PCs, ever, spent pow in making a spirit magic matrix?

    In RQ3, yes, a lot. Most of our characters were full in Spirit spells, and created matrixes to free up some space. There is the added advantage to allow giving the matrix to another member of the group. We also created matrix with Magic Point reserves linked, and conditions on the casting, because it allowed instant casting with no roll. I had a sword which, when held and the wielder called for Orlanth's help, had an automatic cast of Bladesharp 4, Strength 3 and Coordination 3. Quite expensive (15 POW total), but very effective.

    In RQG, I did it once. My character is an Aeolian sorceror, and is creating matrix with his spirit spells to increase his free INT.

    • Like 1
  16. With the spacing given by your link, that means a Sunspear can reach 4 or 5 persons when cast at a phalanx, which seems correct. If I remember well, Macedonian spacing is wider than roman one to allow for longer spears, but the classical greek phalanx was much tighter (similar to what I imagine Orlanthi shield walls to be), with very close ranks to allow for push. In that last case, the Sunspear would be a formidable weapon.

    • Thanks 2
  17. 48 minutes ago, EricW said:

    But yes, the accusation would likely be the offender is a Lunar spy.

    Which, for an active Orlanth priest, can be difficult to make recognize (or prove).

    • Like 1
  18. 3 hours ago, Rodney Dangerduck said:

    In contrast, I hate rules where "this simple spell makes a skill useless".  Ever since D&D.  Why be a Thief/Rogue when a wizard can just cast Invisibility?  Never liked Kushile.  I'm not so sure about Darkwalk and Silence in RQ:G. YGMV.

    Not a problem if very few persons can know the spell. Otherwise, I fully agree with you.

  19. 24 minutes ago, ORtrail said:

    As I recall (and I've not read the rules in decades) a PC could buy down the damage Quality to survive otherwise fatal attacks.  A plot immunity mechanism that worked well for a James Bond RPG. 

    Yes, a hero point can raise or lower the quality of result by 1. The survival point of a NPC can only affect the result he receives, but can not affect the one a PC receives.

    24 minutes ago, ORtrail said:

    Some RPGs ask, "How good/powerful is the weapon?" and others ask, "How good are you WITH using the weapon?".  A typical D100 system asks BOTH those questions in reverse order with a hit roll, then damage roll.  I'm not so sure they should be quite so separate.


  20. 19 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    note than you can roll only one dice for the group (result = versus weakest as @David Scott said) and identify who succeed / failed (the successfull are those who have more than the roll ==> so you have your xp 😉 )


    I still prefer your 'it depends on the situation'. I think you were right on spot with your example of attacking from several directions vs a line in a corridor.

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