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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 47 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    The wording is, as usual ambiguous and does not include any "level" text.

    Agreed, and even if I hadn't the same reading as you, I like your way. I take.

    48 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    I only include allied spirits as they are sent specifically by the deity.

    This I like.

    48 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    I allow a rune level to forget a few spells their allied spirit knows.

    I always played you can forget spells to be able to learn others.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    Yes, Rune Magic is a lot more common. With combats being short, people go all out. 

    Agreed, but I see this more a result of the Rune Points rule than a consequence of the shortening of Spirit spells.


    13 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Odd. I am in a battle rich module, and have yet to have a combat last 2 minutes.

    Probably becaue your players and GM don't have the habit of trying all kind of new tactics. The 1st time I GMed RQG, my players (all of them RQ3 grognards) instantly noticed that point and immediately looked for ways of having their spells before their opponents (for a quick finish) or to have their opponents spells finish before theirs (for prolonged fights). The retreat and come back 1 minute + casting time later was used in the 2nd combat.

    • Like 1
  3. 40 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    Agreed, but the difference, at least according to the current rules, is that an Inscription is only usable to the sorcerer who made it.

    In fact, an inscription is a Sorcery spell matrix that is usable only by it's maker, but that don't need a spell to be created. If you want, you can (in addition or replacing the inscription) use RQ3's Spell Matrix creation spells.

  4. 4 hours ago, resurrected duck said:

    The sacrifice of one point of POW in a magic point enchantment now gives 1D10 MP storage! It was just 1MP in the previous editions.

    This appeared in the RQ3 AH official errata.

    4 hours ago, resurrected duck said:

    Actually I was quite surprised to see Vasana start with a 10MP storage enchantment in the players RQG book, such an item was definitively 'Rune Lord level' before. This makes sense now. Thanks for all your answers.

    Family heirloom RQG p82-83, roll 8-11 on D20.

    1 hour ago, Brootse said:

    Spirit magic gets used less. The character without allied spirits go to combat usually with only one spell on.

    Same here. I'm wondering if going back to the old 5mn would restore the previous level of magic usage.

    1 hour ago, Brootse said:

    The spell lengths are an important part of Gloranthan tactics

    Yes, true.

  5. 1 hour ago, David Scott said:

    Most cults have 4 (Eiritha) to 9 (Orlanth) cult spirit magics. An Orlanth rune lord with a CHA of 18 should have no problem knowing all of them. As you said, an allied spirit would certainly help.

    Do you mean a Rune priest that knows Bladesharp 1 can teach all Bladesharp? If yes, you are right, any Rune Lord or Priest can (and should) know ALL his cult spells. If not, with 21 CHA, he can know all spells, but almost none above level 3. For Orlanth: Bladesharp 5, Demoralize (2), Detect Enemies (1), Disruption (1), Fanaticism (1), Heal (4), Mobility (1), Protection 4, Strength (2) fills the 21 CHA. Of course, if he can teach the spells known by his bound or allied spirits (as he can cast them), the point is moot.

  6. If you have players that are tactical, the combats are completely changed. One new tactic I have seen is to retreat, wait a bit, cast your spells and come back to the combat to have your spells up as those of your opponents are still up, but will soon finish: They will have to recast them while in combat. Of course, they can also use the same trick and it becomes a game of attrition of MP.

    • Like 2
  7. 9 hours ago, David Scott said:

    I always assume that the Rune levels of a cult know their cult spirit magics as it says in RQG: Spell teaching is an important source of income for the cult, so assuming God Talkers, Rune priests and Rune Lords know the prerequisite spirit magic is a no brainer. Likewise in roleplaying the examiner test, saying you can teach the cult magic goes along way to help pass the test. In my eyes this means that the cult magics will perpetuate easily. If you want to make things difficult for the players, then have Rune levels not know some or all cult spirit magic.

    Being limited to 21 CHA, they can not possibly know all their cult spirit magic.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Dragon said:

    I expect the point was that an impaling broadsword would add a bunch more damage, which will get through 4 points of armor even with a -d4 bonus. Note that the weapon master has reduced the big strong novice's parry to 5% or close, so the novice isn't likely to parry it. Hence the small weak master's impale will still likely inflict a serious wound to the big strong novice.

    On this, you are right.

  9. 22 hours ago, Godlearner said:

    The armor is not going to matter as the criticals will bypass it

    With the 'above 100%' rule, it is only 5% of hits that bypass armor. You can almost forgot it.

    16 hours ago, Godlearner said:

    Absolutely. MPs for Sorcerers are a must.

    Completely true.

    22 hours ago, Godlearner said:

    And Impales 20% chance

    Impales don't ignore armor.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    Sure, and if they have an INT of 14 they are always behind the curve.

    They will be behind the curve, compared to sorcerors with roughly equivalent experience, but can be leading compared to less experienced sorcerors.

    9 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    Its still possible for a novice sorcerer to cast a bigger spell than an Archmage.

    Yes, they can, ... with a probability of casting the spell of roughly 20%, compared to the 50-90% the master has.

    11 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    size 8 and str 8 weapon master will still beat a size 18 and str 18 novice every time.

    Depends on the armor: Broadsword is 1D8+1. That means an average damage of 4.5+1-2.5=3. That means somebody with 4 AP will be often be hit, but rarely be wounded by the 8 STR 8 SIZ master, and 4 AP is easy to get.

  11. 51 minutes ago, Mugen said:

    Am I wrong ?

    You are. RQG P384: A sorcerer may manipulate spells up to their Free INT, a value equaling their INT minus the number of points of sorcery and spirit magic  possessed. A sorcerer cannot cast a spell that requires more Free INT than they possess.

  12. 43 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    not sure: you can masterize air rune, without any level in air rune (your personal rune)

    it should be the same to masterize chaotic rune with enough discipline. You are not chaotic if you have 0 in chaotic rune.


    But the question is how can you understand (then masterize) chaotic rune, without studying chaos. And how do you protect yourself from chaotic taint, when you study chaos. then probably the conclusion is @Richard S. answer. 

    RQG p383: Chaos: This Rune governs evil, corruption, annihilation, and perversion of other Runes. Mastery of this Rune results in a Chaotic taint to the sorcerer.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 25 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Strange, that. Socrates was noted as somewhat exceptional for going barefoot (accompanying his tattered clothes), while one of his comrades in applied philosophy and crafting was Simon the Shoe-maker.

    At least, all the illustrations and all the statues I remember are barefoot.

    Correction: It seems they wore sandals or boots. I stand corrected (by myself). Probably the old age.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    Where is this elaborated? All i could find in the core rulebook was a chart saying 50L per point or somesuch. 

    1 point is 1*50=50

    2 points is (1+2)*50=150 (you purchase 1 point and 2 points spells)

    3 points is (1+2+3)*50=300 (you purchase 1 point, 2 points and 3 points spells)

    n points is 0.5*n*(n+1)*basic cost (50 for bladesharp) because you purchase 1 point, 2 points, ..., and n points spell.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    I keep wondering about mercenaries going into battle barefoot. From talking to re-enactors, I am familiar with the rather short lifespan of leather soles in rough terrain, but combat rarely happens on smooth sand or polished dojo/gym grounds. Thorny hedges are a common defensive line, and stepping into thorns on the ground can cripple you badly, especially when you don't have free hands or the leasure to remove them. The dropped equipment of downed enemies or comrades can be as bad, but then cuts in the soles tend to hurt a lot less than impales.

    As far as I remember, greek hoplites were barefoot, and roman legionaries were the first soldiers to have soles (the calliga) as a whole.

  16. 1 hour ago, jajagappa said:

    The tooth of a giant, a silken thread from Cragspider, a flower from the Earth Mother picked from her Garden, and the tears of the Sun.  Piece of cake! 🙂

    More difficult, but much less expensive than paying the cost of a Bladesharp 10 (2750 L if I'm not wrong). And wonderful role playing experiences.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  17. 54 minutes ago, AndreJarosch said:

    The spirit that teaches the spell will be more powerful depending on the points on the spell it has. 

    I wouldn´t want to mess around with a Bladesharp 10 spirit... and even a shaman might get into problems. 

    It was true with RQ3 (1D3 POW per spell point for Spell spirits) but with RQG, POW of spirits does not depends on the power of the spell he knows.

  18. 2 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    For example the average native speaker has around a 30% skill in thier language, but most people can spell their own name correctly over 99% of the time.

    One problem is that those values (basic, experienced, professional, expert,...) vary from game to game.

  19. 44 minutes ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    Keep your Death Rune up.


    44 minutes ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    Also, how difficult should it be for PCs to know the weaknesses of a vampire? Do we go full Walking Dead and make PCs have no idea what zombies are, or give them a homeland lore or something to see if they know to keep up their sword or use it to channel a disruption?

    At the very least, members of cults linked to death rune should have basic knowledge, and Humakti and Zorak Zorani should have advanced knowledge about the undying.

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