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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 18 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    certainly many passed from generation to generation

    Those are the ones from the 'Family heirloom' table.

    19 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    Every adventurer should be carrying a couple

    It is almost the case.

    19 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    they are commonly available for sale

    Considering the base point of 200L per point of POW, there are not many possible buyers. I think they mostly stay in the family.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    Yes, that is why I am asking. I wish the timing was stated in terms of strike ranks or something like that. Because otherwise this spell begs to be used as a trap (to be stepped on)

    I've not thought to that. Now, thinking to it, glueing the sole of boots can be fun.

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, Godlearner said:

    What defines at relative rest. If one is to place a Glue spell on the tip of a ladder and lean it to the side of a building, how long must one wait for it to work? 

    According to the RQ2 Cradle scenario, yes: There was (IIRC) rope ladders with hook and glue used by lunars to board during the Pavis assault.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, davecake said:

    There is a pretty obvious consequence to be drawn from the combination of Free INT, long casting times, a need for lots of magic points, powerful sorcery spells for commanding spirits, players wanting more dramatic sorcery, etc. Though I suspect it is not something that was designed into the system deliberately, IIRC quite the opposite, it seems hard to argue against from a practical perspective. Which is that sorcerers are going to find bound spirits so irresistibly advantageous I suspect most powerful sorcerers are going to want to get one. The answer to ‘how do sorcerers cast practical magic in combat’ is probably ‘they use spirit magic’ just like everyone else, only via having bound spirits that know the spells for them. The utility of bound spirits to sorcerers is enormous. 
    And it ties into the more organised, collective, individually specialised nature of sorcery, too. A bunch of sorcerers will be experts in summoning and commanding certain spirits, a sorcerous school builds up a collection of known entities and classes of entities, binding enchantments can be a bit of a ‘rite of passage’. 
    Capturing and exploiting spirits this way has always been something wizards could do (eg energy prison myths in Revealed Mythologies), there seems nothing against the strictures of Malkionism (or any practical rules reason why not) for wizards to capture and utilize spirits this way - they are enslaving them, not worshipping them or befriending them, Zzabur is fine with that. 
    So while RQ3 sorcery tried to have rules that meant wizards would have to have familiars, and largely failed to achieve what it wanted (both PC and NPC sorcerers avoided the obvious animal familiars due to the INT reduction, and instead we got more and more strange stretches of the rules, some of the most dubious in ‘official’ publications), RQG said that sorcerers didn’t need familiars - but organically created a situation where every sorcerer will find a familiar (or other bound spirit) so practically useful as to make a huge different in their playability and utility, and clearly the best use of a couple of POW points. Ironically, this happens largely because sorcerers is so deliberately constrained and weakened that even the best sorcerers will find pure sorcery lacking in important ways compared to spirit magic. 


    As simple question occurs to me while re-reading this post: We know (RQG p365) that the binder can use the spells known by a spirit he has bind and (RQG p249) that the holder of the spirit binding matrix (or crystal) can order the bound spirits to use it's powers (for me, including casting spells), but it can become difficult to find the spirit with the right assortment of spells. Is it possible to ask a Rune priest or lord to use spell teaching for a bound spirit, instead of for yourself? Priests can teach to Lay Members, so being initiated (like Allied spirit are) is not necessary.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Brootse said:

    Broadsword with a Bladesharp 2 matrix: Sword 50L + Bladesharp 2 150L (half price if from a cult) + Spell matrix POW cost 400L = 600L.

    For POW crystals I've used the cost of MP and Spirit binding enchantments. MP enchantment: 200L you get on average 5.5 MPs, so the L/MP would be 36.4L. But since the crystals have the dual use of spirit binding too, and normal spirits have two abilities, a spirit binding enchantment would cost at least 400L. But you can't use a crystal for both purposes at the same time. For smaller crystals that wouldn't be of use for spirits, I've just used the MP enchantment cost, and for larger ones the minimum cost would be 400L.

    Same calculations for me.

    9 minutes ago, Brootse said:

    There are no magic item shops around in my campaigns, except in some strange places like Pavis or Casino Town, but the characters can commission items between scenarios.

    Same for me.

  6. 20 minutes ago, metcalph said:


    RQG p365: The binder of a spirit can use any spirit magic the spirit possesses and the magic points of the spirit to fuel spells.

    21 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    Which is what I said.  The bound spirit can cast any spells that they know.  But the magician cannot cast any spells that the bound spirit knows.  

    In that case, I misunderstood what you meant. The spirit can cast the spells he knows for the binder, but the binder seems not to be able to teach the spirit the spells he knows.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, metcalph said:

    Unfortunately the description of them in RQG versa) "Allied spirits are limited in number, and only the most stalwart and loyal priests can obtain these divine companions" (RQG p227) and following rules suggests they are rarer than they were in previous editions.

    You don't need an Allied spirit, just a bound one.

  8. 1 hour ago, metcalph said:

    Bound spirits cannot know the spells for the magician that binds them in RQG.  They may cast any magic that they know but there is no mindlink and so the magician cannot cast their magic.


    RQG p249: Those in physical contact with a binding enchantment can mentally communicate with an entity bound inside (if there are no conditions to the contrary) and can command the entity to use its abilities.

  9. 1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    the age ?

    Being initiated, of course (both to the clan and to at least one lightbringer cult), which means at least 16.

    1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    the cult ? (for example do you need to be Orlanth worshipper to become a tribe king or can you join Orlanth Rex without being initiate of Orlanth ? Must a woman benn initiate of vingan at least or can she be ernalda worshipper ? what about Issaries, LM,... Eurmal ?)

    I don't remember of a tribal king or clan head not being at least initiate of Orlanth, but as I skipped al HW/HQ era, I may have missed some. For me, any Lightbringer Rune Lord or Priest would be OK. For Sartar, I would not take Ernalda.

    1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    the hides you earn, ?

    As king, you manage everything that is not used by others, so whatever you want.

    1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    your parents requirements ?

    I don't think it would matter (but of course, having your father be the king makes you noble, which is an advantage. As I think the council is appointing the king, you already know all the members, are probably already a member yourself, and most probably,m some members owe something to your family.

    1 hour ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    Do you have to succeed an heroquest ?

    Most probably. At least a ritual one to become member of Orlanth Rex.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 16 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    I don't find the reference for that price ?

    200L is the cost of a One use Rune spell, where you should spent a POW to get back the RP. I also assumed this would be the base cost of a 1 point enchant (Ah, the POW economy).

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  11. 10 hours ago, Mugen said:

    Well, again, speed is squared in the formula.

    If your speed is equal to Earth's Escape Velocity (11000 m/s), you'll have to divide 121 million by radius to get resulting centrifugal acceleration. That's a lot of Gs to absorb/compensate. :)

    That's right. Even divided by 1 million meters, that's quite a big number. But if you have the tech to perform a U turn at 11 km/s, you also have the tech to absorb the Gs. What I said is that I don't think this level of accuracy is needed.

  12. 2 hours ago, Joerg said:

    HQGlorantha p.174 has a short boxed text on Tapping which clarifies that issue. That box could easily be fitted into the Whitespace at the end of the sorcery, and possibly a short pointer in "Steal Breath" and "Tap Body" and pulling that box up into the neighborhood of these two spells using the Tap technique would have helped.

    I don't have HQ Glorantha, but I can only say yes: those warning/explanations are needed and would help. Anybody new to RQ or (like myself) that has completely skipped the HW/HQ era has none of those informations.

  13. 45 minutes ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    What is sure I know from previous rules versions that "Tap" spells are evil (aka more or less chaotic) about everywhere (so more or less chaotic seems to me not a problem for some lunar magic school) but without this forum I didn't understand that steal breath is a "tap" spell...

    Before RQG, Tap spell were targeting stats. You were tapping INT, SIZ (current Tap Body), ..., but not matter or element. They were described as bad/evil or even chaotic in RQ books. Note that the only place I have seen them used in an official Chaosium product is in Griffin Mountain, which is non Gloranthan, and where opponents were heavily using them.

    Steal breath is using the Tap technique, which is an entirely different matter (because it is a new rule) and is not described as bad/evil/chaotic. Neither is the technique.

    • Like 2
  14. 14 hours ago, Dissolv said:

    OP never said that his PC sorcerer was Orlanthi, did he?  Maybe he is a Lunar, in which case, why would he care what the hillbilly barbarians think of his College of Magic trained powers?

    Completely true. This is why most of the answers propose only rules answer, and not cultural ones. The rules are absolute, as the culture is always relative. Not only a Lunar heartland Sorceror wouldn't care about the barbarian beliefs, but he can even more be happy of weakening Orlanth by destroying Air.

  15. 14 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Which of these is more scary: Darth Vader force-choking someone, and Darth Vader shooting someone?


    14 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    Depends. Asphyxiation to death sounds worse, but bleeding to death from a bullet doesn’t sound good either. I couldn't rate one higher than the other. I would argue that chopping someone’s arm off or burning them is worse than choking them assuming neither leads to death. Does that mean someone owning an axe or knowing Fire spells is going to get a worse reaction than someone knowing Steal Breath?

    Frankly, while working on a highway some 30 years ago, I saw a car burning with 2 persons inside that were unable to exit. I still can't forget the picture. I also saw more recently 2 colleagues be on the receiving part of an electrical arc the equivalent of a Lightning 1 spell with slightly above average damage (roughly 4 or 5 points of damage). One lost his left hand (completely burned) and the usage of the arm, the other lost his nose, half of his lower jaw and about half of his face. I have personally be the victim of an asphyxiation accident, while in the army (a gas mask training that went wrong and the instructor didn't notice immediately because of the heavy smoke). I am unable to say one is worse than the other and, as a person, I find all of this fate horrendous to inflict to anybody else. So, why accept Conflagration, Summon Fire elemental or Lightning, or even disruption (whose description includes making the flesh of the target explode) but consider Steal Breath evil? If it is because Sorcery is considered evil by some people, it should be written in the description of Sorcery, but in this case, all Sorcery damaging spells should be considered equal, and not concern people that have different beliefs (Lunars forex). If it is because Tap technique is considered evil, it has to be written in the technique's description, with the same caveat as above. If it is because this spell specifically destroys Air (as Joerg remarked earlier), this has to be noted in the spell description, as Shiningbrow proposed rightly.

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  16. 7 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Surely the quickest and easiest fix would be to insert the phrase "This spell is considered as evil as Tapping to Orlanthi".

    This is exactly what I am requesting.

    11 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    Depends. Asphyxiation to death sounds worse, but bleeding to death from a bullet doesn’t sound good either. I couldn't rate one higher than the other. I would argue that chopping someone’s arm off or burning them is worse than choking them assuming neither leads to death. Does that mean someone owning an axe or knowing Fire spells is going to get a worse reaction than someone knowing Steal Breath?


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