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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 2 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    One RPG that made Appearance important was the old James Bond RPG. In that game Appearance greatly modified the chance of seduction, which in turn could improve an NPC viewed a player character. 

    Yep. It had also the effect of increasing Fame with higher looks (but the cost was decreasing).

  2. Nice ideas. The L shaped is very well thought. But you've been beaten for the non square with very different size: Chaosium did it in Griffin Island. One treasure room (I don't remember which one, but I think it is in the tower in Soldier Port) has it's entrance protected by a Ward spell 10 cm thick. If I remember well, it was described that when you enter the room, you cross the limit twice, taking the Warding damage 2 times.

  3. 5 hours ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    you should compare The Rabbi's Cat, then, which is ... much different to his work on fantasy


    I've read 'Le chat du Rabbin'. I liked the story, by I'm not fond of the drawings. I agree with you the style is completely different of the one he uses in his fantasy drawings or in his 'Charlie Hebdo' drawings. His Petit Vampire's drawings, I find nice and I bought several to my last son. The rest, I don't know much.

  4. 2 hours ago, g33k said:

    It looks... pretty likely, at this point?

    I mean, you have GRRM (GoT guy, most popular TV show in the world) who did a massive sprawling MCU-style superhero'verse (biggest movie franchise in the world), and you ... slow-track your option to produce that ??!?

    I had previously thought Hollywood LIKED profitable shows...

    I enjoyed reading Wild Cards. But the GoT sales by far exceed those of Wild Cards, and the super market is already taken by Disney and Warner. Having a big hit would be difficult and expensive. I grant you Martin's name would be a great help.

    2 hours ago, SDLeary said:

    I'm thinking more of the possibility of the juggling of Hulu's overlords derailing things, or at least pushing them back.

    So true.

  5. 7 hours ago, Simlasa said:

    I can't think of any game I've stopped playing because the publisher didn't have it on an edition treadmill. I've never had someone refuse to play a game because of that reason either... though I suppose that person might be out there, "I will not play any game that has had less than three published editions!"

    As I wrote above, I quit playing Superworld because I thought (and still think) that Champions is better in modeling Superpowered characters, as BRP is better to simulate gritty, lower level games. The lack of support of Superworld is not a reason to quit in itself, but does worsen the problem.

    6 hours ago, g33k said:

    There's a thing where supplements create "buzz" and interest.  People read reviews, people see recruitments online or in FLGS's / etc...

    Right. They also give ideas when lacking inspiration.

    6 hours ago, g33k said:

    If you've got a regular group (congratulations!) and say to them, "I want to run <Older Game X>," your friends are likely to say "sure!"   Matters may differ for others not so blessed...  

    I had such a blessing. This is not the case anymore.

  6. 41 minutes ago, smiorgan said:

    Never looked at or played the French original. It may well be that something was lost in translation.

    I did. Nothing was lost.

    41 minutes ago, smiorgan said:

    Read it at the time. Enjoyed some brilliant bits of background and an elegant incarnation of BRP, clever monsters and interesting magic. The metamorphosis aspect was cool. Yet, I remained cold to the basic premise of the game. It was hard to care for transdimentional parasites and their conflicts with other abstruse cabals. The idea that Nephilim possess human hosts rather than simply reincarnating is off-putting. Then stakes in the basic conflict were somewhat unclear.

    Completely agree.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Zulfikar Zaban said:

    Unfortunately no. I know that it's still popular there. Wish I could get a translated version. Maybe I need to try to learn.

    It's not that it is popular here, but there has been 3 new release since the first that has been translated to english by Chaosium. The last publisher is the licensee for RQG in french (Edge).

  8. I've just checked before answering, but saw nothing. Marc answer is what I found. I can understand Jeff's answer, or at least the rationale behind, but it is not in the rules.

    Apart to that, I think the rules as written are right: the spell is not provided by the cult, but by the god in exchange of your POW. In the case of a spirit magic spell, the cult is doing the teaching, and it is right to request something in exchange, be it silver or cows, but in the case of rune magic, the god is providing the spell, not the cult.

  9. 37 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    It changed in RQ3, but I am an RQ2 boy at heart.

    In RQIII, Orlanth's metal was silver. In RQG, Air/Thunder god's metal is bronze (silver is for lunar gods).

    • Like 1
  10. I stopped playing Superworld when I shifted to Champions around 1988. This was more because I thought the Hero system was better for supers and BRP was better for gritty games than because of the (lack of) support at the time. The fact that there has been 3 new versions of Champions vs nothing for Superworld does in fact reinforce the problem.

    Nephilim is not a Chaosium game. It was developed by Multisim. The Chaosium version I saw was a translation of the french 1st edition. There has been at least 3 other versions in french, but none have been translated. There are still enough french players (of which I am not) to enable the authors to find publishers.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Minlister said:

    Thanks! Do you consider him not part of the clan because he hasn't been initiated by the clan? So blood ties are not sufficient? Do I get your point right? 

    Joerg beat me on the run. See his answer above. He his (for me) right on spot.

  12. 23 minutes ago, Minlister said:

    Fourth, what is the limit of kin-slaying? Let's say that my uncle was captured at Grizzli Peak, he went to live as a slave in Tarsh, but had a son. This son enters the Luanr army, I meet him on a battlefield and I kill him. Do I commit kin-slaying?

    No, he is not part of your clan.

    24 minutes ago, Minlister said:

    Third, do the giant ticks of Crimsie survive if they fall from the bat? Would it be conceivable that some of them haunt the Gejay Hill as a strange chaoticc pack after the bat landed near Runegate and created the Chaos Ground (GM pack, p. 37)

    Seems to me a good plot. I wish your player a good hunting.

    • Thanks 1
  13. I discovered the Hittites by reading Christian Jacq's Ramses. Book 3 is about the battle of Kadesh, what occured before and what followed. It is seen through the egyptian eyes, but a good part of the book takes part in the Hittite capitol and involves the royal family. It was a good introduction (for me). I don't know if the books are available in english, but if they are, I recommend them.

    • Thanks 2
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