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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 5 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    DI doesn't mean that a Divine Entity suddelnly shows up and automatically saves the party. It just means that an aspect of the entity grants a little bit of its power by taking some from the caller, to help it do something that it is capable of, but the caller isn't able to do (or, sacrificed POW for RPs, or has enough CHA, etc.) In the RGQ example, all that is given from the DI is a 6pt Lightning (with the loss of only 1 RP - would have been a bit more sucky if that cost 10RP/POW -b ut maybe the GM would have adjusted the Lightning). Said Lightning did 6D6 - 20pts of damage.. which just happens to hit the head. If the dice had've been nasty, 10RP/POW could have been lost for a measly 5pts of damage, and thus the DI was almost a complete waste of time!

    I'd say - Ancestor Spirits would be quite limited in their abilities to help - much more so than the gods. Maybe cast a couple of spells, or enter spirit combat or something... But, sometimes, something is better than nothing.

    What I understand is that Ancestor spirits are not divine, and are thus prevented to perform divine actions, such as Divine Intervention. I perfectly understand that it can be understood your way. OGWV.

  2. 36 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    If Ancestor Worship gives DI, I would assume it would have to be germane to worship of ones ancestors... perhaps the ability to manifest a great ancestor briefly... As the ancestor will not be in full possession (pun intended, surprise!) of his new senses a penalty mightt be in order. 

    In fact, my reasoning is that when you worship ancestors, you don't worship a god (I know trolls have Kyger Litor as an ancestor), but ... ancestors. Thus, there is no god to intervene, so no DI.

  3. 21 minutes ago, EpicureanDM said:

    I've somehow missed during this discussion that while wyters in the Bestiary have Rune Points included in their listings, the rules say that wyters cast Rune magic using their POW rather than Rune Points. Why exactly do they bother having Rune Points, then? Can Rune Points be used for something other then casting Rune magic?

    I've not yet read the bestiary, so I can't be sure, but for me, Rune Points can be regained. POW points are spent and must be given again by members of the community.

  4. 55 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Wyters of Temples are initiates, as they are Temple Guardians.

    I've forgotten those. Thanks.

    59 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Wyters of Clans, Herobands and Sacred Societies tend not to be Initiates, so probably cannot DI, but some could be, depending on the situation.

    I only thought about those.

    57 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    The wyter of a Troll Clan might be an aspect of the clan founder, for example, so the Saxdorf Clan was founded by Grandmother Sazdorf and their wyter could be an aspect of Grandmother Saxdorf, or perhaps a daughter of Grandmother Sazdorf, in which case it would have DI (unless you play that Ancestor Worshippers don't get DI). 

    I don't see Ancestor worship giving access to DI. Perhaps have I deviated from rules, but this is my perception.

  5. 15 minutes ago, klecser said:

    1. Melee strike rank is always DEX SR+SIZ SR+Wpn SR ? (assume readied)

    2. Missile weapons are DEX SR ?  (assume readied)

    3. Spell is DEX SR + 1 per MP beyond the first? (assume readied)

    4. SR appears to be pre-calculated for Pre-Gens/Scenario Adversary Stat Blocks? But assume a readied weapon?


    As far as I see (there can be mistakes), yes to all your questions.

  6. 2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    RQ2-Glorantha, RQ3-Glorantha, HeroQuest-Glorantha, RQG-Glorantha, 13th-Age-Glorantha, these are all the same game world. It doesn't change depending on what game system you are using. We had this discussion in my old RQ3 group when we started playtesting the Jovanovic RQ4 rules, "If he can't cast all his spells with a duration of 6 weeks any more, my character would notice the change!", which I reject entirely.

    If the game world does not change when the game system change, Hero Wars, and then Heroquest would never had existed. The Glorantha in HW/HQ is not the same than the one in RQIII. This is partly due to a change in vision, but also to the change in game system. And the Glorantha in RQG is not the same than the one in RQ2 or RQIII, in great part due to the changes in the system. The simple fact to have sorcery give a different Gloranthat than RQ2.

  7. More seriously (?), I was part of a party that was in a town where the watch continuously found humans drained of their blood with 1 hole in the neck. We discovered all the murders were done by a duck vampire, rune lord of Vivamort, that drank blood with an iron straw (he had no teeth). We fled.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    Fair point all, I infer that Tywyll and many of us who come to Glorantha from RQ are very new to Wyters. Could some of you great old ones in the know expound a little on why the wyter matters as much as Jeff and the rules are saying. (oh shit what have I done asking these bums a question like that, isn't that like Liam Neeson crying, "Release the Kraken!")

    I concur. On all points.

  9. 1 hour ago, Crel said:

    IIRC Hallucinate only works on its own caster (although it'd give you a nice quick getaway).

    1 RP versus 2 or 3 RP depending on the murderbot's SIZ. But yeah, POW v STR is still... iffy, if they've got a Strength spell up. Probably worse, although failure doesn't hurt as badly.

    Overall I feel like the best answer is still trying to just overwhelm the murderbot with quantity and variety of attacks. Spirit Combat while an air elemental tosses him up in the sky and archers fill him with arrows. Toss in some Lightning or a Thunderbolt for good measure, and don't let him get within MOV of anyone you want to see tomorrow.

    With any other RQ version, I would say a swarm of trollkins with slings and short spears. With the new rule of multiple parries and the opposed rolls rule, I would say swarmS.

  10. 1 minute ago, Tywyll said:

    I feel like I remember reading somewhere that you automatically know what spells are bound into a spirit spell matrix. Simply touching it tells you what the spell is.

    Am I making that up? Is that something from an earlier edition? If I'm wrong, how do you identify spell matrices?

    IIRC, if you are able to use a matrix, you know what it is. If there is no condition on the enchantment, you are able to use it by touching it.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Tywyll said:

    I think Soltakss had the right idea, keep pumping it into general HP (which spreads to limbs). Better to have the buffer internally then rely on weak, weak armor!

    If you're a true munchkin, do both.

  12. 15 minutes ago, Tywyll said:

    If your default power level is so high, I would expect opposition of similar or greater levels to occasionally come your way. 

    Going back in the discussion, of course, here, you are right: If you and your buddy are powerful and show it, the small fry will go in hiding and bigger opposition will show up.

  13. 1 minute ago, Tywyll said:

    Do your players every do strengthening enchantments on themselves?

    In RQIII, yes, but beware to the Criticals that ignore armor. That's why we tended to put the enchantments on the shields themselves: You always substracted the AP of the shield to the damage done.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Tywyll said:

    Meh, I would expect such great heroes would be known by their deeds already.

    But to a degree, power level is tattooed on a character since magical bling can raise your charisma, lots of obvious magical doo-dads and power items do give a 'tell' of a character's potential danger level. And if the characters are running around killing all the Lunars in the area, eventually they are going to send bigger guns after them. Yes of course social skills can help get you out of a pinch, but sometimes the swords come out. If your default power level is so high, I would expect opposition of similar or greater levels to occasionally come your way. 


    This is what Reputation is for. But in RQIII, no Reputation.

  15. 18 minutes ago, Tywyll said:

    My question, beyond Dispel Magic, what do the players do when they encounter a group of characters of equivalent power? How do they resist a hit doing 40-50 damage in one go? 

    In RQG, I don't know: I've never been part of a group with such powerful characters.

    In RQIII, most of the time, they discover the other group is as powerful when somebody draw a weapon. Power level is not tattooed on the face, even if there are hints (iron weapon, for ex.). When a high power level is mutually discovered, most of the time, nothing occurred, because each group was gauging the level of the other, trying to guess the level of protection. This was a time for speakers, and one of our players (a Yelmalio Rune lord/Issaries acolyte) was at his best in such situations.

  16. 10 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    Do you people pronounce "Orlanthi" in a way that it rhymes with "bee" ("OR-lan-thee") or with "sky" ("OR-lan-theye")?

    I'm going with 'bee', but with a shorter sound (I'm french).


    9 hours ago, Addison said:

    Similarly, is it PAY-vis or PAH-vis?

    For me, 'PAH-vis' (ditto).


    7 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    I pronounce it as "h-SUN-chen" with the "h" sort of like "huh" - much like saying "Ge-SUND-heit".

    Same for me.

  17. As Char had to be traded stat for stat, I had a player who wanted to create a vampire, because theonly missing characteristic would have been POW, which is easily (compared to other stats) raisable. After that, we decided that all familiar stats were created with POW, if only to avoid this problem.

  18. On 5/18/2019 at 1:30 PM, Tywyll said:

    True, but RQ4 (the unpublished one) did it Soltakss way, which in play I've found to be the only way to really make the spell worthwhile.

    Granted, the spells in RQ4 were gated at  1/10th of skill, so you would end up with a smaller defense. 

    I didn't knew it. I don't have this one.

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