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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. 8 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Not sure if this was specifically mentioned in the previous 19 pages, but bind yourself a low POW disease spirit (6 or so) so that it'll have a really low Spirit Combat skill, defeat it for the 1D3 POW (as per previous).... Then, Restore Health on its lost POW.

    This saves you all the trouble of the random summons.

    Yes, this one is really egregious.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Mugen said:

    On average, you'll need to wait for 20 rolls before they start taking damage (but it can also happen on turn 1, or after the duration of your spell, of course).

    It's a good thing that the Giant only has ~40% attack skill, even though one hit will be sufficient to miserably end your life....

    Right. Better be prepared to run once you've cast the spell.

  3. Just now, klecser said:

    Thank you, everyone.

    Followup: There is nothing stopping me from telling a player that they can make a Duck that wears armor of the point values common to humans, correct? But at the same time, encumbrance is a significant aspect of RQ, and they would pretty much be making it impossible for them to swim.

    Followup: When you make a Duck adventurer, what do you do? Duck priest/magic combatant? How do you make a Duck "shine" in RQG? 

    Ducks have lower STR than human, so the ENC problem can be very problematic. With the same armors a human is wearing, your duck will barely be able to walk. RQIII had armor ENC depending on SIZ, but not RQG.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Mugen said:

    Well, if we're speaking of 16m high RQ3 Giants (as I was), it's not really easy to suffocate them as they have average CON around 94.

    Oh, it's easy. You just have to wait longer. The problem is staying alive while the giant is suffocating.

    5 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    That's why the sorceror in my game would throw multispelled 1-point Venoms at giants as each 1 point spell was 1 point of damage if it overcame MP.

    Yes, very efficient. Sadly, my character didn't knew Venom.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    That's what Sever Spirit is for.

    Or smother (or steal breath with RQG). One of those CON Roll will be missed, and the damages will be every rounds.

  6. Hello,

    1 hour ago, metcalph said:

    To get away from this, people have resorted to saying this applies only if they learn sorcery. 

    People is me.

    1 hour ago, metcalph said:

    Again a fairly clear mention of being taught sorcery. 

    Yes, but not that it is mandatory.

    1 hour ago, metcalph said:

    People have used the last sentence to infer that the teaching of sorceyr to cult initiates is optional.  All that it means is that the cult does not teach sorcery to lay members.

    No, what I 'used' is :

    RQG p76: Lhankor Mhy cultists may start with up to five points of cult spirit magic or up to three cult sorcery spells. (emphasis not mine, but RAW).

    RQG p76: Cultists trained in sorcery start as having mastered the principles of the Truth Rune and the technique of Command (see page 381).

    RQG p73: If your cult teaches sorcery, you may start with up to three sorcery spells from the cult’s list. If this option is taken, you do not start with any cult spirit magic.

    The 'Cultists trained' means that there are some that are not, and the 'or' means that you can have only one of the two at character creation time.

    1 hour ago, metcalph said:

    Now I dislike the Sorcery is optional interpretation of Lhankor Mhy and provided the more nuanced Sorcery is an ideal earlier in this thread .

    As I already explained, yes, I agree with you ... at world level, but not at rules level.


  7. 1 minute ago, albinoboo said:

    I always felt that Lhankor  Mhy got sorcery so that Prax and Dragon Pass had sorcery available.

    Dragon Pass had sorcery through Heortland, but Heortland is not part of described homelands.

    2 minutes ago, albinoboo said:

    Personally I never liked sorcery and making it Lhankor Mhy sorcery optional means that I can safely ignore it in an Orlanthi context.

    Yes, of course. Your option is perfectly valid. This is part of the reason why I said that this choice given to the players (and GMs) is a good point.

  8. 1 minute ago, metcalph said:

    Do you consider the Guide a RuneQuest product?

    No, it is not. It is sold by chaosium as a systemless world product.

    2 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    Lhankor Mhy is given the Law Rune there,

    Which means RQG and the guide are not in agreement.

    3 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    which RQG p50 states is associated with sorcery.

    OK, for RQG, stasis is associated with sorcery. If my english is not too bad, that does not mean that everything that is stasis is linked to sorcery.

  9. Just now, metcalph said:

    There's is a background to Lhankor Mhy that is far more than just what appears in the RQG rules.  

    That is possible. I have almost everything that has ever be published officially for RQ, but there is not much in it. As I don't have what has been produced for HeroWars/HeroQuest, I can't base my judgement on it. Whatever the case, this multi-game world information should be part of the Glorantha forum. If here in the RQ forum, it should be based only or mostly on what is in RQ products.

  10. 17 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    As to whether Lhankor's sorcery is optional, I would say that knowing sorcery is a cult ideal that is to be expected of every Lhankoring. But Dragon pass and the Wastelands are pretty hazardous places and to be honest, Lhankoring Sorcery is geared for truth seeking rather magical power and so a Lhankoring sorceror is about as useless as an adventurer.  That's why so many learn Spirit and Rune Magics.  Such behaviour is acceptable but it is regrettable in that it falls short of the ideal.

    A Lhankoring seeking to become a Rune master IMO would be obliged in demonstrating some faculty with sorcery.  He doesn't have to be very good at it or even somewhat competent - all he needs to do is to be able to cast a sorcery spell, which is why it's not a requirement in the RQG cult writeups..  In more civilized place, the standards would be higher ("oh, he's still casting spirit magics?  What a buffoon he is!") but the sages of Dragon Pass and Lhankor Mhy don't have that luxury.

    Ruleswise, I think I can't agree with you, but at the worldview level, I like your point of view.

  11. 15 minutes ago, metcalph said:

    Gloranthically Lhankor Mhy has the Law Rune which is associated with sorcery (I'm aware that RQG gives him the stasis rune but that's an artifact of the game system)..  In the HeroQuest: Glorantha, his sorcerous nature is even more explicit than in RQG.

    Perhaps, but this is the RQ forum, and what is in the RQ rules is important. At least more important than what is within HQ rules!

    • Like 2
  12. RAW, it is clear for me that the sorcery part is optional. A character can clearly become a priest without knowing any sorcery. This being said, I also prefer your explanation that it is to provide a choice to the players (not the character), which is a good thing considering the rules are much more complicated than the spirit magic ones.

  13. RQG p76: Lhankor Mhy cultists may start with up to five points of cult spirit magic or up to three cult sorcery spells. (emphasis not mine, but RAW).

    RQG p76: Cultists trained in sorcery start as having mastered the principles of the Truth Rune and the technique of Command (see page 381).

    RQG p73: If your cult teaches sorcery, you may start with up to three sorcery spells from the cult’s list. If this option is taken, you do not start with any cult spirit magic.

    So, Lhankor Mhy initiates MAY (emphasis mine, this time) be sorcerors, by choosing having sorcery and not spirit magic at creation time. Of course, those choosing sorcery may learn spirit spells, and those choosing spirit spells may learn LM sorcery later. I see no prohibition, but LM cultists are clearly (at least for me) not automatically sorcerors: the 'Cultists trained' means that there are some that are not, and the 'or' means that you can have only one of the two at character creation time.

  14. 2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    All LM initiates learn sorcery.

    Where do you find this?

    2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Rune Masters teach cult magic to initiates.

    Yes, this is part of the job.

    2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Therefore all LM Rune Masters teach sorcery.

    See above post.

    2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Sure, there may be a few exceptions where a scholar has devoted their studies mostly to non-magical skills but I think that would be rare.

    Agreed here.

  15. 4 hours ago, metcalph said:

    All runemasters of Lhankor Mhy know and teach sorcery.  They wouldn't be runemasters if they didn't.

    According to cult description (RQG p 76), you can perfectly create a LM initiate without knowing any sorcery. And he can go to priest  (so rune level) with the standard allotment of spirit and rune magic. I personnaly wouldn't loose the opportunity to have my character know sorcery, but it is not mandatory.

  16. 4 hours ago, Joerg said:

    So a RQ2 Rune Lord of Lhankor Mhy (a cult position that in all likelihood doesn't exist in RQG) becomes a source of sorcery in RQG?

    Where do you find that in RQG there is no LM Rune Lords? I've just checked cult description (RQG p 76) and there is nothing on it?

  17. 10 hours ago, styopa said:

    One day I realized ...what if we just take the stat, multiply by 5, and THEN TREAT IT JUST LIKE TRAINING A SKILL?  (and then of course you actually a stat point increase when your 'training' crosses the next multiple of 5) 

    IIRC, this was the official RQIII rule.

  18. 1 hour ago, Mugen said:

    I use the average of SIZ and CON. I also prefer StormBringer-style Major Wounds over localized hit points.

    I don't like thresholds-based tables in BRP in general, as it makes some values much more valuable than others, and opens opportunities for min-maxing (even though there are de facto thresholds with Major Wounds, as it increases by 1 every 4 points of CON+SIZ).


    I hate the major wounds rule and very much prefer the localized HP, but I can not agree more than with your point on the tables and thresholds levels.

  19. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:

    In RQ3, you could get 4 successful checks a season, maybe more. Adventure for a week, then take a week off to do skill checks. Then adventure for another week, then a week off, etc. If your adventures take less than a week you might be able to cram in more.

    Maybe that belongs on the munchkinnery thread.

    Exact, and even with those 4 checks, skills were long to reach the needed 90%. With RQG, learning and training is slower than with RQIII, so I would not even reduce the progression rate by reducing the experience check rate.

  20. 3 hours ago, Jeff said:

    In playtesting, that approach quickly got clunky and confusing for many players. People had no trouble with the idea of using the 1H Spear skill for attacking and parrying, but viewed using their Shield as a separate thing.  Some people like using their shields to parry with, some people like using their attacking weapon to parry with. 

    Getting rid of separate attack/parry skills solved a BIG problem in RQ2/3 where folk had an absurd imbalance in those skills (it also effectively DOUBLES the number of weapon skills characters have). I'd rather have players play around with more minor, character-defining skills like various Lores or Communication skills than double the number of weapon skills. It also added additional complexity to character generation, etc. 

    Thanks for the insight.

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