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Posts posted by Kloster

  1. Why do people prefer hardback for gaming books so often?


    Probably because, if bound correctly, the books are far more resilient when transported in a bag. When I was younger, I moved only with a motorbike and had to transport everything in bags. Hardcover had a better life duration.

    Now, I still prefer them for resilience in the gaming room, even if transport is not a problem anymore.

    Runequestement votre,


  2. Admittedly, I'm not all that up to date on when automatic weapons came into use.

    I have to admit that as I watched the movies again I was thinking of doing an adaption myself.

    I cared very little for the remake.


    IIRC, the 1st submachinegun was the italian Villar-Perosa, during WWI.

    The 1st machinegun was the Maxim, and machineguns were present in all modern armies at the turn of the 20th century.

    Runequestement votre,


  3. Get over it. Im sure his attitude toward the game now is just him jumping on the fanwagon of "Grrrr evil TSR!" "Grrrr evil WotC!" "Grrrr evil MRQ!"

    Hearing everyone complain about MRQ makes me just want to go out and buy it. Other then its just too damn expensive!

    It's not attitude, just plain economy: way too expensive for the quality of what we get.

    Runequestement votre,


  4. You did miss a few things that covered, like a Run skill, but then, I always thought there should be a Run skill too, if you weren't going to roll things into a single Athletics skill.

    IIRC, Run skill is in trollpack (RQIII release) in the trollball section.

    There is an other by Sandy Petersen in TotRM for long distance running (for courriers).

    Runequestement votre,


  5. Maybe, but then it makes stat improvement pretty pointless. What it the advantage up upping your DEX? What I liked about RQ3 was that each point of stat meant something.

    One thing I don't like about CoC and most of Chaosium stuff based off of it is that except for hit points and damage bonus, you stats are meaningless. The statx5% rolls rarely came up, as there was usually a skill that replaced the stat roll. So if a character had a 13 or 17 Strength tended to make little difference.

    That's why I will use the new BRP with the optional skill categories.

    Runequestement votre,


  6. I think the first thing you need to decide is an era. That way you can try to get information on costs and availability for the period you're looking at. I don't know much about the hstory of the Wild West myself, but I'm sure costs must have been very different depending on when the game is set. You also need to set the era so you can create your weapons tables.

    The other approach is to try to do a 200-year (or so) book showing everything with an availability range ( like 1790 to 1830) and a price range. As others have said, location will also be a factor.


    Runequestement votre,


  7. ...or just go with the bit about there needing to be an opening for a priest, there needs to be community support for a priest, etc. Just because a character is mechanically qualified doesn't actually make them a priest.


    (In RQIII, this is where the acolyte comes in and I use it, but I restrict them more than a priest with their magic recovery.)


    True. This point is in the RQIII rules.



    For a couple of posts up, the part about priest/lords skills is strictly RQII. In RQIII there are no skill limitations on priests, and there are no limitations on nonlords, either. Anyone can advance in all skills and go past 100%, regardless of their profession (character class! ;) ).

  8. ...

    I was thinking of a couple of ideas:

    !) Only apply impale effects If the attack penetrates the armor. Basically the impales in the rules were really the ability to find a chink and hurt a person. Against something solid like a tank, the bullet would probably bounce or go splat. I was thinking of Calling this Hardened Armor and it would only apply to vehicles that have been specifically armored as such (like tanks). So you can still impale a Chevy truck.

    2) Maybe have Hardened Armor drop critical hits to impales. That way there is still a chance of small arms firing pulling off a golden BB effect but it would take a critical roll and a high damage roll.

    3) AP rounds of the same tech or higher could ignore HArdened Armor. SO that way an WWII era 76.2mm AP shell will "bounce" off a T-92 Tank, but a modern 120mm APFSDSDU shell will still punch right through.

    I like the 1st 2 ideas.

    For the 3rd, not so much. I would prefer a real AP effect.

    Runequestement votre,


  9. Because some people already see the progress from Initiate- to Priest-levels of POW as too swift, and now we are proposing to give POW-gain rolls for resisting magic too - possibly making it worse.

    As even with the current rules most characters already have 1 check per session (or at least per game), it would not change anything, except allowing to have characters without offensive spells the same rate of progression.

    For me, this is a good thing, because the attack spell don't fit with all background.

    If you want to slow down the trip to rune level, I think it is better to either reinstate the RQII rule that priest are requested to have a POW of at least 18, or to increase the requirements (number of runic spell points, skill levels).

    Runequestement votre,


  10. To be honest in my experience the speed at which POW increases is determined not by how easy it is to get a POW gain roll, but by how easy the roll is to make.

    Unless you junk the whole experience roll system and do your own thing, the bottom line is that you can only have one experience check per skill / characteristics at any one time, and generally only one per "adventure". If you're campaigning and travelling a lot, you might change that to "one per week".

    In my experience, this more or less means that if you're out adventuring, pretty much everyone's going to come back with a POW gain roll (I'm talking RQ here), unless for some reason they don't use magic or don't get into magical attacks or spirit combat - in my games you'd have to deliberately try and avoid these things!

    This meant that at the end of the "adventure", basically everyone would get to make a POW gain roll. Now, *making* the roll, that's another trick entirely... ;-)

    I have the same experience here.

    Runequestement votre,


  11. I hadn't thought of that! But more than one target per caster is specifically excluded (whether via Multispell or not, I'd say). Having checked, I'm surprised to find it is/was not Active, but Passive! Maybe making Harmonize an Active spell would be the way to save it from overpowered oblivion - 'cos it's such fun!

    I used it on an epic 3 way battle between a group of trolls, a group of broos and us (the PCs). One of the broos harmonized a troll and pushed him in the river. I harmonized the broo, which also ran into the river, continuing to drown the troll.

    It was a long time ago, sniff.

    Runequestement votre,


  12. Harmonize from a Jack-o-Bear is a bit different, I believe: stand there till it eats you. Less powerful - but it could get more than one victim at once (I don't think chain-harmonizing was legal with the spell).

    True for the Jack O Bear.

    For the chain harmonizing, IIRC, it implies harmonizing the harmonizer.

    Perfect for dancing, but not very practical in combat (3 or more ways fights are quite rare).

    Runequestement votre,


  13. I think giving a POW gain roll for resisting enemy magic is definitely the ticket - though I'd only give one if the enemy had a higher POW. I like to be stingy with POW gain rolls, as they're orders of magnitude more effective than skill rolls. You still pretty much end up with one per adventure though.

    Same for me. We use that since years.

    Runequestement votre,


  14. Yup. AFFoD was sort of funny. Since it was a low budget film that wasn't expected to go anywhere, they never paid for the rights to use Yojumbo. When the film became an international hit (how many Italian moves make it to screens in the US?), the producers suddenly realized what kind of trouble they were in.

    As for Lucas and the Hiddren Fortress, there are enough differences from the Film version to let it squeak by. Lucas' early drafts with a 50 year old Luke Starkiller escorting a teenage princess and fighting redeeming his old friend Darth Vader, would probably have had to pay Kurosawa something.

    I did notice that Lucas did seem to backtrack on his original statement that the story was told through the eyes of the droids. R2 and CPO aren't in the middle of things in the prequel the way they were in SW. I wonder if that was to distance SW more from HF?

    But at least Lucas has spent some money towards preserving Kurosawa's films and even helped finance RAN.

    True. Now, :focus:, the mighty western (and BRP of course).

    Runequestement votre,


  15. And to make it clear, I didn't want to suggest that the two-stick versions _weren't_ common, and frequently taught. I just was noting it was far from universal, which suggests to me that there are viewed as being downsides to the off-hand weapon here.

    Bottom line is that since I know that its certainly possible to use one handed weapons both to attack and parry with at (within the coarseness of what time means in a melee round) the same time, I don't see any reason to simply limit the system to one parry at a time, and let the player worry about whether he's using his weapon, a possible offhand weapon, or a shield within that round. Its not a perfect simulation, as I'm certain some weapons are easier to parry with than others, but it seems a better one than a blanket exclusion and making a bunch of special cases.

    On that one, we agree.

    Runequestement votre,


  16. Yeah. Although Magnificent Seven was yet another converted samurai film (Kurosawa's Seven Samurai). Being a Kurosawa fan, some of my favorite "westerns" are actually Samurai pics. I guess I'm not alone either. Kursawa said that he made more money off of A Fistfull of Dollars than he did off of Yojimbo.

    Same for me. My favorite is Kagemusha.

    The money he received for the fistful of dollar was not gently given by Leone, though, contrary to the money payed by Yul Brinner. And Lucas never payed for the Hidden Fortress.

    Runequestement votre,


  17. Right. It can use it's own eyesight or it's master's. A particularly nasty tactical application of this that one of my player's Wind Lord has used is as follows:

    1. Wind Lord sneaks up to some place outside a sealed castle wall, and preps all manner of offensive and defensive magic.

    2. Alynx allied spirit (being a cat) finds a way through crooks and crevices into said castle and ends up in rafters or on roof top where he has a good vantage point.

    3. Wind Lord/allied spirit casts Teleport* to put Wind Lord in a strategic location with all of his powerful magic up and his foe's magic not up, and all with surprise. Bonus: the allied spirit still has an unknown vantage point from which to supply magical aid.

    4. Wind Lord kills appropriate foe(s) and as overwhelming forces converge on Wind Lord, Wind Lord Teleports* back out to predetermined temple destination miles away.

    5. Alynx quietly and calmly sneaks out of castle and makes his way cross country to meet up with master. Any wild cat can do this, so a cat with all it's natural instincts plus awakened intelligence and magic would be practically impossible to catch.

    This particular Wind Lord has pulled that tactic off a couple of times. In the mix of that is frequently a handful of very powerful sylphs to really up the death-n-destruction.

    * I can't remember which is Guided Teleport and which is Teleport, but with the pair this is easy to pull off.

    I almost forgot, but the other Wind Lord/Storm Voice that is more of a magical/clerical type than a warrior, has done something similar, but it involved the allied spirit calling down multiple Thunderbolts on people rather than teleporting the character in. It's still nasty as that's pretty much an insta-kill type spell if used correctly with enough castings.

    Waow (Kloster bows). :D

    Runequestement votre,


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