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Everything posted by g33k

  1. g33k

    Runequest reviews

    So long as we're admiring the production values of free-to-dowload core rulebooks for Other Systems, gotta give a shout-out to Eclipse Phase ... wtfo??!? how dey do dat? Clearly, one of those gamers who's becoming a successful gaming millionaire by starting as a multi-millionaire...
  2. This seems like a good place for someone "official" to chime in and point to the "official" banner (if there is one) and/or to remark on any "official" stance by Chaosium on this (or similar) issues ... <hint,hint> So far as I can tell -- but IANAL -- this would seem to fall within "fair use" doctrine in most jurisdictions.
  3. How about Julian May's term, "Metapsychic"?
  4. +1 ... Are these available? From a (very quick) skim of the "Downloads" section, it appears they are not...
  5. Erm... bit of hyperbole, that? Maybe a VERY few products had that kind of revenue & profit; but I believe(1) that, in general, they simply sold "better than average." - Steve, the g33k (1): Having corresponded with a couple of game-publishers (who I have NOT asked permission to give a "reveal" on their info, so I won't state publicly ... but they produced campain/setting books, adventures, monster-books, etc), I've been told that their d20 lines tended to do well, but not fantatstically.
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